$17 billion per day


Loves Spam
Jul 5, 2023
$17 billion per day
Total US debt has jumped by $100 BILLION since it crossed $33 trillion exactly one week ago. That's $14.3 billion PER DAY being added to US debt over the last week. Add in ~$3 billion per day of interest expense and that's over $17 billion per day.
Eliminate the Bush and Trump tax breaks and watch most of this problem evaporate.

And institute a wealth tax, and increase the cap on social security taxes, and while you are at it slash the Pentagon's budget in half and use that money to pay off our debt. Since the Pentagon always loses half its budget and has no clue where it has gone they clearly only need half the money.

If you cut the Pentagon budget in half


If the Pentagon loses ha;f its funding and has no clue where it goes

Then there is ZERO for guns and defense


If you cut the Pentagon budget in half


If the Pentagon loses ha;f its funding and has no clue where it goes

Then there is ZERO for guns and defense

You...need to brush up on your math AND your logic, there, pal.
And institute a wealth tax, and increase the cap on social security taxes, and while you are at it slash the Pentagon's budget in half and use that money to pay off our debt. Since the Pentagon always loses half its budget and has no clue where it has gone they clearly only need half the money.

I wouldn't bother slashing the Pentagon for the moment. Trust me they are not losing half their money. That's just BS we are fed. However for the moment throwing money at the military is a good investment at least in the short term.

If you cut the Pentagon budget in half


If the Pentagon loses ha;f its funding and has no clue where it goes

Then there is ZERO for guns and defense


So, you're okay with them losing half the money they were given in their budget with no clue where it went? No, gotta cut wasteful gov't spending from you. Oh right, you guys only on the right only mean that when republicans want to put social security on the chopping block.

LOL and I'm the idiot here?

Newsflash if you're worried about the troops not having the guns to defend us...then we give them less and force them to account for every penny of it or heads will roll. You guys on the right should be on board with that it means all those generals, colonels, and joint chiefs making the military all woke will get sacked. Don't worry about them though I'm sure they have already a second career lined up as executive consultant for Raytheon or some other juggernaut of the Industrial defense complex.
I don't think anybody is okay with half the budget vanishing. Though I really find that number tough to swallow. That's not important at the moment. The troops will get paid. Nobody has attacked America proper since. . .when?

The issue here is the Right genuinely hates the rank and fire American. It really is that fucking simple. We are already suffering a lack of teachers, and nurses are just a half tick behind. We know as EV sales are already picking up by 2040 we are going to need people who specialize in reparing pretty much brand new tech. I'd love to spend even a fraction of the military budget on training people for those careers. But given two choices, one where we train them and one where we have a lot of military we can't win this fight.