Strange Insults In Comments


Literotica Guru
May 5, 2014
Like any author who has had the audacity to post a Loving Wives story I have received insults in negative comments directed at me personally or the characters in the story. The same is true in Incest Taboo where I have dared to try and make the readers laugh, and several other categories where I have gotten readers offside for a variety of reasons. Most of them I laugh at, others I worry about how much they had to drink or what substance they took before posting it, but sometimes others are stranger.

For example, in one of my LW stories a negative commenter referred to the wife and the husband's sister as 'a pair of dorkspeds'. I've of course heard the term 'dork' before and know what it means, but not once have I ever heard the term 'dorksped' before. I googled the term, and got nothing in Urban Dictionary or any other site. It didn't come up at all. It doesn't seem to be a new term, nor an insult long out-dated nor an insult used in a specific country such as Canada, Ireland or New Zealand.

If you know what a dorksped is please fill me in, and let us know if you have ever received inexplicable insults in your comments.
Like any author who has had the audacity to post a Loving Wives story I have received insults in negative comments directed at me personally or the characters in the story. The same is true in Incest Taboo where I have dared to try and make the readers laugh, and several other categories where I have gotten readers offside for a variety of reasons. Most of them I laugh at, others I worry about how much they had to drink or what substance they took before posting it, but sometimes others are stranger.

For example, in one of my LW stories a negative commenter referred to the wife and the husband's sister as 'a pair of dorkspeds'. I've of course heard the term 'dork' before and know what it means, but not once have I ever heard the term 'dorksped' before. I googled the term, and got nothing in Urban Dictionary or any other site. It didn't come up at all. It doesn't seem to be a new term, nor an insult long out-dated nor an insult used in a specific country such as Canada, Ireland or New Zealand.

If you know what a dorksped is please fill me in, and let us know if you have ever received inexplicable insults in your comments.
Sped is an older term for Special Ed. Means kids that were in Special Education programs. They were either mentally challenged, or likely autistic who needed distinct care in school.
Sped is an older term for Special Ed. Means kids that were in Special Education programs. They were either mentally challenged, or likely autistic who needed distinct care in school.
Thanks Aloha Dave, I've never heard the term Sped before. It must be an American expression, I'm from Australia and don't recall it ever being used here.
The trolls here are really annoying. They called my Romance story ā€œLeap of Faithā€ far fetched and said it was evident I lacked writing ability. Um, I explicitly stated in the introduction that the story was fiction and this is a site for sexual _fantasy_ literature. So who cares if a story about two lonely people in love finding each other is far-fetched? And I have published over 50 stories here. Many have earned positive feedback. So clearly I have writing ability in spades.

I would not take the trollsā€™ insults personally. Just delete them, as I did, and keep writing if you have the will. Long as Laurel doesnā€™t cancel you, youā€™re good.
Sped is an older term for Special Ed. Means kids that were in Special Education programs. They were either mentally challenged, or likely autistic who needed distinct care in school.

This was my first thought, and it's not really "older;" it's still quite current in American high schools.

I've never heard of "dorksped," but if the etymology involves special education, your comment probably came from a teenager.
I've received far worse comments on my LW stories. One comment two years ago was removed by the Admins when the anonymous said "EAT SHIT AND DIE." And this week, the Admins removed a comment on my latest story before I could even read it.

So, "dorksped" would be a step up in civility for some of my haters.
As noted by many before, the LW commentary is breathtaking in multi-dimensional ways.

One series of mine attracted these observations (leaving off the 'dumb cuck shit' responses on speed dial and all the ones admin deleted, plus dozens more). A sampling:

Did anybody ever tell you, you're a MORON? Come up with something new once in a while, you're rhetoric is getting stale.

What weak, empty pieces of trash that has inundated this category.

All this fetish garbage stinks to high hell of some poor, near illiterate adolescent.
Not realizing what a particular group of readers of a genre would rather read is the authors own fault & downfall of low scores.
Please move this garbage to another category; where it may be better received.

As for the sex, i never read anything so boring in my life. You spend alot of tome writing about balls and i think its because you dont have any.

Next time
You can have her screwed by an elephant and tell us that is how you had the best sex of your pitiful life And that will still only be worth a 1
They had to make a comment on my LW story that I was a coward for locking off voting on all my stories. Um, no Iā€™m not a coward, anonymous jerks who use troll accounts and sock puppets to rig votes in your favor, I just donā€™t want to deal with your crap and I choose the best category for my work, no one else. You want to know if Iā€™m a coward? Send me a personal message asking for a meeting in person and we will discuss what you think of my story in depth after that meeting is arranged. Be aware that if you persist in your unfounded low review at the meeting, I will counter it with a high review, as is my right as an author who worked hard on the story but knows he has never been popular enough to overcome trolls with sock downvote accounts on their sides. I will also be bringing countermeasures to counter any criticism you deliver and my opinion will count for more in the discussion than yours. Still want the meeting? No? Whoā€™s the coward now? ;)
It isn't usually used in the US as a pejorative, just a shortening of (sp)ecial (ed)ucation. "Dorksped" is new on me, and a special kind of classless.

This is another astonishing achievement for me. I wrote an IT story series that proved to be Literotica's answer to the 2001 movie 'Freddy Got Fingered' by the amount of outrage and offense it caused. Further back I wrote a fetish series in which I was told the main female character was the most vile, hateful literary character ever created - remarkable considering this list would include Curly from 'Of Mice & Men', Nurse Ratched from 'One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest', O'Brien from '1984', Patrick Bateman from 'American Psycho' and Dolores Umbridge from 'Harry Potter'.

Now I've written a Loving Wives story that seems to have angered one reader so much that they created a new insult for it. That's not bad going for an amateur writer from Melbourne Australia.
The trolls here are really annoying. They called my Romance story ā€œLeap of Faithā€ far fetched and said it was evident I lacked writing ability. Um, I explicitly stated in the introduction that the story was fiction and this is a site for sexual _fantasy_ literature. So who cares if a story about two lonely people in love finding each other is far-fetched? And I have published over 50 stories here. Many have earned positive feedback. So clearly I have writing ability in spades.

I would not take the trollsā€™ insults personally. Just delete them, as I did, and keep writing if you have the will. Long as Laurel doesnā€™t cancel you, youā€™re good.

The Trolls don't bother me all that much, I let them say what they want to say and let the site administrators remove any comments that go too far.

As for Romance, I've had a lot of success, high scores and positive feedback from the readers in that category, but I agree that some readers there that can be very defensive of their category. For example, two of my Romance stories slightly crossed into the supernatural, although whether supernatural events actually took place was left ambiguous for the reader to decide. I got complaints that ghosts (one character was dead all along) and time-slips (the two main characters lost six hours of time they could not account for) had no place in Romance, and should be in Erotic Horror or Science Fiction/Fantasy.
The Trolls don't bother me all that much, I let them say what they want to say and let the site administrators remove any comments that go too far.

As for Romance, I've had a lot of success, high scores and positive feedback from the readers in that category, but I agree that some readers there that can be very defensive of their category. For example, two of my Romance stories slightly crossed into the supernatural, although whether supernatural events actually took place was left ambiguous for the reader to decide. I got complaints that ghosts (one character was dead all along) and time-slips (the two main characters lost six hours of time they could not account for) had no place in Romance, and should be in Erotic Horror or Science Fiction/Fantasy.
Heh. I wrote a Romantic Fantasy story with a character who claims to be a Faerie Alien Hybrid existing outside time- kind of a genie god parody character helping a couple get together, posted it in Fantasy while including a skeptical female lead, and a reviewer questioned its placement there. I clearly said it was ā€œUrban Fantasyā€ in the genre and Silvan pulls off a self-resurrection, so clearly the character is the real deal! Romance was my second choice for category but I didnā€™t submit Ruleskirter to Romance precisely because of the issues you mentioned. Also swinging and spouse swapping are clearly part of Loving Wives but some people here think that category should be limited to bashing cheaters and cuckolding. Sorry, folks, my story for that was told from a voyeurā€™s perspective so it went into E/V and considering the voyeur was being sexually harassed by the exhibitionist couple, it could easily have gone in NC too.

What next, category trolls? You gonna call out my femslash orgy stories featuring characters based on celebrities for not being in Lesbian or Group Sex? I the author pick categories. You donā€™t. Get over it.
The fact we allow anon comments is fucking crazy to me.

You don't have to. You can disable comments.

The bottom line is that without allowing anon comments, we'd get A LOT fewer comments. A massive number of the people who read here have no interest in creating an account on a sex site, but that doesn't necessarily make them thoughtless or uncaring about our stories.

I've gotten few really acrid comments, but most of those have NOT been anon. I find that interesting.
I used to think readers should have to register to vote, let alone comment. I have however changed my m8nd. First, there are too many ways to evade for it to be practical. Secondly, I do think that we would get fewer comments. Lastly, keep in mind that Anon writes nice comments, too. When in a garden, focus on the flowers, not the fertilizer.
A story that was published about six weeks ago is hanging in with a 4.39. But today, I got a comment ("I stopped reading after the first, incredibly stupid line.") which tells me that it's not for everyone. Oh well.

I just wish we could follow up and reply. I'd have written... "So you did read part of it?" lol Troll the trolls.
I had someone tell me a couple years ago they wouldn't even click on the story because it had the word "Bro" in the title.
Ended up placing in the contest and is still over 4.8 today on 8700 votes.

But oh, if only that one more person had read it. :rolleyes:
A story that was published about six weeks ago is hanging in with a 4.39. But today, I got a comment ("I stopped reading after the first, incredibly stupid line.") which tells me that it's not for everyone. Oh well.
And yet, and yet, they still were invested enough to take the time to write a snarky comment. Go figure!
A story that was published about six weeks ago is hanging in with a 4.39. But today, I got a comment ("I stopped reading after the first, incredibly stupid line.") which tells me that it's not for everyone. Oh well.

What's the line? I must know.

Edit: I found it. The comment is still there. I hope you don't mind me posting your stupid stupid opening line here for everyone to see šŸ˜.

I've heard that smaller breasts are more sensitive.

You know, everyone says the loving wives misogynists where bad. But we've been overlooking the busty ladies cabal.
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... time-slips (the two main characters lost six hours of time they could not account for) had no place in Romance,
Obviously, once you've let six whole hours slip through your fingers, you can never fall in love again.

Now I'm wondering. If I write a story about a writer of erotica who gets stupid comments, and I use actual comments I and y'all have gotten, is it plagiarism?

And if my character meets these 'fans' and they're all pathetic dorkspeds, is it libel?
Never heed criticism from anybody you wouldnā€™t ask for advice.
I don't entirely agree with that. The best criticisms are people giving you their impressions--how a scene or a character made them feel-- which doesn't take any literary knowledge.

I think it's more important to filter it through who you think your ideal reader is.