2015 GB Hall Of Fame Erection Thread

W pulls you vote it in? Would you rather ride it?

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Edgar Allan Bro
May 17, 2001
Would you vote it in? Would you ride it?

I loved my erector set.

When I was young I worked for a short while helping put up steel beams and columns. Mostly strip malls. I kept waiting for the "so what do you do?" question. No one ever asked so I could say, "I do steel erections!"
i wouldn't ride it, or even sit on it - seems a bit too cutting edge for me. gimme a flying carpet any day
Buncha hoors around here, I tell ya. What do you take me for some sort of dong flasher?
Well I'm not! I'm an upstanding citizen and I have never and would never flop out my penis on the internets!
There is no evidence to support these wild and outlandish claims against my person and I will thank you to refrain from any such allegations in the future.
There is no evidence to support these wild and outlandish claims against my person and I will thank you to refrain from any such allegations in the future.

Was going to attempt to stalk all your past posts to gather such evidence but then realized that required effort on my part and decided against it.
I thought there was going to be penises to vote on. If we have to sing to vote, I'm out of here.