👀 "I Feel So Seen" Memes

Hi, it’s me 🤣

I do know what you mean 🤦🏻‍♀️ LOL my lesbian gamer friend named one of her GTAV cars after Sasha Grey
Does your bf like it? Because mine told me to STOP it, that he never knows what gonna pop up at him when he open my messsages at work. 😆

Some men are boring. I would LOVE it if he send me such messages!! Hell I listen pretty hot audios at work as I work, I kinda love it. Dunno whats wrong with simple message. 😁
Does your bf like it? Because mine told me to STOP it, that he never knows what gonna pop up at him when he open my messsages at work. 😆

Some men are boring. I would LOVE it if he send me such messages!! Hell I listen pretty hot audios at work as I work, I kinda love it. Dunno whats wrong with simple message. 😁

Not quite boyfriend, but @Btq97 pretty much told me to go bed twice last night before saying he had work to do 😜 and freaked out a lil the first time I put tit pics in our Skype chat, not knowing he had it open on his work computer, not phone. Have made more of an effort to make sure no one has his screen in their line of sight before sending pics since then, but may have forgotten once or twice. I think he uuusually likes it though.
Have had varying results with other members of Team Kitty. Or maybe just 1 who got tired of my antics? And 2 who also seem to like it. Best friend/ex-BF/on-again-off-again-FWB lovvved it.