‘Appalling’ waste and abuse in Iraq reconstruction.


Jan 23, 2011
Say, who was Secretary of State while this was happening?:confused:
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No shit, Sherlock.

busybody, besides being a racist whackjob you are also very late to the "Waste and Abuse" stuff. This stuff started with the BUSH ADMINISTRATION and has been reported many, many times.

The OBAMA ADMINISTRATION has been BUSH II in doing diddly to end the rape of the US taxpayers. Which isn't surprising since President Obama is Big Government citizen. Like he cares?

Private firms have made billions off the silly wars. Defense contractors have made billions, too. Some have done legitimate work and others have done very little (sometimes almost literally nothing) but charged a bundle for it. The WINNER of the wars has been connected entrepreneurs.

So put down the liquor bottle and pay attention.
Except the IG just reported it A FEW DAYS ago

It ALL falls under WhoSane's and Hideous Rotten ClitBitch's clutches
Why whine about The Usurper's minions when you can point out his own failings?

It's like bitching that the UN ambassador didn't know what was happening in Benghazi, she was miles away and had no role in the action.

What about the Liar in Chief's promise to close Gitmo? He said he's close it, but he hasn't. Nor has he released any of the 50 who have been slated for release, mostly because they were not guilty of anything.

I know you'll say that those meanie Congress Critters wouldn't let him, but he is an Imperial President. He could just tell the opposition that they will have a hard time funding their, Dam projects,Highway construction, ect, unless they play ball.

In this era of limited budgets why are we subverting our own principles so we can spend $800,000 a year to keep each of them in jail while cutting Headstart to make up the losses from the F-35?

Guantánamo Bay: The most expensive prison on earth - cost $800,000 per prisoner PER YEAR

Inmates' food rations $38.45 per day - more than five times the average American

Shit, make your Derp relevant BBII.