"White Lives" Weekend

He has better things to do than to go round on the crazy merry go round.

Ok cupcake

Suuuure. :D

Back in the real world POG boy is a puss puss.....too ashamed of his beliefs to stand for them, the ultimate in cowardice.

Just like all the other 'woke' leftist who high tailed it the fuck out of here.
Called it. The chicken shit POG won't clearly state his position of support or condemnation of identarian political philosophy. If he condemns all racism, sexism and any other hate against any other group identity, he's a Trumpster alt-reich NAZI!!! Because that's a direct attack on pretty much everything the (D)eez stand for. If he supports it he's a confirmed supporter of the political, economic and social philosophy of bigotry and racism. Is anyone at all shocked the old white guy from Texas who regularly uses racial slurs against people of color who disagree with his anti-American politics is too much of a puss boy to come out and stand by his pro-racism beliefs?? :D No false dilemma Rob, you're just a cowardly puss boy. Too ashamed of his politics to publicly support them.

Ascription Gook is workin' overtime tonight. He's reframed my position and asking me to select one of two choices he is allowing me.

Because I refuse to play his little game, he's telling everyone what I "must" believe and declaring "victory". :D

White Nationalism is a completely different concept from Black Lives Matter, no matter how hard the Semi-white Nationalist attempts to portray
them as some sort of mirror image of each other. :rolleyes:

"Two Prus Two Equal Five"
Ascription Gook is workin' overtime tonight. He's reframed my position and asking me to select one of two choices he is allowing me.

Because I refuse to play his little game, he's telling everyone what I "must" believe and declaring "victory". :D

Notice he has to lean on racism, to keep from owning up to what he put forth as an argument.

Now he tries to frame it as "false equivalency"....because racism is DIFFERENT when he does it to people he hates.

It's only bad when people he hates doe it to people he doesn't!!


White Nationalism is a completely different concept from Black Lives Matter, no matter how hard the Semi-white Nationalist attempts to portray
them as some sort of mirror image of each other. :rolleyes:

No, they aren't.

Racial identitarianism isn't different when you and other you like do it Rob.

"Two Prus Two Equal Five"

Notice we got for lies and racism...and still has yet to state his support or denial of racial identity politics.

He realized he fucked up now the chicken shit is trying to backpedal.

Coward POG is forever a cowardly POG.
He's Sealyin'. :cool:

The go-to excuses for chicken shit racist who can't own their racism...and in the case of you two, your white guilt. :D

Bet Luk never condemns racism either.

I guarantee you he loves it so long as it's (D)eez doing it....just like Rob, and just like Rob he'll never state it directly. He'll just link to others saying it for him.
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Meanwhile, an actual, real-life black supremacist is in charge of the Civil Rights Division of the DoJ, and the Left couldn't be happier.

Will you be attending one of the White Lives Matter rallies in your area, Bud?
I am sure pics were taken and now they are all in a database. That's how stupid they are
He'll go "full Vetteman" and "be there in spirit". Sunday is his day to do the dishes.

1) Bud Spencer IS Vetteman. That was one of his old usernames.

2) They arent having any "white lives" rallies in Russia this weekend. So no, he won't be attending.
The White Lives Madder movement is a way that American Nazis (and aspiring American Nazis like BoBo) can openly express their sexual frustration and sociopathic behaviors.

It's also a good way to identify these fools, so they can ultimately join the crybabies who got their pathetic asses arrested right after their January 6th "revolution".

The majority of people in America are like the Blues Brothers-- they don't like Nazis. Every time the white supremacists parade in public, the Democratic Party grows.

You can't even own your own comments...LOL

Try again when you grow up a bit son. :D

The White Lives Madder movement is a way that American Nazis (and aspiring American Nazis like BoBo) can openly express their sexual frustration and sociopathic behaviors.

It's also a good way to identify these fools, so they can ultimately join the crybabies who got their pathetic asses arrested right after their January 6th "revolution".

The majority of people in America are like the Blues Brothers-- they don't like Nazis. Every time the white supremacists parade in public, the Democratic Party grows.

"It's only bad when THEY do it!! When WE do it then it's ok!! " :D

The more of this the general public see's the more absurd you and the other racist identitarians look in your hypocrisy...."white lives matter" objective, on target.
1) Bud Spencer IS Vetteman. That was one of his old usernames.

2) They arent having any "white lives" rallies in Russia this weekend. So no, he won't be attending.
I was thinking the same thing.

He sounds very much like Vetteman/Wrongguide. His fanatic worship of Dolt 45 is very telling. I mean the other Deplorables don't worship him to THAT level.

We can all agree that he is not some "new" poster.

The justice system already favors white lives.
I was thinking the same thing.

He sounds very much like Vetteman/Wrongguide. His fanatic worship of Dolt 45 is very telling. I mean the other Deplorables don't worship him to THAT level.

We can all agree that he is not some "new" poster.

The justice system already favors white lives.

I think I've mentioned Trump twice, once to note that I didn't like some of the things he did/didn't do. I think I remember Vetteman from way back.

And the justice system is not tilted in favor of whites.
I was thinking the same thing.

He sounds very much like Vetteman/Wrongguide. His fanatic worship of Dolt 45 is very telling. I mean the other Deplorables don't worship him to THAT level.

We can all agree that he is not some "new" poster.

The justice system already favors white lives.

He isn't new, it's a reincarnation of prof gav.
