200 Stories


Asymmetric Snowflake
Feb 1, 2014
And my 200th story gets off to a solid start, with 1 like, 1 vote and a whole star...


Been writing here for 9 years, reading probably for twice that. I just want to say thanks to everyone for sharing their fantasies with the world.

a stepmother's cunt
should be exposed at all times
for regular use
Interactions are interactions just have to be viewed at the right mind set :sneaky:
Congrats on 200 stories
That's a lot. Congratulations. I've only got 146 to go to catch you, and by that time you'll probably be at 500.
200 submissions is impressive work, but I wouldn't necessarily count them as "stories" in that way.

When I randomly selected and read a couple of your chapters, it was obvious that I was coming into the story mid-stream.

I have 73 submissions, but only 24 stories. I don't consider the submissions which comprise only a chapter of a larger work as stories themselves, but maybe I'm the weird one here.
Nah, fair, but I just meant that of my published works here, 200 are listed as stories.

I will add that most are only 3-5k in length, so that's probably still less than a million words.

ETA: Especially given the number of 750s in the mix.
And my 200th story gets off to a solid start, with 1 like, 1 vote and a whole star...


Been writing here for 9 years, reading probably for twice that. I just want to say thanks to everyone for sharing their fantasies with the world.

a stepmother's cunt
should be exposed at all times
for regular use
Congratulations on number 200!
Cracking work! 9 years and 200 stories. There should be a party or uh I dunno long service leave at least?
I think if your chapters are more or less the same average length as your regular standalone stories, it's perfectly fair to call them all stories, because in terms of effort, they are. That's the case for me. Of my 54 stories 12 are chapters in longer stories, but they're about the same length on average as my standalone stories, so I count them all as stories.
Two hundred is a wonderful number, a double century story threshold. And you do off-beat, amusing, lovely, literate twisted tales.

Congratulations and wishes for many more.
And my 200th story gets off to a solid start, with 1 like, 1 vote and a whole star...


Been writing here for 9 years, reading probably for twice that. I just want to say thanks to everyone for sharing their fantasies with the world.

a stepmother's cunt
should be exposed at all times
for regular use
Congratulations on 200 stories. 🎉🎉🎉
I have 73 submissions, but only 24 stories. I don't consider the submissions which comprise only a chapter of a larger work as stories themselves, but maybe I'm the weird one here.
I wish that Lit would allow chapter additions and show them as one story instead of counting each upload as a separate story.
I will add that most are only 3-5k in length, so that's probably still less than a million words.
I didn't intend to compare you against anyone else. I'm just pointing out the metric may not tell the tale that you want it to. That doesn't take away from your accomplishment, and you should be proud.
I wish that Lit would allow chapter additions and show them as one story instead of counting each upload as a separate story.
The "Series Manager" is confusing, and authors not using it correctly doesn't help. A finished story submitted in chapters which is obviously complete should be marked as such. Having the option in the tool to identify your published submission as chapters rather than a series would also help clarify things. Simply naming it "Story of Mine Chapter 1" doesn't always ring true due to the varying ways that authors submit their work here. That is the biggest challenge.
Very impressive. Congratulations. I've done 10 in six months. 9 Published and one in the can. I'm sure I'm in this for the long haul as well.
Thanks for all the comments. One thought on this: If you ever get to the point where you think, "All the stories I might want to write have been told," or, "I'm drained of all erotic inspiration," then don't worry. Stop trying for a while, and after a couple of months, chances are you'll be struck with a new muse...