Daddy Fetish

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Daddy ESM is no longer my Daddy.

We parted amicably, it was just poor timing on both of our parts. We were the stereotypical "two ships passing", so neither party is to blame.

I dunno if I'll be on much today ... I need some time ...

Love to one and all.

Nope, no one is to blame. Some times schedules and life make it too difficult on baby girls. They need what they need and we daddies need to be willing to get out of the way. She is a great baby girl.

"Oh dear.....Bella - Daddy ESM - I am inexpressably sorry for both of you. I hope, as Bella suggested, that you continue to remain close and that perhaps, at some point in the future.... But IF not, please know that I believe the closing of this particular 'door' leads to the opening of another (or a window) somewhere and that the right and perfect 'next' is waiting in the wings for recognition. Bella, sweet baby sister - is there anything you want/need that a big sister can provide?":heart:
Sugar cookies are about to come out of the oven. Any takers? :)
Me! Oh, I LOVE fresh sugar cookies! Bring some over.

"Oh dear.....Bella - Daddy ESM - I am inexpressably sorry for both of you. I hope, as Bella suggested, that you continue to remain close and that perhaps, at some point in the future.... But IF not, please know that I believe the closing of this particular 'door' leads to the opening of another (or a window) somewhere and that the right and perfect 'next' is waiting in the wings for recognition. Bella, sweet baby sister - is there anything you want/need that a big sister can provide?":heart:
White Zinfandel to go with the sugar cookies ... I need to get blistered.
Emilyjane and heatsink

Just a word to you as new comers to the this thread. I learned this too my first few times visiting is to lurk a bit and read back a few pages to get the rhythm of the thread. You caught the little girls at the worst time possible. They were consoling one who had just lost her Daddy.

You've both been on threads and know that weirdness abounds on the boards. Knowing that and combined with your unfortunate timing, hopefully you can understand the reaction.

Please take a tour of our community and feel free to comment.
For your mind to jump to that conclusion it belies the statements you subsequently offered. If that was the way my posts were interpreted, then I can only apologise, it wasn't my intention to come over as condescending. I think I might leave you all for the night and perhaps try again tomorrow.

"Perhaps I missed it but I don't recall anyone using the term 'condescending' in reference to your posts. I might have used the term 'intimidating' or even possibly 'threatening' myself but condescension is YOUR definition of your behavior. It probably didn't occur to you to read back a number of pages and discover that this is our HOME (away from home) and a play/living area shared by many of like mind. We girls are sisters - we've been together for some time and we love each other and are extremely protective of each other and of the Daddies who come here regularly. We WELCOME newcomers with open arms if they come in hoping to join such a 'family' atmosphere. If, on the other hand - a girl's first words are "Where are the Daddies?" and she doesn't bother to say hello or introduce herself then we make assumptions about the type of quasi-baby girl she is pretending to be. IF those assumptions are in error we can be the first ones to apologize BUT we already trust each other - we DON'T know you from Eve............"
(Musing outloud) "Maybe it's just me but it reminds me very much of a similar incident that happened a little while back when a new girl appeared and a new daddy immediately jumped on to 'defend' her after she acted badly and we called her on it......"
(Musing outloud) "Maybe it's just me but it reminds me very much of a similar incident that happened a little while back when a new girl appeared and a new daddy immediately jumped on to 'defend' her after she acted badly and we called her on it......"

Peaches!? Is it your turn to play the mean evil cynical one? I missed It! Would have made my Friday
Ohhh they both left and after I spent all that time researching Hell's Kitchen and explaining the thread. Well there's five minutes of my life I won't get back!
Daddy ESM is no longer my Daddy.

We parted amicably, it was just poor timing on both of our parts. We were the stereotypical "two ships passing", so neither party is to blame.

I am so very sorry to hear, Miss Bella! No sage words of advice, but plenty of comfort to offer
Ohhh they both left and after I spent all that time researching Hell's Kitchen and explaining the thread. Well there's five minutes of my life I won't get back!

(Patting you on the shoulder) "It's okay Daddy Stan - WE still appreciated your efforts!":rose:
(Raising an eyebrow and looking at you over the rims of my glasses) "Turn????":D

My gosh. I was going to be snarky and cut and paste the definition of the word "turn" but it would take up an entire page of this thread......I've forgotten the the useless point I was trying to make...wait...what's your issue with turn?
Cookies are done, come & get them! Lots of icing and sprinkles, too!!

Peaches, sorry you are still at work. :(

Daddy Stan and Peaches, I tried be nice. I really did. I won't lose any sleep over a couple of ...posters. I'll leave it at that. :)

Hi dapple!! :heart:
Peaches!? Is it your turn to play the mean evil cynical one? I missed It! Would have made my Friday

"Quick story Daddy Stan before I have to jump off line and join the long lines of commuters.....A few years back my daughter-in-law called me and said 'You have to DO something with your son! I can't fight with him!" I laughed and asked what the problem was and she explained 'we were fighting and I was mad as hell and I said he was a sonovabitch and he just grinned the way he's doing right now damn him and he said "Yep, that's my Mommy and I'm REALLY proud of her!" Both my sons have said they're probably the only boys in the area who if you call their mother a 'bitch' consider it a compliment and thank the person.... I was probably born cynical but I've only earned the right to 'mean evil' in the last few years..... Sure hate to think I have to take turns now:D"

(Putting on her coat, still laughing, and waving) "Later 'gators!":heart:
My gosh. I was going to be snarky and cut and paste the definition of the word "turn" but it would take up an entire page of this thread......I've forgotten the the useless point I was trying to make...wait...what's your issue with turn?

"See explanation above......and desire not to have to 'take turns' being the mean, evil, cynical one.......don't mind sharing the throne though!":D
Cookies are done, come & get them! Lots of icing and sprinkles, too!!

Peaches, sorry you are still at work. :(

Daddy Stan and Peaches, I tried be nice. I really did. I won't lose any sleep over a couple of ...posters. I'll leave it at that. :)

Hi dapple!! :heart:

"You and Bella were both much nicer than I'd have been had I been here for the event... Heading home now - got to feed kitty monster then I'll be back.":heart:
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