Unhandled Exception Occurred (Closed for Alexavious and JadeKnight)

Hans closed his eyes at the announcement, waiting on the pod to open. His heart had been racing a little from all the excitement, so this gave him a few moments to breathe and calm down. As the light began to shine on him, he lifted a hand up to help sheild his eyes. Once his eyes adjusted fully, he carefully pulled himself out of the pod.

He placed one hand on his pod as he took in the bustle of the technicians and guests around him. He spotted Lindsay waiting at the top of the flight deck, smiling as she looked down on them. He made his way carefully through the crowd, making his way to her. He was able to secure an interview with her before their next session, which he spokeswoman seemed very eager for. Thanking her for her time, he moved to join the gathering crowd in the lounge.

Hans had just picked up a chilled bottle of water and opened it when he heard the yell of a young woman's voice calling for him. He looked around for a moment, as it didn't sound like their guide. It took him a few moments to see the young woman who seemed to be embarrassed by what she had down, holding her hands up as she grinned. It also seemed to be the same young redhead that had caught his attention earlier.

"Well, you certainly have quite the set of lungs on you. I'm the Hans you are looking for."

He chuckled as he walked over to her, holding out a second chilled bottle of water for her.
"No way!" Ellie laughed, grabbing the water from him and giving him the biggest grin. "Your shorter than I expected" she joked. Though Hans was a few inches taller, it was nothing compared to the bulky size of his avatar. Still, she found herself glad that it was the handsome man she'd clocked earlier. Up closer, she realised he was a little older than she had first thought. Not that it matter, but clearly he had a youthful voice.

"I'm Ellie, if you hadn't guessed." she said nonchalantly, taking a sip of water and gesturing that they start walking down the corridor. "Hey, it was great playing with you earlier, I don't think I'd have made it through the first fight let alone through that janky boss without you and... jeez, whatever Li was doing. Although that Elf did have some assets I guess but damn that was some computer misuse if I ever saw it."

She took a breath. "Sorry, I forgot to warn you, I talk a lot. It makes for good streaming, not good for conversation making... what were your thoughts on the game? I felt it was designed just as brilliantly as "Battle Guns" though I suppose you could argue that 'The-One' platform is new enough that of course there's going to be bugs but that was pretty intense bugs..."
He laughed at her joke reply, seeing how she got his reference so easily. As they started walking down the corridor, he reached over with his free hand to place it gently at the small of her back. His touch was light, letting her move how she wanted with it.

"Yes, I spotted you earlier when we were gathered for orientation."

He didn't say much more, just letting her talk as she liked. He knew people like her, finding it was often more interesting to just let them talk before getting a word in edgewise. As they approached the the dining area that was setup for them, he finally spoke up.

"Yes, that was quite the first session to have gone through. I think Li was just overwhelmed by everything, but curious as well. I probably wouldn't have done the same thing he had if I was in that position. I'm not sure how immersive they are wanting to get for players, but it seems to be a good start. It's a good concept to go with, since that is probably going to be the future of gaming. There are always going to be bugs in games, just down to how the developers want to handle them."

He paused at one of the tables after pulling away from her, glancing over at the buffett that had been put together for them. It was mostly fast food style with burgers, fries, hot dogs, and a handful of side dishes. He hmmed softly for a moment before looking to her.

"Do you want to eat here or find someplace more filling?"