id like to do a roleplay on here involving two guys and a girl. All live together in an apartment one guy is single and the other is dating the girl. it will be about my girlfriend going out and getting drinks one night but none of her friends show up...
we can work out the details but what im thinking is she gets drunk there and the single guy picks her up...shes so drunk that shes barely coherent...but she has a very submissive personality anyway so she woulda done it anyway...
the general theme i want is that first thing when he my girlfriend to his place is to eat her out in front of his roomies...after that i supposse hed fuck her really nasty in his room and when she wakes up in the morning she tries to do the walk of shame out but the single guy and the roomates continue to use her for the rest of that day somewhat like forcing her but more cause shes submissive and they just abuse and molest her all day....
just PM me or write on the thread so we can discuss this and maybe get it started...
we can work out the details but what im thinking is she gets drunk there and the single guy picks her up...shes so drunk that shes barely coherent...but she has a very submissive personality anyway so she woulda done it anyway...
the general theme i want is that first thing when he my girlfriend to his place is to eat her out in front of his roomies...after that i supposse hed fuck her really nasty in his room and when she wakes up in the morning she tries to do the walk of shame out but the single guy and the roomates continue to use her for the rest of that day somewhat like forcing her but more cause shes submissive and they just abuse and molest her all day....
just PM me or write on the thread so we can discuss this and maybe get it started...