Sexual Heath- Questions


Intellectual snob
Jan 10, 2003
Aside from preventing STDs and Pregnancy, which I think we all pretty much know about, I'd like some information about other aspects of sexual health, from good advice to questions that seem silly to even ask. So if you have a "silly question" like "can I get pregnant if I swollow" or "is it true that semen is good for your hair" or whatever you are afraid to ask someone in real life, this is the place to ask. Additionaly, I'd like people to post what they know about such topics as preventing urinary tract infections (ie, not going directly from anus to vagina as this carries bacteria) health and saftey of "unusual" sex practices (ie, enima's, fisting, puting food into body cavities, melted wax) I've heard that its very unsafe to blow into a woman's vagina and that it can actually kill her. Is this a myth or is it true? What about anal sex? Are there special health considerations besides the bacterial warning stated above? What about golden showers or scat? Couldn't this make someone very sick? Is there a way to do them safely or should they be avoided all together? I look forward to all the questions and replys.
kool idea... i've nothing to post at the moment, sorry, but i hope others have. consider this a friendly *bump*!


PS what question would you most like answered?
front to back

always remember this

you can go from front to back but never back to front.

this means if you insert in the vagina you can insert in the anus without washing

but you should Never insert in the anus and then into the vagina.

the reason being that bacteria in the anus will cause a vaginal infection.

Hairgrip said:

PS what question would you most like answered?

hmm, I dont' know, I just feel like there's lots of stuff that nobody teaches us that we should know. Maybe anal sex in particular, it seems that its considered "risky" healthwise, and I'm not really sure why, or what it is we're supposed to know about it. (other than front to back, lotsa lube, and relax) Here's a good Q. Your supposed to use condoms for anal, which I have never done. Wouldn't that extra friction make it near impossible? And wouldn't the exta tighness cause it too slip off? Any body with any experience here?

Hows that for my kickstart?
I seem to always post on these anal question threads! LOL

It is risky if you go ass to pussy because anal bacteria can overwhelm the "friendly" bacteria in your vagina, causing an infection.

There is also some medical concern about that same type of bacteria causing an urinary tract infection in the man (though chances of that are slim) which is why many people use condoms for anal.

I don't have any condom/anal experience, I'm afraid. But I'm sure if you get a seriously lubed condom and add lots of Astroglide it should be fine.

The condom shouldn't slip off. Once thrusting begins the ass will loosen slightly - things will work out fine!

Actually, the Hubby and i have found anal sex to be more comfortable for both of us when we used lubed condoms. There's the whole mental thing with not having to worry about the possible 'dirties' that could come of it (it's usually not planned, so no enema) and the fact that we don't have to worry about the lube since it's already on the condom. But that's just us. ;)
EVERY time I've had anal sex I've used a condom. Never even thought about not doing so. The condom itself has never presented a problem, either in terms of friction or slippage. The key is just to use lots of lube, which you should be doing anyway.

One of my best breakthroughs was inserting lube before penetration. I bought a simple oral syringe [$2-3] at the pharmacy and use it to squirt a few cc's of lube inside her before penetration. It always makes it easier and more comfortable for both of us.
I have heard that is you pee after sex, it helps to reduce your risk of bladder infections. Does anyone know if it is true?

Thank you,

Valcorie said:
I have heard that is you pee after sex, it helps to reduce your risk of bladder infections. Does anyone know if it is true?

Thank you,


Yes - straight from my OB-GYN - helps prevent "honeymoon cystitis".

All involved parties should urinate after sex as it helps to clean out the lines - lol

(That is, if you have enough energy to make it to the bathroom . . .)

I don't really know, but I have heard some people say that it is good for your skin! :D

(oh, unless it gets in your eyes - ouchie)
Does anyone know the nutritional values of semen? Seriously I'm on atkins very limited carbs right now .
I don't think the thing about blowing air into the vagina is a myth, but I think it applies to pregnant women. When I was pregnant I must have read a dozen times in various pregnancy books and pamphlets from the doctors office that said never blow air into a women's vagina.

On a similar note, I relax under the bathtub faucet to achieve orgasms on a regular basis and when I am done I sit up in the tub and push with my abdominal muscles and a large about of water rushes out of my vagina. Sometimes after having my bath a small gush of water will come out of my vagina a few hours afterwards as well. Could this be unhygenic or dangerous in any way? I imagine it's similar to a douche, and I know those aren't really good for you.
I don't know but I used to that often ( untill we got rid of tub and got a walk in shower) with no problems at all. I always thought douche was bad because of the added stuff ( dye fragrance ect.,) not the water in it .

funlady said:
Does anyone know the nutritional values of semen? Seriously I'm on atkins very limited carbs right now.

I believe someone posted a response to this in a thread a few weeks ago. They posted the actual nutritional breakdown of it. Trust me though, unless you're sucking about a thousand dicks a day it's nothing significant.

But I have a question about the taste of men's semen. How much does it vary from guy to guy? Does anyone have any practical experience with what makes it taste better? Not something that you've read in magazines, but actual experience.
Re: Semen

sensational204 said:
But I have a question about the taste of men's semen. How much does it vary from guy to guy? Does anyone have any practical experience with what makes it taste better? Not something that you've read in magazines, but actual experience.

it does change in the flavor from time to time. generally speaking, if the diet that a man has stays relatively the same from day to day then the taste will stay the relatively the same from time to time.

the other thing, eating lots of junk foods all the time will make the taste exceptionally bitter. I was with one guy where all he was eating was chips, pizza, popcorn, and other junk foods for about a week... the taste of his semen was so bitter I had to have something afterwards cuz the taste left in my mouth was making me sick. I made him eat more fruit and vegetables (at least one of each everyday) and about a week later, the taste was much more tolerable and enjoyable for me.
My husband is vegetarian and I don't note anything in the flavor that is distinst from non-vegetarians . But it has been awhile since I've gave a blow job to a meat eater. He loves garlic though I have learned to skip oral sex on the days he has garlic.
pineapples & pinapple juice (I've heard)

mountain dew (I know from experience) doesn't taste like MT>D
just makes it sweeter.
funlady said:
Does anyone know the nutritional values of semen? Seriously I'm on atkins very limited carbs right now .

I don't know the nutritional value, but I do know that it is a myth about people having to have there stomach pumped. There is nothing toxic about it, no matter how much of it you swollow.

If you do get too much, your more likely going to get a stomach ache and maybe throw it up. If they did pump somebody's stomach for something else (drugs or alchohol for example) there's no test they run to identify your stomach contents as semen, so all the rumors you've heard about Rod Stewart or The New Kids on The Block, or whoever are patently false. (But maybe that deserves its own thread, lol)
funlady said:
Does anyone know the nutritional values of semen? Seriously I'm on atkins very limited carbs right now .

Semen is mostly protein and measures roughly 7 - 8 Calories per ... uh ... "serving"

If there is any Carbs in that (and I doubt there are) there amount would be statisically insignificant.

I plan on trying Pineapple and Pineapple Juice soon, although I have to get my girlfriend to let me cum in her mouth first. :p

I'm not a medical profressional, but I do have quite a bit of esoteric knowledge. My girlfriend is studying to be a nurse, so she may know a thing or two as well.

Did I miss someone's question?