🧘🏼‍♂️🤾🏻‍♀️Getting Sweaty Again: The 3rd Circuit 🚴🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️


“a tonic”
Mar 17, 2022
Hello Sweaters -

I didn’t realize that my threads would disappear when I left. I’m really sorry that all of our posts are gone. But never fear, hopefully we can revive what we had in the other threads in this one.

So, where are you on your fitness journey?

I am sort of taking stock of where I am now, and where I want to be so that I can make a clear goal. My vague goals are to: build strength, tone, and find something that I enjoy doing on a regular basis. I feel like I’m starting from square 1 after these last couple of crazy years. So it’s time to

Grab your workout partner, or if you don’t have one just hang out with us in here and we can do this together. Or maybe it’ll just be me in here talking to myself which would be ok too.

What are you going to do TODAY? Are you already in a routine that you like? Are you taking that first step? What’s your fitness status update?

SB! Er... LIB! Hello again, anyway :)

I am keeping it really simple nowadays - burpees, squats, pushups, planks, pullups, cycling. There are a few variations here and there, but that's about it. I feel pretty good for it, even though I'm working less intensely than I did maybe a year ago.
That’s simple???
I mean, aside from a bar and my bike, there's no special equipment.
I can vary most of those exercises easily, but there's nothing crazy in there. I guess maybe some flutter kicks/leg raises might find their way in, but I'm not deadlifting, or doing those kettlebell getups (?), or 20 different leg exercises.
I'm a simple man and aiming for simple sets with good form :D
Good morning! I decided to join your thread. I’m drinking more water, getting out walking on nice days (pushing a wheelchair on most) and trying to establish a consistent relationship with exercise.
So glad you’re here. I’m doing the same thing. I need to establish better habits. Or, really any habits. I let myself be lazy over the last few months so now it’s time to start anew.
Covid shutdowns really altered my workouts after quiting the gym.
I converted a spare bedroom into an exercise room, bought a spin bike and put a big screen tv in there. I subscribe to Pelaton (didn't buy their outrageously priced bikes) and it's a better product than I expected and only $13/month. I also do online yoga and pilates classes which I enjoy a lot! I have free weights, bands, foam rollers, blocks...everything I need.
I do however miss my gym friends and the power of the herd to motivate. With spring here biking, hiking and walking outside helps clean the mentally exhaustion world we've in. Hope everyone finds their way to get in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The other day I drank a Yoo-Hoo and pretended I was working my biceps. It’s been WAY too long since I’ve done any real exercise. Luckily I’m very mobile (and sweaty) at work so it burns off the laziness.
But I NEED to get back in the game.
Covid shutdowns really altered my workouts after quiting the gym.
I converted a spare bedroom into an exercise room, bought a spin bike and put a big screen tv in there. I subscribe to Pelaton (didn't buy their outrageously priced bikes) and it's a better product than I expected and only $13/month. I also do online yoga and pilates classes which I enjoy a lot! I have free weights, bands, foam rollers, blocks...everything I need.
I do however miss my gym friends and the power of the herd to motivate. With spring here biking, hiking and walking outside helps clean the mentally exhaustion world we've in. Hope everyone finds their way to get in shape and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I miss, like you said, the power of the herd. Hoping to recreate that a little bit here. But yeah, I feel like I soak up that adrenaline when I’m around others when exercising.
The other day I drank a Yoo-Hoo and pretended I was working my biceps. It’s been WAY too long since I’ve done any real exercise. Luckily I’m very mobile (and sweaty) at work so it burns off the laziness.
But I NEED to get back in the game.
You and me both. It’s going to literally take one step at a time but it’ll happen.
@Love_Is_Blonde. Can I just open up with a quick comment on your presence on Lit?


'Nuff said.

P.S. Do I get the pun in your username? Is that a pun? Did I get it? Did I ... see ... it or am I still blind to it?
That was such a nice comment. I will accept that compliment, but I definitely don’t feel like that here. Just enjoying my little corner of the playground with others who play nicely :)

Oh, and A+ with the puns! I like! :)
So! My update!

First, I'm like totally the average height in my home country but some peeps might rudely characterise me as small. Rude. I'm merely panflexible; you can throw me in any sexual situation and I'm the right size to always be a part of it. 5'7 is the dream. If you're not it, I'm so sorry for you.

... there's a point to this.

In August 2019, I'd worked myself to the bone, and I was 59kg. Apparently, that's not underweight, which is a bit mad because I was emaciated.

By Feb 2021, I was 74kg. By April 2021, I was 82kg. Balloons in the open air rise slower than my weight gain did. Seriously, for my frame, that's medically significantly overweight.

Since then, I've been on a campaign to get that weight down and convert my body into a symbol of resolve. In the words of the Jesus: "Never give up. Never surrender." I think he said that before he ran a marathon for charity or something.

As of today, I'm just under 69kg, with my target weight of 65kg-67kg. That's huge to me, you know? That's a 13kg switch or (a little over 16% total body weight loss).

That should give me a good platform to ease up on calorie restriction and put extra effort into muscle building (biceps, triceps, delts, lats, and traps), muscle toning (abs, obliques, pecs), and a bit more fat conversion (damn quads).

I've been trying to proto-HIIT so far with bursts of cycling mixed with free weights or moves like press ups/burpees/bicycle crunches. Good for keeping that bpm high, right?

So ... this is kind of my statement that - as of today - I feel like I actually have a body worth showing off again. It's been such a hard, erratic year-long campaign to reclaim a healthy body ... and I'm kind of ... glad to be someone who actually had the resolve to see it through. Not just by losing weight; for also accepting that a certain level of weight is good and recommended. That temptation to crash back down to low levels is there and ... don't do it, you know? There's better things to your body than let it evaporate.

As I'm sure everyone here can agree, it's not easy trying to better yourself - whether physically or mentally - and I'm just genuinely delighted that I have some real proof that I can commit to a good idea.

On those lines, I'm here to support you guys too because ... being healthy is such a good concept and you all deserve it. I'll be poking likes and cheering you on because, not only does a little encouragement go a long way, but it's that extra validation that what you are doing is awesome.

Because it is.

Keep sweating, y'all. I love ya!
Hi friends!
I’m going to my trainer 3x a week and he’s great. I’ve made significant progress and am happy going. I’m not motivated enough on the off days for my at home spin bike much, which is weird because I used to do spin 6+ times a week in the Before Times. However, now that the weather is changing, I’m giving myself some grace with harder spin cardio and am going to aim for a brisk walk.
I’m also going to the orthopedist for my fucked up knee and hoping she’s not going to treat me poorly because if my weight. But, anyone in a larger body knows to just anticipate that.
Thanks @Love_Is_Blonde for this thread.

Not sure if this thread is good for my motivation as usually try for rule no lit until self body love is complete for the day...🤣🤣🤣 but mainly on here on weekends so gonna keep thread in my mind to cheer YOU all on!!

After nursing injuries/PT/rest and rebuilding core better over 8 months last year been solely only doing workouts I want and feel like doing that day.

If I feel like hiking, I hike, walking slow, I walk,
Running no more than 2 days a week...
when I want yoga/core, I stretch.
When I weights I do some fav legs or upper body reps... but all pretty random which was needed for this winter...

BUT I am probably ready and need to set a better calendar and start sticking to it but fear the way that used to control me and I didn't listen to my body and injured self/unhealthy medicated thru pain...

Anyways, will be thinking about official goals/plans as those do drive me well but want to do it wisely. Thanks for cheering people on!!!
I don't have specific goals, for me it's about creating and sticking to a sustainable and consistent healthier lifestyle. I like to do yoga or a moderate cardio workout five days a week, and diet-wise it's not eating like as much of an asshole. I've been at this for three years and I do struggle to stay on the wagon. The past three months have been very good though, and I recently also decided to cut out alcohol and cut way back on sugar and I'm seeing gentle progress again!
I don't have specific goals, for me it's about creating and sticking to a sustainable and consistent healthier lifestyle. I like to do yoga or a moderate cardio workout five days a week, and diet-wise it's not eating like as much of an asshole. I've been at this for three years and I do struggle to stay on the wagon. The past three months have been very good though, and I recently also decided to cut out alcohol and cut way back on sugar and I'm seeing gentle progress again!
This sounds awesome. Diet is so key. I think it looks different depending on who you ask, but when I cut out alcohol I can see results pretty quickly.

I wish I liked yoga more! I keep trying it hoping that it’ll really click with me but I just haven’t found my groove. I liked hot yoga the best out of all the classes I’ve taken. I’m going to keep trying different places and hopefully one will feel like home.