🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 2: A collaboration between two or more artists
My two favorite things about this one, other than everything, is that this was supposed to be a blind collaboration while they were in the same studio. This was a studio jam session. They laid down the music first, then Freddie would go into the booth and record a verse, followed by David, back and forth, without hearing what the other singer was doing. But David would stand just outside the door and listen to Freddie on the playback speaker, then sneak off before anyone came out.

On the music end, they were creating the music from scratch in the studio as well. John Deacon was noodling around, and came up with the famous bass line. Then he went out to get pizzas, and couldn't remember it when he got back. Luckily, Roger was able to remind him, and Vanilla Ice's career was saved. Or maybe not "luckily..."

"This is our last dance/This is ourselves..." is one of my all-time favorite lyrics from either artist.
Day 2: A collaboration between 2 or more artists

I was looking for something sweet, soulful for this, and there are lots of those. But I am still having problems waking up, so I went less...sweet.

In 1987 Public Enemy put out "Bring the Noise" on the soundtrack to Less than Zero. In it, they named dropped Anthrax. Anthrax reached out to PE to do a collaboration on it. Chuck D didn't think much of it, and didn't think the thrash band would take it seriously. Then he heard it. And then the two bands toured together. Per Chuck, Anthrax originally "wiped the floor" with them, requiring PE to up their stage game. I saw them on this tour, late, when both groups were at a fever pitch. It was amazing. And the crowed was too, with two vastly different fan bases (and a bunch of us who loved them both). It should have been a mess. It was entirely not. Both fan bases got on beautifully, and if more of the world were like an Anthrax/Public Enemy show, it would be a better place.

"Bring the Noise," Public Enemy and Anthrax

Day 2: A collaboration between two or more artists
Immediately I thought of Such Great Heights by The Postal Service.

The Postal Service formed in Seattle, Washington in 2001.

The band started life as a side project for singer Ben Gibbard of Death Cab For Cutie and producer Jimmy Tamborello of Dntel, Headset and Figurine.

The group's name comes from the manner in which their songs were written, due to the fact that the two of them lived too far away to be able to work together in person. Tamborello would create beats and mail them to singer and lyricist Gibbard, who would then edit them and put his melodies over the tracks and mail them back. Gibbard didn't write any of the lyrics until the tracks were completely finished.

Such Great Heights - The Postal Service

Day 3: A lesser known song from a favorite artist

Sitting Still - R.E.M.

just one of THOSE songs... it sits in your mind, chugging in the background and one day, in this case, a sunny Spring day when the air is just warm enough and the light is mine, when the world seems to be waking from a slumber, buzzing with life again, that feeling inside that maybe, just maybe, that life isn't totally shit, this plays in your head, the jangle of the guitar, the snap of the drums at the starts and that beautiful yearning call of "I can hear you."
Day 2: A collaboration between 2 or more artists

I would be remiss if I didn't post a song by Avantasia for day two considering the entire project that Tobias Sammet has ventured on is all collaborative.

Avantasia - Moonglow (feat. Candice Night)
