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What Do You Think Of The New Design Mock Up

  • New Design Is Better Than The Old Design

    Votes: 165 64.7%
  • New Design Is Worse Than The Old Design

    Votes: 43 16.9%
  • New Design Is The Same Quality As The Old Design

    Votes: 19 7.5%
  • Other - Please See My Post Below

    Votes: 28 11.0%

  • Total voters


Just A Test Title OK
Aug 24, 1999
Understandably, most sane people ignore my posts in the other (Announcements) forum, so I thought I would bring the noise directly to the noisiest place on Lit. :)

We have been working on some major stuff on the back end of Lit for a while. Actually, we're always working on something, but this time some of it might actually make it out of beta. That's all that I will say right now because there is still work to be done.

Part of that work is that we are considering a redesign of the main part of the site. Wait - don't freak out just yet. We are considering it, nothing is set in stone.

So, I wanted to throw out (not throw up) one of the design ideas that we are working with to see what interested parties here on the forum think.

This is the original Lit page:

This is the redesigned mock up Lit page:

So, the million dollar question is - better or worse and why? We want to make the site easier for readers and authors to use and make it look a bit nicer. Let the comments fly, bad or good!

This is only one of several potential design ideas, so I might be posting more in the coming weeks. Again, we aren't even sure how soon the redesign would happen, but we are definitely working on it.

Thanks in advance for all of your feedback on this! :)
Looking at your design, it is easier to navigate.

Hey good to meet you, I have heard a lot of things about you.
Oh manu, please post more designs. The more the merrier.

The new one should be easier to navigate, looks good so far.
the new one is a little busy, but still manages to be much clearer...
While you're tinkering, could you possibly manage to make the Buddy List useful like it used to be?
Inna said:
She has a nice nipple.
I had a cogent comment to make about it possibly being better "branding" on the original design even though the new one seems superior, but now I'm thinking about nipples, and Inna, and it's not likely I can explain.
LukkyKnight said:
A Manu Sighting!

No kidding! 439 posts in 7 years -no wonder I haven't seen him before!

I think I like the new look; change of pace if nothing else :cool:
The new design seems a bit easier to navigate (not that the old was particularly difficult), everything is grouped very clearly and it's straightforward and well organised. It's also perhaps a bit more modern looking, a more contemporary design for a website. So far at least, I'd have to see other ideas to judge their relative merits of course.
Manu said:
Understandably, most sane people ignore my posts in the other (Announcements) forum, so I thought I would bring the noise directly to the noisiest place on Lit. :)

We have been working on some major stuff on the back end of Lit for a while. Actually, we're always working on something, but this time some of it might actually make it out of beta. That's all that I will say right now because there is still work to be done.

Part of that work is that we are considering a redesign of the main part of the site. Wait - don't freak out just yet. We are considering it, nothing is set in stone.

So, I wanted to throw out (not throw up) one of the design ideas that we are working with to see what interested parties here on the forum think.

This is the original Lit page:

This is the redesigned mock up Lit page:

So, the million dollar question is - better or worse? We want to make the site easier for readers and authors to use and make it look a bit nicer.

This is only one of several potential design ideas, so I might be posting more in the coming weeks. Again, we aren't even sure how soon the redesign would happen, but we are definitely working on it.

Thanks in advance for all of your feedback on this! :)

Whoah, man. A Manu posting is totally like a burning bush, a major religious experience.

<averting my eyes and genuflecting as I read>

Anyway, on to the question at hand: I strongly prefer the new design. Like, a lot. Both from an ease-of-navigation standpoint (minimizes scrolling, breaks things into intuitive categories) and pure aesthetics.
Last edited:
either or is fine by me..... just wish there was a quicker way to put some one on ignore AND a way we could send out the same message, via pm to more than 5 listners.
RawHumor said:
While you're tinkering, could you possibly manage to make the Buddy List useful like it used to be?

We are working some ideas for "Friends" functionality for the main site. What would make the buddy list more useful here on the forum?
I Hate It!

Hi Manu;)

It Looks Just Like Every Other Site...You Guys Are Not "Every Other Site"

The Layout Of The Main Is Perfect Just The Way It Is....The Story Section Needs Some Fixin Up...Better Search, Favorites Button For Those Fools That Can't Find That One Great Wank Story! LOL......Maybe A Wing Around On The Am Pics...As A Bulletin Board Format, Am Pics Does Not Work Nicely, I'd Love To See More Of A Gallery Kinda Layout....

Oh Yeah!
Can I Be Supreme Overlordess Of The Gen Board!? PLEEEEEASE!?
The new version is nifty, but I'd like to see more pizzaz to it. Right now it looks a tad mundane. Granted, I'm not here for the visuals (okay, that was a blatant lie), but it looks so ordinary.... so filelodge-ish.

As for the buddy list: mine doesn't do anything. The names are off center, and I can't tell if anyone is online or offline, etc... I can't click on a name to PM them, and that would be pretty handy. That ignore function, though... that's a dream.
huskie said:
either or is fine by me..... just wish there was a quicker way to put some one on ignore AND a way we could send out the same message, via pm to more than 5 listners.

What forum skin are you using? You should be able to click on a username and choose the option for "Add Manu to Your Ignore List" and be done, right?

As far as the PMs, the problem is that spammers abuse the system if we make it too easy. Sorry!
I'm a little confused - is the new page to replace the current stories page, or the main page? Because of the two you posted, I definitely prefer the new design (though the design seems a little imbalanced with a chunk missing at the bottom right), but I prefer the current main main page to the new design.

If that makes any sense at all.
Having a "friends online now" function would be nice for both the front page and the forums. I have not seen a hack for it, but I am sure it would be a pretty simple process by simply calling the same function from vB...
Joaquin1975 said:
Having a "friends online now" function would be nice for both the front page and the forums. I have not seen a hack for it, but I am sure it would be a pretty simple process by simply calling the same function from vB...

Didn't we used to have that "friends online now" function? I'm pretty sure we did. It doesn't work if we all stay invisible, though. ;)
Wow! I thought you were a myth made up to make fun of us noobs.

I prefer the new look, btw.