1 Bird With 3 Stupid Humans


Owl of Minerva
Mar 23, 2012
This old guy gets bent because he thinks his one neighbor tosses her cigarette butts in his yard at nite, and the neighbor on the other side of him calls code enforcement on him all the time. So here's the plan to fuck all three of them:

I'm gonna pick up some of the butts the smoker throws in her own yard and drop them onto the whiners grass at nite and in the old guy's yard, then I'm calling code enforcement on all three of them. I'm also going to dive bomb all three of their cars and porches.

Stupid humans, vengeance is mine. Damn you and your need for chicken dinners!
I'm gonna windex the windows. :cool:

Nah...ya gotta squeegee them shits....it's the only way to get them clear enough to get that uninhibited, full speed, *thunk* against the glass you're looking for.