canes and single tails


a wolfs angel
Mar 17, 2002
Would fear of a tool such as canes or single tails affect the feeling making it less pleasurable just from the fear of the thing itsself? Even on a "pain slut"? Would those fears be able to be overcome? and also about how they are used?.... i know in the wrong hands a cane can do major damage as can a single tail but in the right hands they can be very precise implements of does one become more skilled with such a tool without using one on an individual? or without harming?
I find fear heightens my excitement and in turn my pleasure, but YMMV.
Etoile said:
I find fear heightens my excitement and in turn my pleasure, but YMMV.

Thanks for the info.....i do tend to get excited when i am afraid or nervous too but just the thought of the cane makes me nervous:eek:
Different sorts of canes will give different degrees of pain. For instance, a hollow cane will not likely sting as much as one that is not hollow.

Now, as for learning to use them precisely? I have practiced different tools on pillows or furniture, for aim and control. Or finding someone with a leather ass who can take whatever is sent their way, in another option for practice.

Also, many Dominants will give pointers or help new Dominants to master the fine art of whips, single tails, canes, floggers etc.

But yes, anytime I feel a bit of fear or anxiety when submitting, it heightens the sensations and adds to the scene.
My initial experience with both were definately affected by fear. I usually find fear exciting also, but remember these two things a little more than the usual to anticipate, and detracting from the moment just a tad. Once the experience began though I relaxed and found them to be two of my favourite sources of pain. The whip has to be top of the list most definately. I have never looked back since.

Our first experience of the cane left one mark for months on my body, even though that stoke was not the most powerful or in the most vulnerable of areas. It has disappeared now and we have the opposite problem that I mark quickly and easily, but those marks disappear just as quickly. I think perhaps it has something to do with the herb and mineral supplements I take which accelerate healing incredibly.

As for the US I know from friends there are regular classes given in many areas. I have also been told by D's the perfect way to practice with the single tail is on balloons. Master has practiced with our bullwhip and stockwhip on trees a little, but more often than not we just took it in steps on my body until it began to feel more natural and Master became proficient with the techniques and effects on me.

MissTaken said:
Different sorts of canes will give different degrees of pain. For instance, a hollow cane will not likely sting as much as one that is not hollow.

Now, as for learning to use them precisely? I have practiced different tools on pillows or furniture, for aim and control. Or finding someone with a leather ass who can take whatever is sent their way, in another option for practice.

Also, many Dominants will give pointers or help new Dominants to master the fine art of whips, single tails, canes, floggers etc.

But yes, anytime I feel a bit of fear or anxiety when submitting, it heightens the sensations and adds to the scene.

Thank you so much that description helps alot :)
catalina_francisco said:
My initial experience with both were definately affected by fear. I usually find fear exciting also, but remember these two things a little more than the usual to anticipate, and detracting from the moment just a tad. Once the experience began though I relaxed and found them to be two of my favourite sources of pain. The whip has to be top of the list most definately. I have never looked back since.

Our first experience of the cane left one mark for months on my body, even though that stoke was not the most powerful or in the most vulnerable of areas. It has disappeared now and we have the opposite problem that I mark quickly and easily, but those marks disappear just as quickly. I think perhaps it has something to do with the herb and mineral supplements I take which accelerate healing incredibly.

As for the US I know from friends there are regular classes given in many areas. I have also been told by D's the perfect way to practice with the single tail is on balloons. Master has practiced with our bullwhip and stockwhip on trees a little, but more often than not we just took it in steps on my body until it began to feel more natural and Master became proficient with the techniques and effects on me.


thanks Catalina......makes alot of sense and actually makes me a little less apprehensive about it :)
It's not hard to try the cane on your skin. If it's a M/f you have to realize her skin is thinner and more sensitive.

A single tail can easily draw blood. The popper is easily replaced and is often worn by the sub as a badge of honor at the first bleeding. Your local group may suggest an instructor. I've seen one demo and it was awesome. A nice whip will cost around 110 or so.
I never had a fear of the cane or any singletail whips before I tried fact, both are now my favourite implements. However, I have a healthy respect for both and will not let anyone use either implement on me unless I have seen them use it on another first.

My cane marks always last months...that is normal for me. I had one caning go wrong the one time I broke my own rules and allowed someone to cane me without seeing his skill level first. It's been almost a year and I still have those marks. Took a long time to get over that fear, but with a lot of help from great friends, I did and retained my love of the cane.

Find someone skilled to teach you and show you the do's and don't's of caning and would be invaluable.
Ummm...gotta say I've hit lots of boys and I've hit LOTS of girls and have noticed no trends in marking, who can take more, and who gets pinker according to gender. It's completely individual.

One of the best and most useful experiences that I think you can have is to bite the fucking bullet, find someone you trust and have them do it to you. I'm too much of a pussy to have been singletailed but VERY lightly, but I don't have a trusted source for more...working on that.

I've actually loved bottoming to a good caning. Note I said "good" this is hard to come by. But if you bottom to a few canings, you will understand, completely, incontestably, what a good one feels like vs. a shitty one. I don't believe that ANY amount of listening to subs talk about canes, hitting pillows, reading, or daydreaming is going to have the same effect.

When you have been hit with a cane, you will learn why the timing of a caning is so incredibly important. You will understand via experience, the completely unexpected and unique sensation of this tool. It's like a really good single malt, think Laphroig 15 or Oban or something.

It develops. It develops after you think it's long over. The pain surges, recedes, surges again, it's almost chemical in nature, the burn, like nettles. No amount of my (or anyone's) poetic description will tell you as much as your own ass.

How you can play upon this, how you can manipulate this, time this, and make it sing is dependent on having some idea of the shape of it.

I'm sure there are people that can develop the skill without bottoming to it, I can't fathom why you'd want to go that long a route when you can get so much information so very quickly.

Caning, physically, is limited to a very slight flick of the hand and a good eye to see if you are wrapping. That's the easy part.
I've gone to demos and talked to friends but when it comes to new toys I just have to try them out. I tell my sub this is new and depend on her feedback. I listen to her and look at the marks. No amount of information compares to feeling the item in my hand and using it on someone. I start slow and learn how it works.

I guess my advice is start slow and learn how it works.
MissTaken said:

Also, many Dominants will give pointers or help new Dominants to master the fine art of whips, single tails, canes, floggers etc.

Indeed they do. I was initially instructed in the use of floggers and other instruments by the Pro-Dommes who were members of the BDSM group I belonged to. They were pros but they also keep a polymoric household. Yes, it is possible to beboth a Pro and lifestyler.

I received a lesson in the proper use of a cane (even though I have prior experience) just this last October when bitchboy and I were in NYC at the S&M Film Festival.

It never hurts to take lessons.
Thank you all for so much valuable information.......another question i would like to add is if one decides to just jump in would it be easier to just bite the bullet and go medium strength and then get harder as one learns or would it be better to start very easily and progressively get harder until one can get a feel for it?
dragonlace said:
Thank you all for so much valuable information.......another question i would like to add is if one decides to just jump in would it be easier to just bite the bullet and go medium strength and then get harder as one learns or would it be better to start very easily and progressively get harder until one can get a feel for it?

I would recommend the easy start as it is dependent upon the one who wields the instrument as to how hard it may be. Medium to one D may be hard or soft to another. Is very subjective and needs to be guaged to begin with at least.

One thing no one's mentioned is the TYPE of cracker/popper on the whip

A good friend of mine is both a martial arts master and a long time Dominant who's a renowned whip master
He teaches classes all over the southeast
One of the first things he points out is that many whips (your standard American bullwhip among them) just aren't suitable for contact, and that many new whips come with a cracker that's stiffened by glue or has hard knots (if made of nylon) produced by melting the tips together
He has a very simple method for replacing the cracker with a sutiable one for contact, with the added advantage that it's easier to replace after each use so there's no transmission of fluids, cross contamination, etc etc
I will see if I can get him to type an explanation up for me to post :D
James G 5 said:
One thing no one's mentioned is the TYPE of cracker/popper on the whip

A good friend of mine is both a martial arts master and a long time Dominant who's a renowned whip master
He teaches classes all over the southeast
One of the first things he points out is that many whips (your standard American bullwhip among them) just aren't suitable for contact, and that many new whips come with a cracker that's stiffened by glue or has hard knots (if made of nylon) produced by melting the tips together
He has a very simple method for replacing the cracker with a sutiable one for contact, with the added advantage that it's easier to replace after each use so there's no transmission of fluids, cross contamination, etc etc
I will see if I can get him to type an explanation up for me to post :D

Thank You so much that would be great :)
AngelicAssassin said:
Sorry E, this straight line ... chuckling still, just too good to pass.

Thanks for lightening my day.

Thank You for lightening mine AA Sir :) ...simply great !!!
Another thing i am curious about is the finishing of bamboo for a cane.....i know it needs to be finished properly so it will not splinter any information would be appreciated:)
dragonlace said:
Another thing i am curious about is the finishing of bamboo for a cane.....i know it needs to be finished properly so it will not splinter any information would be appreciated:)

Bamboo is not the best choice as it is more likely to damage the sub. Best choice is rattan cane, soak it for about 24 hours in the bath, then strap to something to dry straight, sand, and varnish 4-6 coats to help preserve and prevent easy splintering. Handles can be made from a variety of items such as latex dip, leather, or cord.

catalina_francisco said:
Bamboo is not the best choice as it is more likely to damage the sub. Best choice is rattan cane, soak it for about 24 hours in the bath, then strap to something to dry straight, sand, and varnish 4-6 coats to help preserve and prevent easy splintering. Handles can be made from a variety of items such as latex dip, leather, or cord.


thanks you know where one might get rattan?
dragonlace said:
thanks you know where one might get rattan?

In Australia I bought mine from cane furniture manufacturers who sold it as offcuts for a reasonable price. Is usually available in a variety of thicknesses so I've made canes of 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, and 12 mm thickness.

go to yahoo or similar and do a search on Rattan & Wicker Repair

comes in coils, you get a shitload of it for around 10 bucks.
I would suggest checking out and buying their bundle of unfinished rattan canes in various sizes. They are cheap and the hard part is done for you (straightening), plus you get a variety of thicknesses.
serijules said:
I would suggest checking out and buying their bundle of unfinished rattan canes in various sizes. They are cheap and the hard part is done for you (straightening), plus you get a variety of thicknesses.

Found the easiest way to straighten mine was to strap them to a broom for a few days :D I think half the fun is creating them from scratch and knowing the finished product is all my work. Added to that, I found the sanding and shaping of the ends etc., very peaceful.
