“Mystery Woman” sub-challenge within 750 words


Word maker upperer
Aug 13, 2022
I posted an image of a woman on Xitter and challenged Lit authors to write a 750 word story about her.

I won’t post the image here to avoid issues with AI, but here is a link.

Tagging is always more of an art than a science, but I think these two tag searches cover at least a few of them. My one is published tomororrow…

https://tags.literotica.com/750 word project/?period=month&tag[]=mystery woman

https://tags.literotica.com/750 word project 2024/?period=month&tag[]=mystery woman

Currently: @djrip and @Devinter though @Djmac1031 also has one but was disobedient and didn’t tag it appropriately 😡

Feel free to post a link here.

@Djmac1031[/USER] also has one but was disobedient and didn’t tag it appropriately 😡

When I messed up a tag in the past, I PMed Laurel and she sorted it out for me within about 24-48 hours. So this is a problem that can be fixed, I am quite sure! ☺️
When I messed up a tag in the past, I PMed Laurel and she sorted it out for me within about 24-48 hours. So this is a problem that can be fixed, I am quite sure! ☺️
To be honest, I’ve had a lot of problems with the guy. He can’t even follow simple instructions. Whadya gonna do? Dirty Birds fans are just problematic.

To be honest, I’ve had a lot of problems with the guy. He can’t even follow simple instructions. Whadya gonna do? Dirty Birds fans are just problematic.


I'll let you in on a little secret; although it's darkened over the years, and is starting to show the first signs of gray.... I was still born a blonde.

Does the tag search work with partials - i.e. if I put 750 as a parameter, does it show anything with 750 in it?

I guess one way to find out…

So I'd like to take a moment to thank, yet again, my friend @EmilyMiller

I usually do this kinda thing in the AFTERWARDS of my stories, but I wasn't sure the 750 Word Challenge allowed for them, and so I didn't write one.

It started with Ems Mystery Woman Challenge to go along with the 750 Word Challenge.

And so I wrote one.

And I hated it. Absolutely loathed it.

Emily encouraged me to try again. To try something different. She threw me several ideas. One of them stuck.

And I wound up writing Reunion.

And it's the strongest performing story I've had in awhile. And certainly my most popular 750 Word story.

I wanna thank all who've read it and left lovely comments.

But I wanted to make sure Em gets her flowers too, because I wouldn't have wrote it if she didn't inspire it.

So... thank you, yet again, my friend.
