Branding, cutting....marks of possession


Happily insatiable always
Jul 29, 2002
Having recently undergone a cutting as the first permanent (as in unremovable) marking of Master's eternal ownership of me as His slave, I was interested in the experiences of others in receiving their marks be they brandings, cuttings, tattoos, or anything.

catalina_francisco said:
Having recently undergone a cutting as the first permanent (as in unremovable) marking of Master's eternal ownership of me as His slave, I was interested in the experiences of others in receiving their marks be they brandings, cuttings, tattoos, or anything.


In the last three weeks, He has been keeping the words My slave scratched/cut into my lower back along with some other "doodles" He chooses. i have thought about branding, but that is something He has stated He is not interested in. He wants to design a tattoo for me. It has added a certain something to every day -- from the sting when i get in the shower each morning, the soreness when it scrapes against my clothing, etc. There is a new mindset and i find myself increasingly anxious for something more permanent. i did not understand how much having His mark of some sort on my body would affect me. i grin like an idiot much of the time these days, but on a much deeper level, there is a different connection there now that i am still analyzing emotionally.
Re: Re: Branding, cutting....marks of possession

zanna said:
It has added a certain something to every day -- from the sting when i get in the shower each morning, the soreness when it scrapes against my clothing, etc. There is a new mindset and i find myself increasingly anxious for something more permanent. i did not understand how much having His mark of some sort on my body would affect me. i grin like an idiot much of the time these days, but on a much deeper level, there is a different connection there now that i am still analyzing emotionally.

Certainly was a profound experience for me. Thought I would be totally out of it from fear and I won't deny I obeyed perfectly and didn't dare move a muscle as he began cutting with the blade, the sweat breaking out all over....but something happened which made the moment something more than I could ever have you say the deep connection..not to mention the magnified senses as I felt the pressure of the blade pressing against my skin milliseconds before it broke the skin and began carving into flesh, then the trickle of warm blood, his gentle cleaning as he went from one step to the next. Found we both enjoyed it so much we want to do more....though more did not exactly include recutting parts of this one as he says it has not left a deep enough scar....that scares me a little, but then I like to be scared just a tad...LOL

Then we move onto tattoos, possible brandings, piercings, and who knows what else.

I've been instructed to choose a tattoo that will show His ownership of me and present it to Him for approval. I also have to choose the location for the tat. Before getting the tat, I have to wait a year to be sure that we both still like the design.

I smile when I think about being marked this way, but I'm at a loss in terms of choosing a design. If anybody has suggestions, I'm certainly open to them.
I don't find brands or scars aesthetically pleasing, and fortunately neither does Daddy. I would get a tattoo if asked, and the one I already have was a gift from my girlfriend so I'm used to the idea of keeping a memory of a lover for the rest of my life. Daddy has talked about piercing me as a mark, but of course that's removable.
Desdemona said:
I've been instructed to choose a tattoo that will show His ownership of me and present it to Him for approval. I also have to choose the location for the tat. Before getting the tat, I have to wait a year to be sure that we both still like the design.

I smile when I think about being marked this way, but I'm at a loss in terms of choosing a design. If anybody has suggestions, I'm certainly open to them.

If it were me I would want a design that was totally individual so it would not be something you see on someone else someday. I have been dabbling with a few ideas for myself that have not been exactly what Master is looking for. The first one will be simple is my slave register number.

catalina_francisco said:
If it were me I would want a design that was totally individual so it would not be something you see on someone else someday. I have been dabbling with a few ideas for myself that have not been exactly what Master is looking for. The first one will be simple is my slave register number.


Catalina, I definitely want something unique and individual. I also want it to be simple. I may have to find an artist to work on something for me. I'm playing with ideas and searching the net for more ideas.
Etoile said:
I don't find brands or scars aesthetically pleasing, and fortunately neither does Daddy. I would get a tattoo if asked, and the one I already have was a gift from my girlfriend so I'm used to the idea of keeping a memory of a lover for the rest of my life. Daddy has talked about piercing me as a mark, but of course that's removable.

Can identify with that thought as I have always gone to lengths to look after my skin and have received many compliments over the years on it's condition and appearance. In the past I have not even considered a tattoo as I saw them as something I could not change regularly and I hate that.But in this context I am getting used to the idea.

Scarring was also an issue as I have a huge medical scar that has always been something I hated about myself so to submit to allowing a scar to be put on me was a big thing. It required not just the courage necessary to undergo the cutting, but also the psychological phobia I had about the finished product. That is still something I am working on. It is Master's right as I am his property, and it does make me happy to be marked as such, but as yet I have not looked at it since the first photos I saw, but have become used to running my fingers over it's outline.

If this was a relationship which I felt would not be permanent I do ot think I could submit to it, but our commitment has been made in the BDSM and vanilla sense and I am confident that no matter what lies ahead for us, we will maintain our promise to work through any rough moments together. Above and beyond that though, we have always believed once you commit as Master/slave, it is a bond which cannot be broken no matter what the future holds. I will remain his owned property throughout eternity.

catalina_francisco said:
The first one will be simple is my slave register number.
Heh, that kind of evokes Nazi concentration camp practices to me - then again, I've said in the past that if I knew the numbers of relatives who were subjected to that, I'd have them tattooed on my inner upper arm. What's a slave register number, though? I've never heard of such a thing.
Etoile said:
Heh, that kind of evokes Nazi concentration camp practices to me - then again, I've said in the past that if I knew the numbers of relatives who were subjected to that, I'd have them tattooed on my inner upper arm. What's a slave register number, though? I've never heard of such a thing.

The Nazi thing was why Master was against it so vehemently at first, but he has reconsidered partly because it was a tattoo I did not have problem with. To me I feel for that situation, but I am in a different circumstance where I have willingly submitted. I thought about it and I was going to deny my pleasure at wearing my number, I may as well deny my right to call myself slave as I feel strongly about the traditional slave history where there was no choice offered.

I recently got a tattoo of a duck.

Yup, a duck *grin*

My choosing this tattoo has a rather silly and fun reasoning behind it. I had wanted to get a small tattoo on my ankle before I get the larger, harder-to-after-care-for tattoo that I am getting on my back, to see how my skin reacted and healed to it since my skin has a stubborn mind of its own.

I had planned on getting a butterfly, since I love butterflys....but every design I saw just wasn't right to me. I had no emotional connection to a butterfly other than thinking it was cute. I wanted something fun, cute, simple...but that had some sort of meaningful connection for me to many things in my life. So I choose a duck, and I'll tell you why.

I've always had ducks as a part of my life. My husband and I raise exotic birds, so I'm always tending baby ducklings who think I am mommy. There is such a devotion there, and there is absolutely nothing cuter and more innocent than a batch of baby ducks.

A close friend of mine bought a Rub-My-Duckie for me the last time we saw each other. It was a joke between us, I had thought it was so cute. We had a lot of laughs over that thing.

My Domme had written a fiction story involving me, a buttplug, and one of those child's duck on a string. You know, the ones on wheels that quack when pulled? Uh huh *blush*. Anyhow, she wrote this rather humiliating story about it, and it become the center of teasing and fun for us amoungst our group of friends. At the next party, there were rubber duckies everywhere in my honour. LOL

When I saw this duckie tattoo in some flash, I just knew that was exactly what I wanted. No doubts, no thoughts, it just fit. I had a variety of fun, wonderful memories from all aspects of my life associated with it, and it was just too cute for words.

Thus, I have a duck on my ankle :)

Your tattoo chooses you. You'll know when you find what you want.

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serijules, that is way cute and a good story..I am sure it will hold it's significance forever and yet to most, they would be oblivious. My skin is also touchy thus the mess of a scar that resulted from my operation. It is a thing I hate but Master spends hours carressing it and telling me how much he loves it. Also I have allergies so can use very little on the skin so will likely do a test spot tatt first to make sure I am not going to be allergic to the ink....imagine itching for eternity over a large portion of your body and not be able to do a thing? Yuk.

catalina_francisco said:
serijules, that is way cute and a good story..I am sure it will hold it's significance forever and yet to most, they would be oblivious. My skin is also touchy thus the mess of a scar that resulted from my operation. It is a thing I hate but Master spends hours carressing it and telling me how much he loves it. Also I have allergies so can use very little on the skin so will likely do a test spot tatt first to make sure I am not going to be allergic to the ink....imagine itching for eternity over a large portion of your body and not be able to do a thing? Yuk.

That's what an allergy-prone friend of mine did - he hasn't gotten a "real" tattoo yet, just a little red dot on his butt. :)
Hello, as you can tell by looking at my AV, i have a tattoo, 2 of them actually. The one that it in my AV, the butterfly, is especially meaningful to me, and fairly new too. i got this tattoo last Saturday, Master and my two slave sisters went with me, and watched the whole process. Not only is the tattoo beautiful to look at, but it is actually a great reminder of my first real outing with my D/s F/family.

i chose the butterfly (with Master's permission) because it has been a running theme in my life ever since i starting my training with Master.... and ironically, long before i ever told Him of this 'butterfly' motif going on in my life, He started calling me "His butterfly." i think the butterfly represents to me the beautiful end result of a life changing journey, and though my journey is far from over, and really just beginning, i can relate to the butterly first emerging from it's cocoon, spending it's newly formed wings, and taking flight... living the life it was always meant to live.

i eventually plan on having the tattoo on my arm re-done, and Master has expressed an interest in 'adding' His own touch to it.:D
sub princess said:
Hello, as you can tell by looking at my AV, i have a tattoo, 2 of them actually. The one that it in my AV, the butterfly, is especially meaningful to me, and fairly new too. i got this tattoo last Saturday, Master and my two slave sisters went with me, and watched the whole process. Not only is the tattoo beautiful to look at, but it is actually a great reminder of my first real outing with my D/s F/family.

i chose the butterfly (with Master's permission) because it has been a running theme in my life ever since i starting my training with Master.... and ironically, long before i ever told Him of this 'butterfly' motif going on in my life, He started calling me "His butterfly." i think the butterfly represents to me the beautiful end result of a life changing journey, and though my journey is far from over, and really just beginning, i can relate to the butterly first emerging from it's cocoon, spending it's newly formed wings, and taking flight... living the life it was always meant to live.

i eventually plan on having the tattoo on my arm re-done, and Master has expressed an interest in 'adding' His own touch to it.:D
Where is the butterfly tat, and what's on your arm?
Etoile said:
Where is the butterfly tat, and what's on your arm?

The butterfly tat is centered on my very lower back, right above my bum, lol. my other tatto is on my upper right arm, and it is a red heart, with vines growing straight out the sides of it. i would like to have it re-worked into something a bit more meaningful, and have been doing some sketching to try and figure out what might work.


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sub princess, thanks for sharing that with us, I love the stories behind tattoos.

My next tattoo is a rather feminine and mystical phoenix bird on my back left shoulder. I remember when I was a little girl, I got these fake tattoos out of some cracker jack box or something of the sort. One was a phoenix with a long, flowing tail in a rainbow of colours. I loved that little picture, I treasured it for years. I still have it somewhere I think. I never knew what it was really, but I was fascinated with it.

Years later, I found a flash of nearly this same phoenix. Having since learned the legend of the fantasy bird, and very much associating that legend to my own discovery and re-birth of self in BDSM, I find it a very appropriate choice. The tail curves up into this little half circle nook, and someday, I'll add something in there that completes the story.

I'm just having trouble deciding on the colours I want, but I hope to get it done in the next few months.
Desdemona said:
I've been instructed to choose a tattoo that will show His ownership of me and present it to Him for approval. I also have to choose the location for the tat. Before getting the tat, I have to wait a year to be sure that we both still like the design.

I smile when I think about being marked this way, but I'm at a loss in terms of choosing a design. If anybody has suggestions, I'm certainly open to them.

Masters monogram would be perfect my lady
In London they appear to have a big call for branding at tattooists, not sure what to think of that myself
serijules...thank you for the wonderful duck story! I am still ~~smiling~~

My slave wears My tattoo...I wanted it incredibly simple...visible and framed by the chastity belt. We spent many days choosing the right font..I already knew that it would be a single word which would remind him of who he was in O/our eyes.
The word is OWNED
I chose *NOT* to add by Mistress Marlene because....relationships often do not last an eternity...I do know in My heart that My slave will always have a need to be owned...and his one word tattoo can be a cover for another relationship with the simple addition of another word. The simple design of the word also lends itself to being made more complex without adding a new word...another Dominant could simply redesign it to make it She made him Hers.
No..I do not expect O/our relationship to end...but I always look at the big picture and explained My reasoning to him before I offered him the option of wearing My mark. he understood and appreciated My concern for his future.
Shadowsdream said:
serijules...thank you for the wonderful duck story! I am still ~~smiling~~

My slave wears My tattoo...I wanted it incredibly simple...visible and framed by the chastity belt. We spent many days choosing the right font..I already knew that it would be a single word which would remind him of who he was in O/our eyes.
The word is OWNED
I chose *NOT* to add by Mistress Marlene because....relationships often do not last an eternity...I do know in My heart that My slave will always have a need to be owned...and his one word tattoo can be a cover for another relationship with the simple addition of another word. The simple design of the word also lends itself to being made more complex without adding a new word...another Dominant could simply redesign it to make it She made him Hers.
No..I do not expect O/our relationship to end...but I always look at the big picture and explained My reasoning to him before I offered him the option of wearing My mark. he understood and appreciated My concern for his future.

I love your thoughts on this. There is a certain little nook on my phoenix tattoo, where the tail curls up to leave this little circle of space, that will be perfect for adding someone's mark someday. I too, love the idea of adding something that is sigfinicant to both of us, but yet does not involve any actual you said, it is the nature of relationships to grow and evolve, and sometimes that journey takes two people away from each other. However, I don't feel that should stop anyone from showing their relationship and devotion in such a permanent way; if done tastefully, the design itself can grow and evolve and be adapted to another relationship and another meaning.
serijules said:
I love your thoughts on this. There is a certain little nook on my phoenix tattoo, where the tail curls up to leave this little circle of space, that will be perfect for adding someone's mark someday. I too, love the idea of adding something that is sigfinicant to both of us, but yet does not involve any actual you said, it is the nature of relationships to grow and evolve, and sometimes that journey takes two people away from each other. However, I don't feel that should stop anyone from showing their relationship and devotion in such a permanent way; if done tastefully, the design itself can grow and evolve and be adapted to another relationship and another meaning.
My slave is so proud of his mark that he will drop his jeans at a party just to show his pride..damn good thing he is in a stainless steel chastity belt or he would also be showing what I am proud of as well ~~grin~~
This little party act of his has brought many a vanilla woman out of the kinky wood work to show her interest in the more unusual.