Daddy Fetish

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seems to be on everyones agenda lol

hiya sereneone :). hope you're well?

I have been staying up TOO LATE reading. Easier to read when everyone is asleep and not interrupting me. But then I am tired, cranky and achy the next day. :( Did I mention at times, nonsensical?:eek:

Going to take some pain reliever, maybe it will help.

What have you been up to?
I have been staying up TOO LATE reading. Easier to read when everyone is asleep and not interrupting me. But then I am tired, cranky and achy the next day. :( Did I mention at times, nonsensical?:eek:

Going to take some pain reliever, maybe it will help.

What have you been up to?

:( im sorry to hear - was it a good book? and try green tea. it helps with the mood without the caffein jitters.

if it's too hot, ice the tea and add lemon and honey. i can drink it all day lol.

just being lazy and enjoying the sunday. i might meet one of my brothers later, he is going thru a hard time :(
Hi everyone. I'm hittin' the wall with chores. I might take a short break from working and treat myself to some tea and honey myself. Too much coffee already.
:( im sorry to hear - was it a good book? and try green tea. it helps with the mood without the caffein jitters.

if it's too hot, ice the tea and add lemon and honey. i can drink it all day lol.

just being lazy and enjoying the sunday. i might meet one of my brothers later, he is going thru a hard time :(

It was this book about the day to day lives of both the servants and the upper crust during the Edwardian times.

Then too, homeschooling books on the best curriculum and how-to, etc.

I am sorry to hear your brother is having it rough. Lucky for him he has a sister like you. :)

I am drinking peach iced tea now, but I do have green tea in the cabinet. I want to take a cat nap...:cattail:
It was this book about the day to day lives of both the servants and the upper crust during the Edwardian times.

Then too, homeschooling books on the best curriculum and how-to, etc.

I am sorry to hear your brother is having it rough. Lucky for him he has a sister like you. :)

I am drinking peach iced tea now, but I do have green tea in the cabinet. I want to take a cat nap...:cattail:

cat naps are the best!! i love them!

so you were very busy all night... no wonder you are tired.

this brother goes through this every few months, but i do think he will ask his boyfriend to leave, tho. it will make my other brothers happy. they never liked him. :rolleyes:
cat naps are the best!! i love them!

so you were very busy all night... no wonder you are tired.

this brother goes through this every few months, but i do think he will ask his boyfriend to leave, tho. it will make my other brothers happy. they never liked him. :rolleyes:

I looked up and it was almost five am and I slammed my book shut, closed the laptop and got under the covers.

Hopefully he will end the relationship and move on to a healthy one when the time is right. Usually when the family disapproves it is a bad thing.
No, no. Sincere.

Being bland and predictable is boring. Nonsensical is fun, and playful. If the person on the other end is open minded and at ease.

Like I said... Part of your charm...

Why thank you.

(I won't mention I am ADD)


I am very playful. :heart:
Why thank you.

(I won't mention I am ADD)


I am very playful. :heart:

Being ADD is not a problem. If you have someone who can harness the energy and keep your attention moving from one interesting activity to the next. You just have to be creative and energetic to match the pace. ;)

Playful... Is there anything more relaxing??? Excellent. :kiss:
Being ADD is not a problem. If you have someone who can harness the energy and keep your attention moving from one interesting activity to the next. You just have to be creative and energetic to match the pace. ;)

Playful... Is there anything more relaxing??? Excellent. :kiss:

That is true, I can focus intently at times.

It helps to have someone with the skills you mentioned.

You are so wise.

That is true, I can focus intently at times.

It helps to have someone with the skills you mentioned.

You are so wise.


Don't know about wise. Older perhaps. ;)

I find most of my wisdom comes from simply paying attention. And thinking of others instead of only myself.

It's nice to have the opportunity to appreciate and to be appreciated...

Don't know about wise. Older perhaps. ;)

I find most of my wisdom comes from simply paying attention. And thinking of others instead of only myself.

It's nice to have the opportunity to appreciate and to be appreciated...


Yes, although my ADD hinders me at times, I do love to observe others.

We have a wonderful downtown with a diverse group of people walking, running, biking, driving about...

love to grab a cup of tea and just watch life as it moves by

And just in general, when I am not in a babbling mood.

You can tell a lot about people just watching emotions play across their face and in the movements of their body.
Don't know about wise. Older perhaps. ;)

I find most of my wisdom comes from simply paying attention. And thinking of others instead of only myself.

It's nice to have the opportunity to appreciate and to be appreciated...


There is no more important skill one should master than paying attention, which includes listening.
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