🎵 Monthly Song Challenge 🎵

Day 17: A song that mentions an insect

Ramones two days in a row! Don't mind if I do...

I think this song perfectly encapsulates what punk is about.
It's short, simple, it has a heavy message, it speaks to the listener in a way that often only music can do. Oxymoronic in it's hilarity and depressiveness.

Joey struggled heavily with mental health issues throughout his life, most prominently his OCD which often left him completely debilitated. He was often late to shows, some times spending half an hour trying to make the little half-step onto the stage in the right way. It was so severe that he was hospitalized for it, which lead to his untimely death at only 49 years of age.

He'd been diagnosed with lymphoma. On his way home from one of the doctors appointments, his OCD flared up and he could not stop himself from turning around, walking back to the doc' just to check that he closed the door properly when leaving. A slick of ice, and Joey slipped. He fractured his hip, badly. This messed up his ongoing treatment of said cancer, as doctors had to take him off of his immune-suppresants to operate on his hip.

He was dead within the year.

But up to that final chapter of his life, he fought. To do what he loved. What we loved him for.
Singing his god damn motherfucking heart out.

Gonna crawl in a hole
nobody's my friend
i'm no good to anyone
i want some dirt...

I'm a wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-wah-worm man

Ramones - Worm Man

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Day 17: A song that mentions an insect

So I started out by taking a specific, random, disgusting insect just to see if I could think of a song that included it. I chose tick. And almost immediately the verse cowritten by those talented wordsmiths Country Dick Montana and Mojo Nixon popped into my head - “I can suck on you honey, like a bucket of ticks”. Such timeless prose. Bonus that the song also goes on to say “I don’t need no Monkey to pick my fleas”, and wraps it all up with a reference to the birds and the bees for an insect trifecta.

The Beat Farmers - King of Sleaze

Day 17: A song that mentions an insect

James - Skullduggery

From the early days, memories of dancing like a maniac to this... waiting for the sudden stop.

"An earwig crawled into my ear, made a meal of the wax and hair, phoned friends, had an insect party..."
I love James, but that image is such a squick for me (thanks to a horrific episode of Night Gallery on TV when I was a kid) that I just can't....
Day 17: A song that mentions an insect

On candy-stripe legs the spiderman comes
Softly through the shadow of the evening sun
Stealing past the windows of the blissfully dead
Looking for the victim shivering in bed
Searching out fear in the gathering gloom
And suddenly a movement in the corner of the room
And there is nothing I can do when I realise with fright
That the spiderman is having me for dinner tonight

Lulluaby-The Cure
Day 17: A song that mentions an insect

I evicted a black widow from my backyard last night so maybe spiders are still on my mind...I just remembered spiders aren't insects 😭 Fuck it, I really like this song and I've seen other arachnid songs posted so hopefully our lovely host isn't going to get too technical today.

Sonia Lee and Daphne Willis - Spider in the Roses
Day 17: A song that mentions an insect

Just listen. Trust me.

Come to Australia - Scared Weird Little Guys
Proper clothing for tourists visiting Australia? Works as a sunblock too. :D

One my favorite songwriters.

There's flies in the kitchen
I can hear 'em there buzzin'
And I ain't done nothing
Since I woke up today

I remember the merch table at one of his concerts years ago was selling, among other things, flyswatters that had that lyric printed on them :ROFLMAO:
Day 17: A song that mentions an insect
She spreads herself wide open
To let the insects in
She leaves a trail of honey
To show me where she's been
She has the blood of reptile
Just underneath her skin
Seeds from a thousand others
Drip down from within
Oh, my beautiful liar
Oh, my precious whore
My disease, my infection
I am so impure