007 Challenge



The mansions in the middle
In the middle of farms and barns.

I don’t know where they come from--
Prefabricated phoney folks.

Eat corn at the tractor--pull shows.


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The room might be a mess
Making the bed neatly with
Sheets crisp and tight--

They will never know--

It is like wearing red lips
On a clean and bright
Face so seriously sad--

They will never know---

Five minutes into the coffee--
I swallowed the chunks of sour cream.

It is back to black coffee--
I was off sugar for weeks anyway.

Sugar is the food that feeds--
Infection and inflammation of our emotions.

There is always winter after the fall--
It is hard to pick up the self after the autumn.

It is not slipping on slick leaves--
We fall on invisible ice on steel steps.

The steps that lead to the back door--
Of the bloody beds of Hospitals units.

It is shin splitting.

Titrating up the psychiatric medications--
Is not the same as titrating down the vasopressors.

They psychiatric medications go up as prescribed--
The pressors go down as tolerated evidenced by pressures.

Nursing the nurse is not easy--
It is easier to care for others.

The brain eventually stops fighting the chemical--
The chemical interruption of what you were.

The caterpillar asks: Who are you?

It accepts defeat and a part of yourself is lost--
Compliance is the name of the game.

The alternative is something silly and dangerous.

Accepting treatment is a sad story--
I do not have to believe the organic diagnosis.

I just have to take the pills.

This is not an Alice in Wonderland Syndrome--
Where is the amusement park for your pleasure?

There is no magical thinking.

The therapist is a threat and an asshole--
I almost flipped his desk.

I figured that wasn’t a good grand idea--
So I ran away crying.

The tears tear shred this forgotten hurt--
The erasure of the forgetful.

The therapist is a happy hooker--
He stole my story for delight.

At the expensive of my right red eyes--
He small laughed at me for payment.

He laughed tiny and asked me--
“Are you a threat to yourself?”

He laughed again a loose little laugh.
He could not help me.

It is not his fucking fault; I only wish--
He let me go before listening.
7 late for A

Every angle of her talks,
perhaps lectures, but I suspect
(do not yet know but believe)
every curve purrs

earthquakes. Thus the guard
and bulletproof underwear.

I am no marksman,
but I aim for her head, just the same.

deadbolts are for the dead
this day we live

leave our hollowed pumpkins
and climb into baskets
ravens talon up
up into night where we
unfurl ourselves

carpets for stars
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Every angle of her talks,
perhaps lectures, but I suspect
(do not yet know but believe)
every curve purrs

earthquakes. Thus the guard
and bulletproof underwear.

I am no marksman,
but I aim for her head, just the same.

Just Damn! Loved this

Pikes peak
grande in a venti cup

habits can be whittled down
one syllable at a time

deciduous me
strips for sleep

wind licks me bare

eyes closed head held back
the picture of autumn's beauty
sketched into my veins

winds chill air ruffles the discard
of deciduous leaves
as my breath
trails like winds lightest touch
to watch her heart flutter
in her throat

a moment to wonder
If beauty so ethereal
can disappear in the night air
before teeth scrape flesh
and my mouth floods with heat.

this is the tip
over under balance

where we all fall down

bedded atop leaves oak and maple

roll to trade the top

I love the balance of walking--
The tight rope and the broken glass.

It is a living circus riot--
I don’t like the clowns and flowers.

There are three rings on belts--
And that is the only big top we need.

Because one day they say--
The grass will not be greener.

I don’t want the grassy greener--
That grass is grown in science labs.

The pasture means nothing to me--
I graze on the nothing have none.

And my belly is full.

Trumpet sweeps moondust
off the hems of night. All over our
city. Better, so much better

this (even counting Staten Island)

better this (even when the public
stinks or gets pushy on
the subway) better this--

this--than the imaginative wastelands of Texas.

I could tell you why but that'd require footnotes.
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When the world shrugs us off
because each individual person in the world
was paid or threatened
to look the other way, to ignore the screaming

girl tied to the tree
whose body they later find

when the world shrugs us off
we die. All of the good in us

And all of our words
our poems
our loves
our friends
our chances to further the greater cause of poetry,
they die with us.

And those who look the other way
those who join the gang
those who bully and costume the bully
and placate the bully
or kiss the bully's ass

let fear win
over valor.

Fuck the bullies.
I choose to live.
Kick it if you dare to be an actual
human being. Or be crushed
trembling into leaf dust
by fascists.

shards of shattered glass erupt
flames burst from the bottle to taste carpet
crackles satisfaction before it runs to play
hide and seek on the ceiling

eating oxygen like peanuts
it spews putrid fumes

a mother cries as she cradles her babe's
to her chest

she rests on the grass
smears of soot ring her eyes
smudged like two week old bruises

Tyres squeal off into the full moons murderous light
and it all burns
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She reminds me of hearth fire
light that burns a beacon of comfort
punctures the dark and says come
gather round, joke, laugh, play, have fun

a fire I tend, nurture and protect
I build a hut to keep out the rain
stock up wood for the future
and simply let it be
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It's funny when eyes meet
and something sparks electric charges

later when I know your name
your soft curves come undone in my grasp
my hands a tangle in your hair
minds lost in the centre of thought
that animalistic place of thrust and surrender
where I know you from the inside

you taste of life and cherries
take my breath
leave us both panting chasing air
the sight of sweat
everything wet, a mess of opposites
of hard and soft
rigid and supple

our eyes meet
your laugh breathless
I smile electricity
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He is a sand grain inside the hourglass of life.
-- Time stops because he is so large
He rest lodges in the center of our glass world.
--He is one big sand gravel
Not as fine as the others who do slip through
--And he stays with me without time.

We quicksand our way to what is love.
It's funny when eyes meet
and something sparks electric charges

later when I know your name
your soft curves come undone in my grasp
my hands a tangle in your hair
minds lost in the centre of thought
that animalistic place of thrust and surrender
where I know you from the inside

you taste of life and cherries
take my breath
leave us both panting chasing air
the sight of sweat
everything wet, a mess of opposites
of hard and soft
rigid and supple

our eyes meet
your laugh breathless
I smile electricity

Beautiful staff, Tod!
And I don't mean just this one, I mean everything I read from you whenever I have some spare time.
Keep up the good poetic work, you've got high standards!
Beautiful staff, Tod!
And I don't mean just this one, I mean everything I read from you whenever I have some spare time.
Keep up the good poetic work, you've got high standards!

Thank you pel, have had major work issues the last few weeks so haven't had as much time to read, write or comment, but most of the time I admire your work also.