“We Don’t Condone Heroics” Says Pussifying School


Jan 23, 2011
“We Don’t Condone Heroics” Says Pussifying School

A Canadian student in Calgary has been suspended for saving the life of a classmate from a knife-wielding bully, according to the National Post.

13-year-old Briar MacLean stepped in between an assailant, whose name has not been released, who was brandishing a knife while attacking another student. MacLean pushed the attacker away, and the bully was subdued.

MacLean was thanked by the victim; the young man then went about his day at school. However, several periods later, according to both Briar and the school, he “got called to the office and… wasn’t able to leave until the end of the day.” He received the equivalent of in-school suspension.

The reason? A teacher had seen what MacLean had done, told the principle, who then phoned the police… on Briar. The police then searched the young man’s locker and he was asked for a statement.

Briar’s mother, Leah O’Donnell, recalled asking the teacher who reported her son about the incident: “I asked: ‘In the time it would have taken him to go get a teacher, could that kid’s throat have been slit?’ She said yes, but that’s beside the point. That we ‘don’t condone heroics in this school.’ ”

Read more at http://iowntheworld.com/blog/#sWrhvgKEDUTyFU6q.99
Just goes to show you that US schools aren't the only ones pussified by lazy liberals.
“We Don’t Condone Heroics” Says Pussifying School

A Canadian student in Calgary has been suspended for saving the life of a classmate from a knife-wielding bully, according to the National Post.

13-year-old Briar MacLean stepped in between an assailant, whose name has not been released, who was brandishing a knife while attacking another student. MacLean pushed the attacker away, and the bully was subdued.

MacLean was thanked by the victim; the young man then went about his day at school. However, several periods later, according to both Briar and the school, he “got called to the office and… wasn’t able to leave until the end of the day.” He received the equivalent of in-school suspension.

The reason? A teacher had seen what MacLean had done, told the principle, who then phoned the police… on Briar. The police then searched the young man’s locker and he was asked for a statement.

Briar’s mother, Leah O’Donnell, recalled asking the teacher who reported her son about the incident: “I asked: ‘In the time it would have taken him to go get a teacher, could that kid’s throat have been slit?’ She said yes, but that’s beside the point. That we ‘don’t condone heroics in this school.’ ”

Read more at http://iowntheworld.com/blog/#sWrhvgKEDUTyFU6q.99
You know what is sad? You have so little credibility I won't bother to investigate this story.
You know what?

I don't give a shit:D
I know that too. That's kind of the point. I could make a reasonable point and you would say "i don't give a shit.". It's not interesting or informative to try to debate with you.
Imagine that the story is true, but that the school actually praised the action of the student. Now imagine the outrage of the parents when they learned about how the school is encouraging kids to risk their necks to be vigilantes.
The white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people of color communities because they don’t have a racial justice frame.” Wait….it’s those who oppose Obama that are racists, right? I’m beginning to forget…
I know that too. That's kind of the point. I could make a reasonable point and you would say "i don't give a shit.". It's not interesting or informative to try to debate with you.

you are wrong

it is VERY INTERESTING and VERY INFORMATIVE to debate with me.....more so then any other poster on LOIT

but MINDLESS toads, (like you) screech

You know what is sad? You have so little credibility I won't bother to investigate this story.
I know that too. That's kind of the point. I could make a reasonable point and you would say "i don't give a shit.". It's not interesting or informative to try to debate with you.

you voted for Obama


I betcha:)
You know what is sad? You have so little credibility I won't bother to investigate this story.

You see, the basic problem is that you 'care' if the story is true, false or whatever.

That hinders good Lit. It is far better to just comment on every lit thread as if the OP is truth handed down by FIGITS. We get far better lit if you don't waste a lot of time in research before handing out snark.
The zero-tolerance war on kindergarteners

Posted by William A. Jacobson Sunday, June 2, 2013 at 9:00am

Even talking about Bubble and Nerf guns gets punished.

We’ve previously covered the gun-shaped breakfast pastry, a pencil pointed like a gun, and a Quarter-size Lego piece. Hot Air also has the story of the 5-year old who brought a cap gun to school.

The zero-tolerance war on young children who innocently bring something that looks like a gun to school is pathological bordering on mental abuse.

Here are four more recent examples, including instances where the young child merely talked about things such as a Nerf or Bubble gun.

1. 6-year old suspended for bringing clear plastic toy gun to show and tell.

2. 5 year-old suspended for making Lego Gun

3. 5-year old talks — yes talks — about Bubble Gun

Pennsylvania girl, 5, suspended for talk of ‘shooting’ a Hello Kitty ‘bubble gun’:

A 5-year-old girl chats up classmates while waiting for the bus after school. The topic: Playing with a Hello Kitty “bubble gun” that, with the flick of a finger, blows bubbles everywhere.

“I’ll shoot you, you shoot me, and we’ll all play together,” the kindergartner says.

The next day, that remark — which was made innocently, according to the lawyer for the girl’s family, who related the story — landed the young central Pennsylvanian child in the principal’s office.

Soon after, she was sent home after being issued a 10-day suspension for a “terroristic threat,” as indicated on the suspension form signed by Mount Carmel Area Elementary School Principal Susan Nestico. That and other documents were provided to CNN by Robin Ficker, the lawyer representing the girl and her mother.

4. First Grader talks — yes talks — about Nerf Guns

Pasco School District overturns 6-year-old’s suspension for discussing toy gun

The Pasco School District has overturned the suspension of a 6-year-old boy who talked about his toy guns at school.Mike Aguirre’s son Noah, a first-grader at James McGee Elementary School, was sent home Feb. 28 after another student told their teacher that Noah had a gun with him.

Noah had no gun, toy or otherwise, but Aguirre said his son still was punished for talking with other students about the Nerf guns the family recently bought during a trip to Lincoln City, Ore.

Aguirre said he and his wife were told their son was suspended for talking about guns at school, and because the girl who reported him felt her “health and safety were threatened” when they were called to the school last week. Officials said the issue is addressed in the district’s discipline handbook in the section on student rights and responsibilities.

But Aguirre said there’s no provision that students are prohibited from talking about guns at school, nor did the district provide evidence that the boy threatened to harm a student.
After the fire at Sir John A. Macdonald junior high, the principal stated she was proud that 22 students had died, an 11% increase from the last fire.

"It just shows that our policy of not condoning heroics is working" said the vice principal