Flirty Girl

WOW-- Nice to see you back!

Nice to see my back (side) I assume you meant. I never really left I still check in ;) Those on my blog know what's been going on. Been planning on coming back soon but had a set back this week.

Soon though :) Hopefully show off my Halloween costume lol
Nice to see my back (side) I assume you meant. I never really left I still check in ;) Those on my blog know what's been going on. Been planning on coming back soon but had a set back this week.

Soon though :) Hopefully show off my Halloween costume lol

Well I for one am glad to see your backside hehehehe. And I do apologize they I haven't been able to make it by your blog lately. But you are still da bomb. Lol
Sweetheart, you take as long as you like. I did read your blog a few weeks ago, but didn't post anything as I thought you needed your private time. It's good to see you're still around: we've all missed you, but take it slow and come back at your own pace. We'll all still be here waiting.
Nice to see my back (side) I assume you meant. I never really left I still check in ;) Those on my blog know what's been going on. Been planning on coming back soon but had a set back this week.

Soon though :) Hopefully show off my Halloween costume lol

Hope things are going better for you! Good to hear from you!
Been reading your thread for a while and just wanted to say that you're stunning, flirty, and very fun. A killer combination. I'd love to check out your blog as well, havn't come accross a link yet but maybe I just missed it. Thanks for sharing your stories and pics!
Angel. I am very glad you are still around. I was afraid you were gone for good. I hope you start to post again soon. It could be good therapy to do something you like to do. Thanks for checking back in. :rose:x12
simple....I edged my way through the Flirty-girl index... my conclusion. This man is a Walking Hard-on know...

This thread has made it official. Ladies taking self-portraits, and posting them on Lit or round the web...ARE HOT:D
Nice to see my back (side) I assume you meant. I never really left I still check in ;) Those on my blog know what's been going on. Been planning on coming back soon but had a set back this week.


Glad to have some news from you. I have been concerned about the long periods of silence. Your last blog entry was weeks ago and CW doesn't provide any real news.

Very sorry to hear about recent set-back. We are all wishing you well.

I really hope you can give your many followers some information about what you have been through the past few months. Share with us what you can on your blog and lean on us as a support group. We all care for you. :heart:
Nice to see my back (side) I assume you meant. I never really left I still check in ;) Those on my blog know what's been going on. Been planning on coming back soon but had a set back this week.

Soon though :) Hopefully show off my Halloween costume lol

Nice to see you back Angel, I've missed you :)

Looking forward to the Hallowe'en costume :D
Soooo nice to see you back!!!

and front

and sideways

and up side down!

Making an appearance!

So I just finally managed, after months, to get caught up with my private messages. I am back active on the blog and have plans to be back around here in the future too. Any interested can send me a message for the address since, as I mentioned, I AM BACK TO A ZERO INBOX WOO!

Here's some tits to celebrate.
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Happy Hump Day Angel .. Happy Thanksgiving too ..

You have some of the Sweetest Tits I've seen .. ;)


Thanks For Sharing .. I'll check Your blog Good Looking .. Glad You are Feeling Better !!! .. :kiss: :heart: :heart:
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Alright, I will celebrate those tits in my own inimitable way. Is that the key to my heart on that chain?
So I just finally managed, after months, to get caught up with my private messages. I am back active on the blog and have plans to be back around here in the future too. Any interested can send me a message for the address since, as I mentioned, I AM BACK TO A ZERO INBOX WOO!

Here's some tits to celebrate.
Welcome back sweetie. Hope you & yours are doing well, have a happy Thanksgiving!!!
Happy Hump Day Angel .. Happy Thanksgiving too ..

Yeah I forgot, Happy Thanksgiving!!! Today I am thankful for....some free time to relax before family overload this weekend.

Yeahhhhh!!!! Haha.

Yay! Hot guys are still around, all the more reason to come back lol


Alright, I will celebrate those tits in my own inimitable way. Is that the key to my heart on that chain?

The only thing that key necklace opened was my legs when it was first gifted to me lol Now it just looks pretty

Welcome back sweetie. Hope you & yours are doing well, have a happy Thanksgiving!!!

I am doing so much better these days. Night and day difference. I feel like myself again and renewed motivation to live to the fullest

Glad to see you back!!!

Happy to be here!
So I just finally managed, after months, to get caught up with my private messages. I am back active on the blog and have plans to be back around here in the future too. Any interested can send me a message for the address since, as I mentioned, I AM BACK TO A ZERO INBOX WOO!

Here's some tits to celebrate.

welcome back
So I just finally managed, after months, to get caught up with my private messages. I am back active on the blog and have plans to be back around here in the future too. Any interested can send me a message for the address since, as I mentioned, I AM BACK TO A ZERO INBOX WOO!

Here's some tits to celebrate.

A BIG Welcome Back! So glad to see you back online. Love the new pic and the pics on the blog. I am sooo happy to see you again.