Michael Moore speaks on Trump

Well, yes, blowing up everything in the world's biggest "fuck you" would be very satisfying for a couple of minutes--until you look around and, like so many urban rioters do, you realize that you burnt out the only drugstore in your neighborhood that you can get to without taking a bus across town, your grocery store, and your kid's school. Then it should dawn on you that maybe you didn't apply your vote/throw your bomb to serve your best interests all that well. Maybe you should have given a bit more--and more intelligent--thought to what was in your best interests--and then figured out how to use your vote/voice toward that goal rather than just blowing everything up in the world's biggest "fuck you."


Well, yes, blowing up everything in the world's biggest "fuck you" would be very satisfying for a couple of minutes--until you look around and, like so many urban rioters do, you realize that you burnt out the only drugstore in your neighborhood that you can get to without taking a bus across town, your grocery store, and your kid's school. Then it should dawn on you that maybe you didn't apply your vote/throw your bomb to serve your best interests all that well. Maybe you should have given a bit more--and more intelligent--thought to what was in your best interests--and then figured out how to use your vote/voice toward that goal rather than just blowing everything up in the world's biggest "fuck you."

Second person omniscient is such a cheap device... the worst really. That's why no one ever uses it. Even paid, talented story tellers don't sink that low. As such your post ranks an F.

Please express yourself without becoming a bossy, controlling god.
He said a few things that surprised me. I'm not opposed to listening to all perspectives. Though, I recognize a hungry tiger when I see one.
He said a few things that surprised me. I'm not opposed to listening to all perspectives. Though, I recognize a hungry tiger when I see one.

Michael Moore never said he agrees with the sentiment, nor did he say he will vote for Trump. He is a HRC supporter.)

The point is, he is understands the reality of how people legitimately feel instead of simply dismissing them as a bunch of racist losers. "Deplorables."
Second person omniscient is such a cheap device... the worst really. That's why no one ever uses it. Even paid, talented story tellers don't sink that low. As such your post ranks an F.

Please express yourself without becoming a bossy, controlling god.

That's why I didn't use it here, smartass. This was first person, from my perspective (the "you should" would have given you a clue if you weren't outside your knowledge set). Second person is totally from the perspective (in the head) of the "you" and that's not what this was written in. You don't know a fourth of what you think you do (about pretty much anything). Interesting, though, that you couldn't say a damn thing about the content of what I wrote. Showed you up a bit too much, did it? Feelings are one thing; taking actions that hurt you more than anyone else is something else--and is the sort of dumb shit you specialize in.

Your hard black bitch persona here doesn't impress me a bit--nor does it make you any smarter than you really are.

As far as Michael Moore, he did a disservice in this clip by not dropping the "however . . . use your brain" other foot. Maybe he did in this venue and it wasn't included in the video.
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That's why I didn't use it here, smartass. This was first person, from my perspective (the "you should" would have given you a clue if you weren't outside your knowledge set). Second person is totally from the perspective (in the head) of the "you" and that's not what this was written in. You don't know a fourth of what you think you do (about pretty much anything). Interesting, though, that you couldn't say a damn thing about the content of what I wrote. Showed you up a bit too much, did it? Feelings are one thing; taking actions that hurt you more than anyone else is something else--and is the sort of dumb shit you specialize in.

Your hard black bitch persona here doesn't impress me a bit--nor does it make you any smarter than you really are.

As far as Michael Moore, he did a disservice in this clip by not dropping the "however . . . use your brain" other foot. Maybe he did in this venue and it wasn't included in the video.

Dang dang dang you are out of your element regarding First Person vs Second Person... please google and correct yourself. This is high school shit.

First Person - I (I did this)
Second Person - You (You did that)
Omniscent = all knowing voice who can explain how people are thinking (2nd person version: You are thinking this)

ETA: you don't know shit I learned in the 9th grade yet call yourself an author? HAAAAA.........

Thanks for exposing your true racism by calling me a "hard black bitch." I know you hoped it would hurt me, but it doesn't. It merely exposes the truth about you.

A hardcore racist.

You sicken me.

-- signed, a hard black bitch according to whitey

Thanks for the new sig so I can show everyone what a racist piece of shit you really are.
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I think he nailed it for many people. "Biggest Fuck You in History", "Hand grenade tossed into the system" was my fav though. :D
First Person - I (I did this)
Second Person - You (You did that)
Omniscent = all knowing voice who can explain how people are thinking (2nd person version: You are thinking this)

You're the simpleton on that. Second person is entirely in the head of the "you." It's not as simple as you found by relying on the Internet. Instead of relying on the Internet for my use of English, I went to the university and earned an advanced degree in editing and publishing and then had my own editorial services business for fifteen years.

You can wallow in your ignorance. It's what you do. Ogg has you pegged.

And again, you are afraid of discussing the actual content of my post aren't you? So you stupidly try to deflect. You don't want your "I blame everyone but myself" world to be put aflutter.
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You're the simpleton on that. Second person is entirely in the head of the "you." It's not as simple as you found by relying on the Internet. Instead of relying on the Internet for my use of English, I went to the university and earned an advanced degree in editing and publishing and then had my own editorial services business for fifteen years.

You can wallow in your ignorance. It's what you do. Ogg has you pegged.

And again, you are afraid of discussing the actual content of my post aren't you. You don't want your "I blame everyone but myself" world to be put aflutter.

I am not going to argue with you. I am right and you are wrong. I learned it pre-internet, but anyone with google will discover I am right in 5 seconds.

Also, you are a racist piece of shit by calling me a "black bitch".

Fuck you.
I am not going to argue with you. I am right and you are wrong. I learned it pre-internet, but anyone with google will discover I am right in 5 seconds.
If I say, "You are incorrect," I speak in 1st person, observing you from my viewpoint. If I say, "Fragmented ideas shatter your ease; you feel dizzy, uncertain," I speak in 2nd person, entirely within your consciousness. See the diff?
If I say, "You are incorrect," I speak in 1st person, observing you from my viewpoint. If I say, "Fragmented ideas shatter your ease; you feel dizzy, uncertain," I speak in 2nd person, entirely within your consciousness. See the diff?

That racist piece of shit posted the latter. Did you not read the post? Are you just hear to blindly pile on to this "black bitch"?

Damn you progressives are fucked up nasty pieces of work, and delusional to boot.
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man if shes black and she a bitch then how is black bitch racist? you fools and your neverending bickering. get some damn pussy! lol ;);)
Ooo, Chino, TalkRadio ain't gonna like that attitude. :D

You go, TR. Good to know I own you, man. :)
You're a racist.

It's time for you to crawl back under your rock.

Now Lady F is cool with me, and the other poster didn't need to mention the "hard black bitch" ( as if black women can't have emotions) comment. However, i have noticed something about you rightist posters.

It seems that racism (or perceived racism) is only acknowledged when it is the "other guy" spewing it. Meanwhile, none of you "conservatives" ever call out the racist garbage posted by certain rightist posters. It's a game to you all.
I used to like michael moore before he turned into a rabid dog on Mr. T.
Still shocked at the morons who don't understand second person and have the gall to argue about it as though they do. The racist white male homosexual "author" is no surprise; the other one is simply an idiot.