😈✨🍺MrTenant's Tavern and Dungeon

Thank you :heart: :heart::heart:
I'm assuming the link is ok
Frankly, I have no idea if the link is okay. I will not click on it. Nothing personal, RJ. You have posted links before, that were not links at all, but google searches. To you, that is fine. To me? That is fucking a nazi. I want nothing to do with those fucking, spying, pieces of shit.

So, an RJ link? No chance I will click on it. Not because I don’t trust you, not because I don’t love you, but because I know, your knowledge of technical issues…. is not… good. Sorry, my love. 🥰🥰🥰
Frankly, I have no idea if the link is okay. I will not click on it. Nothing personal, RJ. You have posted links before, that were not links at all, but google searches. To you, that is fine. To me? That is fucking a nazi. I want nothing to do with those fucking, spying, pieces of shit.

So, an RJ link? No chance I will click on it. Not because I don’t trust you, not because I don’t love you, but because I know, your knowledge of technical issues…. is not… good. Sorry, my love. 🥰🥰🥰
OK, point taken
Anyway, I'm having intermittent power issues, so I'll just try to get some sleep
My TV is on battery backup
In my area of Ohio, USA we only had 3 below normal temperature days in May (so far), the rest of the days have been moderately above normal (heat)
Oh we had a week below the normal temperature as well. Now all these heat days are 5-10 degrees above normal for May. Usually we'd be happy to have +20C by the end of the month - and this week the prognosis days 27-29!
And so I got the young lady on her way to photoshoot 😍 in this weather there's not much doubt I'll have to wash and re-starch the shirt got Saturday...

Even got myself on my way in time 15min lster! Just... Is there possibly any refreshing drink to be had? I've been busy for 3h now, and I have the rest of the evening full-booked.
Yesterday while mopping the floor, the handle broke. I had to do it the old fashioned way, on my knees. Mrs Rj scratched my head...I made a purring noise. This made her verrry 😊 happy.
And so I got the young lady on her way to photoshoot 😍 in this weather there's not much doubt I'll have to wash and re-starch the shirt got Saturday...

Even got myself on my way in time 15min lster! Just... Is there possibly any refreshing drink to be had? I've been busy for 3h now, and I have the rest of the evening full-booked.
How about a fruit salad or punch..