♥♥♥ Battle of the Sexes ♥♥♥

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Priss's 3irty 4hore
Jun 29, 2014
PrissOff and SimoneLisbon share the responsibilities of this game thread as BattleBitch...

Men add a number to the total.
Women subtract a number from the total.

Object - Getting the number as high or low as you can (Up to 500/-500). If the count gets off a little when there are a lot of posters, it's okay ... people are posting to flirt and have fun, afterall. Also, when a game is won, please PM either PrissOff or SimoneLisbon so that we may update the win/loss record.

The rules .. You can only raise or lower the total 1 number at a time. You can't post again until another person posts.

We start at 0.
example .. Starting at 0 .. a girl would post -1 a guy would make it 1, etc.

The game continues til either the men hit 500, or the ladies hit -500. The next poster may then restart the game at 0.

Ready, set, go!

1. On Jan. 22, 2012 - The ladies won the first round, making it to -500+ first. WTG gals!

2. On Feb. 9, 2012 - The men answered back with a win. Good job Gentlemen! *s*

3. On Feb. 12, 2012 - The guys ran it again for another win. Way to go men!! Now get up, stretch your legs and let the blood flow back into your asses *s*

4. On Feb. 24, 2012 - The guys pulled out another victory! Way to go, lads! Looks like you're unstoppable *s*

5. On Feb. 26, 2012 - The gals brought another victory home. Way to break the streak, chicas!

6. On Mar. 5, 2012 - The men gained yet another victory. You go, boys!

7. On Mar. 17, 2012 - The women brought their "A" game and took a victory. Way to go, gals!

8. On Mar. 18, 2012 - The women brought home a back to back victory! You rock ladies!

9. On Mar. 18, 2012 - Holy Guacamole Batman! Thrice you say?? Yep. The ladies brought home 3 in a row in LESS than 2 days. You rocked it girls!!!

10. On Mar. 24, 2012 - The girls brought it home again. YaY! Congrats ... but ..Where are you guys?!

11. On Mar. 30, 2012 - The women have now won 5 in a row! Congrats! Towards the end we at least saw the men participating. Can they make a comeback?! Stay tuned ...

12. On April 20, 2012 - The guys brought their A game and cinched their 5th victory in BOTS!!

13. On June 14, 2012 - Our girlies pulled out yet another win!

14. On June 29, 2012 - The Gents won their 6th battle. Congrats *s*

15. On July 21, 2012 - Our guys took 2 in a row! Way to go :)

16. On Aug. 1, 2012 - Ladies took another one! *s*

17. On Aug. 29, 2012 - The lads defeated the lasses. :)

18. On Sept. 13, 2012 - The girls upped their lead with another victory~!

19. On Oct. 9, 2012 - Way to go ladies, you're up to 11 wins!

20. On Oct. 21, 2012 - The Men won yet another round.

21. On Nov. 2, 2012 - You gals are awesome! Your 12th win!

22. On Nov. 11, 2012 - The ladies did it again!

23. On Dec. 1, 2012 - The ladies brought home the trifecta! Way to go!!

24. On Dec. 14, 2012 - Talk about multiples! Oh yeah! The ladies go 4 it!

25. On Dec. 28, 2012 - All I can say is 5!!

26. On Jan. 19, 2013 - This is getting embarrassing for the guys! 6 in a row!

27. On Jan. 31, 2013 - Yet another round goes to the ladies. Lucky number 7.

28. On Feb. 10, 2013 - The Men have given up, me thinks! #8 for the chicas.

29. On Feb. 22, 2013 - The women seem to really like having multiples! 9.

30. On Mar. 27, 2013 - The ladies shockingly won yet again. 10!

31. On April 23, 2013 - Oops! We did it again. *s*

32. On May, 9, 2013 - The ladies made the Men their bitches, once again!

33. On May 14,2013 - Sing it with us! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Are the Champions! My gals, and I!

34. On May 23, 2013 - Follow it up with Weeeee Will Weeeee Will Beat YOU! 14 in a Row!!

35. On May 26, 2013 - Yes, just 3 days later, the ladies stomped the yard, again. 15!!

36. On May 30,2013 - Time of death was called ... and an ass lickin .. errrrm, kickin was served. *s*

37. On June 8, 2013 - Nailed 'Em again *s* - I don't think the ladies can be stopped at this point. (Happy Early Birthday Simmie x x)

38. On June 28, 2013 - I knew that Men were easy, but DANG! Beat 'em again!

39. On July 27, 2013 - Once again .. Ah hell, it's really not a surprise anymore. Though this does make WIN # 30!! Way to Go, Ladies! x x

40. On July 30, 2013 -20 GAMES IN A ROW! Wait, can you smell that? We call it a skunk. *s*

41. On Aug. 7, 2013 - Like it's a shocker?! The women chalk another up.

42. On Aug. 23, 2013 - A mere 16 days after our last victory, another one is added to the books!

43. On Sept. 8, 2013 - The Men FINALLY break their 22 game losing streak!

44. On Sept. 29, 2013 - The guys brought home their 2nd in a row! WTG *s*

45. On Oct. 9, 2013 - The guys do it with style! A ménage à trois!

46. On Oct. 27, 2013 - Ladies had to show them who's boss! Brought one home.

47. On Nov. 12, 2013 - Way to go, fella's! You got another one under your belts!

48. On Nov. 24,2013 - The Men are on a roll with 2 in a row!

49. On Dec. 17, 2013 - Chalk up a 3rd win for the guys.

50. On Dec. 23, 2013 - The Men have their first foursome!

51. On Dec. 30, 2013 - The Men pull their fifth win in a row!

52. On Jan. 20, 2014 - Oops, the guys have done it again with their 6th back to back win!

53. On Jan. 29, 2014 - The women slide in a long overdue win. WTG Lit Ladies!

54. On Feb. 1, 2014 - The Ladies quickly wrap up a 2nd win a row!

55. On Feb. 9, 2014 - Not one, not two, but three wins in row for the women!

56. On Feb. 15, 2014 - Call the ladies butter because they're on a roll...4 wins in row!

57. On Feb. 22, 2014 - The ladies go down on the boys for their 5th win in row...Woo Hoo!!!

58. On Mar. 4, 2014 - The men broke the winning streak of the ladies and secured a victory for themselves.

59. On Mar. 22, 2014 - The men secured their second win in row. WTG Guys!!!

60. On Apr. 19, 2014 - Oh, the boys, boys, boys, did it again.

61. On May 15, 2014 - The girls snatched victory from the maws of the boys who were chomping it to bits...

62. On May 23, 2014 - Two in row ladies, WTG!!

63. On June 21, 2014 - Slow and steady wins the ladies their 3rd win in a row!

64. On July 9, 2014 - The women battle their way to 4 wins in row!!!

65. On July 9, 2014 - The ladies pulled off the first ever TWO WINS one day!!! WTG...

66. On July 18, 2014 - The men broke the streak with a victory of their own!! Good job, guys!

67. On July 21, 2014 - Challenge accepted and answered as the ladies run in a win after the guy's first -400 to 500 win...

68. On July 22, 2014 - Less than 2 hours after the last win, the ladies did it again...for fun...

69. On July 23, 2014 - Nobody likes a 69 more than the men, except maybe for the LADIES! Game #69 went to us .. 3 in a row *s*

70. On July 24, 2014 - It's raining men! Just kidding .. It was a Buy One Get One Free ass-kickin' kind of day for the Gents.

71. On July 25, 2014 - Well is it a surprise? Probably not...the ladies slapped that male booty again...

72. On July 26, 2014 - The ladies get their fiftieth win...Woo Hoo!!!

73. On Aug. 9, 2014 - The ladies whooped that ass again for 7 in a row! :)

74. On Aug. 17, 2014 - Once again! This is getting embarrassing :eek:... we'll take it though!

75. On Oct. 3, 2014 - This was a long one, but in the end, a mercy victory to get the game over with. 9 in a row, ladies. *s*

76. On Oct. 8, 2014 - Pigs flew, ice skating in hell, and the men won!!!

77. On Oct. 9, 2014 - Another game to the ladies...WTG!!!

78. On Oct. 17, 2014 - The men took one for their team...A win that is...

79. On Nov. 25, 2014 - The ladies said we shall win one for the cyber-FUCK of it to poker but...

80. On Dec. 20, 2014 - The 80th game played goes to the men...WTG guys...

81. On Jan. 14, 2015 - The boys rack up the first win of the new year...

82. On Jan. 28, 2015 - We came, we saw ... Suck it, boys! Least we can find ours *s*

83. On Jan. 28, 2015 - The ladies decided to knock out another win...2 in one day...Nicely done ladies!!!

84. On Mar. 11, 2015 - The guys brought one home for the team! WTG gents*s*

85. On Mar. 26, 2015 - The ladies came, saw and kicked some ass!

86. On Mar. 29, 2015 - Girls Rule with a second win this week!!!

87. On Apr. 10, 2015 - The women decided to make April fools of the men with a 3rd win in a row...

88. On Apr. 15, 2015 - On tax day 2015 the ladies were like the IRS, they always get their win(money)...

89. On Apr. 26, 2015 - The women of Lit decided to win again, again, again, again and again...5 in row!!! WTG!!!

90. On Jun. 16, 2015 - The men decided to play for the Stanley Cup, er, uh, win a game...

91. On Jun. 23, 2015 - The boys got two wins in a row...WTG guys!!!

92. On Jul. 6, 2015 - The ladies stopped the guys and grabbed a win of their own!

93. On Jul. 12, 2015 - The ladies rang another win in!!!

94. On Jul. 16, 2015 - The girls won it again, again, and once more for good luck!!!

95. On Jul. 28, 2015 - The women of Lit danced :nana: away with yet another win...

96. On Aug. 6, 2015 - The sexy chicas of Lit won yet another game in the Battle of the Sexes!!!

97. On Aug. 15, 2015 - EXTRA!!! EXTRA!!! The Females Won a Battle!!! (as if this is news to the males)...

98. On Aug. 29, 2015 - I'm *yawning* tired of saying it over and over again...Yup, most recent victory to the WOMEN of Lit...The cherry on top, our 69th win...

Fellas have you stopped trying to battle US and conceded the win? Cuz that kind of thinking comes from weak ass MEN...

Women - 69 Wins
Men - 29
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