Female Lit authors: How much unsolicited sexual advances have you dealt with as a result of your writing?

I have received weird and unsolicited suggestions for furthering my story, but I know male authors here who get the same thing... 🤷‍♀️
I can attest to this. Some of them are very detailed. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but... no.
I've written a story about a man stealing women's shoes and, you know. But I haven't, and may not, publish it. It was quite fun to write but sort of icky to read.
I posted one where my shoes - left overnight under my desk at the office - are ”stolen,” ”violated,” and put back for me to discover the following morning. That actually happened. I never figured out who the guilty fucker was.

But the story is pure fiction through and through, a femdom revenge fantasy where I *do* figure it out and he gets his just deserts.
Exactly this. ❤️

I've always thought it would do men a world of good to just spend one day of their lives as a woman. And the other way around too... I might be fun to offer help for a change, rather than men always thinking I need help with everything because I'm a woman, 5' nothing, and petite. Yes, I really can change my own oil. Don't run across the street and ask if I want help when I am halfway through... Oh.. sorry... Tangent... 😉😁
We need to form a shorties club 😊
Exactly this. ❤️

I've always thought it would do men a world of good to just spend one day of their lives as a woman. And the other way around too... I might be fun to offer help for a change, rather than men always thinking I need help with everything because I'm a woman, 5' nothing, and petite. Yes, I really can change my own oil. Don't run across the street and ask if I want help when I am halfway through... Oh.. sorry... Tangent... 😉😁
Only one day???😢😥😭
Exactly this. ❤️

I've always thought it would do men a world of good to just spend one day of their lives as a woman. And the other way around too... I might be fun to offer help for a change, rather than men always thinking I need help with everything because I'm a woman, 5' nothing, and petite. Yes, I really can change my own oil. Don't run across the street and ask if I want help when I am halfway through... Oh.. sorry... Tangent... 😉😁
If any women want to take over halfway through my oil change, they're welcome to it 😂
Exactly this. ❤️

I've always thought it would do men a world of good to just spend one day of their lives as a woman. And the other way around too... I might be fun to offer help for a change, rather than men always thinking I need help with everything because I'm a woman, 5' nothing, and petite. Yes, I really can change my own oil. Don't run across the street and ask if I want help when I am halfway through... Oh.. sorry... Tangent... 😉😁
I once went to a gay bar in the 90s with some friends. We were chilling, playing pool, and this guy starts hitting on me.

I wasn't interested, being straight and all, but it was a weird feeling, and the guy was cool about it. It made me think that women must go through this all the time. It was eye opening to me.
I once went to a gay bar in the 90s with some friends. We were chilling, playing pool, and this guy starts hitting on me.

I wasn't interested, being straight and all, but it was a weird feeling, and the guy was cool about it. It made me think that women must go through this all the time. It was eye opening to me.
The last time I can recall such a thing happening to me, I was still in grade school. :sigh: