“Mystery Woman” sub-challenge within 750 words

This is why I turn off ratings on all my stories here. My skin is thick but it’s not invincible.
I know you you feel @pink_silk_glove My 750-0 Mystery Woman really got beaten up. She's clawed her way up to 4.44 from 3.2 and poor 750-08 John and Macy clawed their way up to 4.35 from 3. Is there an H in their futures? I really don't know. We'll see after Laurel cleans house on Valentines Day. This is why I tally my 750 words separately from the full size stories.

Actually it sounds like you missed the point. I really don't care that the score is 3.5 or 3.8 or 4.0 or if it ever gets a red H. I actually see all of this as positive as I've never had a story get 11 votes and 4 comments in just three days before. This means that I'm getting eyeballs and making connections. My remarks about the nature of the comments are also simply objective analysis based on the feedback in the comments. And on top of that, my entire catalog is getting a boost.
Actually it sounds like you missed the point. I really don't care that the score is 3.5 or 3.8 or 4.0 or if it ever gets a red H. I actually see all of this as positive as I've never had a story get 11 votes and 4 comments in just three days before. This means that I'm getting eyeballs and making connections. My remarks about the nature of the comments are also simply objective analysis based on the feedback in the comments. And on top of that, my entire catalog is getting a boost.
I apologize!!! I did miss the point.

Believe me, the more you do these challenges and contests the more the readers are going to know you. in 2 years you're going to write stories and you'll get 1,000 or 2,000 views on day one, maybe 75 to 100 votes. It's going to happen. Stay true to your writing and respect your readers and it will.
Believe me, the more you do these challenges and contests the more the readers are going to know you. in 2 years you're going to write stories and you'll get 1,000 or 2,000 views on day one, maybe 75 to 100 votes. It's going to happen. Stay true to your writing and respect your readers and it will.

Absolutely! :)
I apologize!!! I did miss the point.

Believe me, the more you do these challenges and contests the more the readers are going to know you. in 2 years you're going to write stories and you'll get 1,000 or 2,000 views on day one, maybe 75 to 100 votes. It's going to happen. Stay true to your writing and respect your readers and it will.
I have noticed a lot of my older stuff has been getting a lot of traffic since I started pushing out these 750 word pieces.
I have noticed a lot of my older stuff has been getting a lot of traffic since I started pushing out these 750 word pieces.

Yes, the lesser known you are, new submissions can be huge promotions for your catalog. The more known you are, the fans find you anyways but even then I'm sure you still get a boost.
I have noticed a lot of my older stuff has been getting a lot of traffic since I started pushing out these 750 word pieces.
Yep. My older stories often double or better in views when I release new work. In that way alone, 750 stories are worth doing.
I have noticed a lot of my older stuff has been getting a lot of traffic since I started pushing out these 750 word pieces.
You should see what placing in a contest does to your traffic!!! I'm not eligible for placing in the Valentines Day contest but I threw Friend Zoned together real quick - 20K views and 900 votes in a month and a half.
When I posted that it was the lowest it was indeed the lowest at 3.78. Soon after it lifted to 3.82 from 11 votes. This morning it is even 4 from 11 votes so either something was swept out or someone changed their vote. I figured that it would be around 3.5 but having no real feel for this category (L&T) thought there might be a chance that it could go higher as it's certainly not non-erotic. The comments that range from 'meh' to 'shitty' however show that the audience is looking for nice likable characters and/or altruistic faptastic unicorns (at least so far). When you give them the opposite, it doesn't matter how interesting your bad character might be or how much style or flair you use in presenting her. They'll let you know that you didn't follow the rules even if they admit that it is well-crafted and of generally high quality.

If my piece was posted to a standard literary site (a non-porn site) it would probably get significantly more praise, or if the character presented as such was done as one decadent side character within a novel, she'd be viewed quite positively as more fun and vibrant, but in a short vignette all she does is ruin the stroke experience.

Maybe the feedback will become more positive, we'll see. But what I do know is that of all seven of my submissions, this one has drawn the most reaction (despite being in an invisible category), which says that it's working very well. Also despite the generally negative reaction, it has also sparked some new decent positive reactions in the rest of my stories. It has been good advertising.
I was really betting on the dick sucking one I wrote, Uncut.
I wouldn't say that. And the upside is that it's short enough you can re-edit and submit before the end of the month.

It's a very cool idea for a mystery woman.
I might do that. I agree, I did spend a bit too much time on the lead up. I might think about rewriting it, or expanding on it, but no promises. I might've slogged out three of them, but my priorty is on another story, then about another four or so. They were just a palette cleanser. When that story is done, I have the outline to finish for its follow up, two others to finish, one or two original fiction pieces, at least one fan fic to write and another to finish, those two incest stories on my other account to get back at. Could be the fourth of Marchapriluary by the time I can spare cognitive resources.
They were just a palette cleanser.
I get that. I feel a little bad for the three evenings I lost on my other stories, writing these short ones.

Your story made me think of an erotic manga I saw once called Demon City. Your idea could be fleshed out (pun intended) into something longer and more satisfying.
My "mystery woman" 750 just went live a few minutes ago: A Walk by the Lake, based on the image linked from Emily's first posting.

I surprised myself with how quickly it wrote and especially that it hit the ~750 mark with the last line without trying. Had to prune 3 words, and it was ready to go.
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I turn off voting for 750 word challenges as they don't do well I hear.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Wittering I think is Chichester, which is nice. I used to go to Camber after raves in Lydd. That was in 90s when I was a young girl.

Jess x
I turn off voting for 750 word challenges as they don't do well I hear.
They do attract extra opprobrium
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Wittering I think is Chichester, which is nice. I used to go to Camber after raves in Lydd. That was in 90s when I was a young girl.
Went there with friends when in London. A bit hazy on the geography 😬

Remember it was a nice place

They do attract extra opprobrium


Went there with friends when in London. A bit hazy on the geography 😬

Remember it was a nice place

You're from the States. Yeah it's nice. I live in London. Uk so small.
You're from the States. Yeah it's nice. I live in London. Uk so small.
Yeah. But I briefly studied in London and spent a summer in the UK and Europe. I go to London for business occasionally. Have some team members there.

My bf and I saw the WWC final in a pub in Borough High Street - poor Brit girls 😢.

Yeah. But I briefly studied in London and spent a summer in the UK and Europe. I go to London for business occasionally. Have some team members there.

My bf and I saw the WWC final in a pub in Borough High Street - poor Brit girls 😢.

Oh, I love going to Borough Market with my girlfriend.

WWC, is that wrestling?