New Mexico Governor suspends Constitutional Rights

Dude enough, you are broken record of sociopathic behavior. I said from the beginning if you attacked me. You in your obvious insanity turned that into me shooting you for walking with a stick. Then you said you would unprovoked beat me to death for no apparent reason other than your insanity. You are fucking grade A number one fucking crazy and I'm done with you spinning and changing your idiocy with every post.

Honestly, come down south and try your shit with your stick. If the guy that you attack doesn't shoot you 4 or 5 other guys will. And that will end your sociopathic behavior.

Have a nice day or fuck off, either way, Good day sir.
If I attacked you you'd already be down. Its too late. You're still harping over 'me' and 'you' because I didn't say john Doe and Mr.X. The fact that you keep returning to that point shows how incredibly weak your argument is. The only changes in my posts have been to accomodate you.

I'm not going down South, going to the south is attempted suicide, especially if your black. You're once again proving the South is filled with cowards. If I have a stick I am a threat. You have repeated this over and over and over.

Somehow you are too stupid to know what your words mean. And when I adjust my language to better suit you so an honest conversation can be had then I'm changing my argument.
PS. I hope nobody is ever walking home from baseball practice when your outside cus that's gonna be fatal no matter what they do aside from know you're crazy and backtrack to find a different route home
If I attacked you you'd already be down. Its too late. You're still harping over 'me' and 'you' because I didn't say john Doe and Mr.X. The fact that you keep returning to that point shows how incredibly weak your argument is. The only changes in my posts have been to accomodate you.

I'm not going down South, going to the south is attempted suicide, especially if your black. You're once again proving the South is filled with cowards. If I have a stick I am a threat. You have repeated this over and over and over.

Somehow you are too stupid to know what your words mean. And when I adjust my language to better suit you so an honest conversation can be had then I'm changing my argument.
Racist much? We live in harmony here with all the races that I see, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and Whites. Of course there are racists here. But to be honest I heard that infamous "N" word more in Milwaukee than I have ever heard it here.

Some how you are so insane that you believe unprovoked beating me to death is okay, but me shooting you to stop you isn't.

Go troll your insanity elsewhere.
PS. I hope nobody is ever walking home from baseball practice when your outside cus that's gonna be fatal no matter what they do aside from know you're crazy and backtrack to find a different route home
Yawn...Insanity is your only friend.
Racist much? We live in harmony here with all the races that I see, Black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and Whites. Of course there are racists here. But to be honest I heard that infamous "N" word more in Milwaukee than I have ever heard it here.

Some how you are so insane that you believe unprovoked beating me to death is okay, but me shooting you to stop you isn't.

Go troll your insanity elsewhere.
Yes racist much. These are people fly Confederate flags on their trucks. They have Union 1, Confederates 0, Half time is over. This the equivalent of calling a Jew racist if they avoid places where Swastika tattoos are normal.

You keep coming back to an unprovoked attack being okay which wasn't the point. This is you ONCE AGAIN justifying shooting me because me existing is provoking.
Yes racist much. These are people fly Confederate flags on their trucks. They have Union 1, Confederates 0, Half time is over. This the equivalent of calling a Jew racist if they avoid places where Swastika tattoos are normal.

You keep coming back to an unprovoked attack being okay which wasn't the point. This is you ONCE AGAIN justifying shooting me because me existing is provoking.
I saw as many confederate flags in Wisconsin as here on vehicles.

Keep blathering you violent sociopath.
It's really this simple, it is legal to carry concealed here, open carry too. I have a permit. You don't like that. Too bad. Get over it because I'm not changing and for damn sure the law in my state isn't either.

Keep blathering if you must, between the wussies, the liars, the sociopaths, lunatic fringe liberals, as well as the drones and potential ALTS it has been entertaining.
The Governor is violating the Constitution as defined by the SCOTUS in Bruen v New York Rifle and Pistol Association. It will be reversed in federal court.
Not if the restriction is narrowly tailored to address any specific safety concerns. If I am not mistaken Bruen allows for carve outs for security sensitive areas. It’s not unreasonable to believe that you can suspend second amendment rights during curfew periods and by extension an area which may be prone to high crime. So I agree bruen is violated if it’s a wholesale suspension without a start and end date but there can be a workaround.
It's really this simple, it is legal to carry concealed here, open carry too. I have a permit. You don't like that. Too bad. Get over it because I'm not changing and for damn sure the law in my state isn't either.

Keep blathering if you must, between the wussies, the liars, the sociopaths, lunatic fringe liberals, as well as the drones and potential ALTS it has been entertaining.
Legal and a good idea are two very different things. Unlike you I'm not okay with law abiding citizens shooting up schools. I get that you don't care how many Americans even children. That's your thing.

Literally you can look at the dates we joined and the number of posts and know there are no potential alts. You on the hand showed shortly after one of our right wingers left.
Oh wow. I thought you guys were talking finer points of the law here. It just looks like you’re all taking turns pissing in each other’s soup.

Have a great evening :)
Because you lived in Wisconsin right?

In fact where do you live?
I've been to Wisconsin, never lived there. Spent most of my life in SoCal but I've spent time in Florida, South Carolina and Tennessee. You did not see as many flags there as you did there and assuming you're not lying that's just one more state where I would playing games with my life by visiting.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes would an appropriate thing to have on my headstone,
You do realize what you're telling me is this country is worse than I've been lead to believe right?
Legal and a good idea are two very different things. Unlike you I'm not okay with law abiding citizens shooting up schools. I get that you don't care how many Americans even children. That's your thing.

Literally you can look at the dates we joined and the number of posts and know there are no potential alts. You on the hand showed shortly after one of our right wingers left.
Legal is legal and that's all that matters. If you don't like the law then move to change it.

I do have an ALT as has been pointed out and others have identified it. Only by mistake did I post in the politics forum using it. I am not nor have I ever been your former right wing poster that left. I appeared when I appeared.
Legal is legal and that's all that matters. If you don't like the law then move to change it.

I do have an ALT as has been pointed out and others have identified it. Only by mistake did I post in the politics forum using it. I am not nor have I ever been your former right wing poster that left. I appeared when I appeared.
I can't change it, I don't think it can be changed. The Founding Fathers made it so hard to change anything so we just ignore it and work around.

That's possible, I don't buy it but it really doesn't matter.
I can't change it, I don't think it can be changed. The Founding Fathers made it so hard to change anything so we just ignore it and work around.

That's possible, I don't buy it but it really doesn't matter.
A defeatist. Excellent, you're weak.

I'm not selling so it doesn't matter if you're buying or not.