•·.·´¯`·.·• S ω є є ŧ и є s s •·.·´¯`·.·•

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You can put that post anywhere and it would cause laughter, it's comedy gold.

Guy: Have anything for the coffee?

Girl: So, lactation gets ya, huh? Good to know. ;)

lol.. So did I just write something signature worthy? :D lol
What is sushi?

It's a japanese delicacy, essential it's extremely fresh fish (less than a day caught) raw with vegetables, cooked shellfish meat (like crab or lobster) wrapped in rice and dried seaweed. you dip them in soy sauce, it's really good.
It's a japanese delicacy, essential it's extremely fresh fish (less than a day caught) raw with vegetables, cooked shellfish meat (like crab or lobster) wrapped in rice and dried seaweed. you dip them in soy sauce, it's really good.

Jabs took the high road too. Good for us! :D
Sweetness, can I lick and pet your pussy? I bet it squirts just like your nipples. :D
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