BMF's Urban Hang Suite

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*Steps up to the mic and clears throat* (Please be gentle, I am shy!)

Reminiscing of days gone by, back when I was a child,
I used to sit under the full moonlight, as it shines over the dark, calm sea, in the middle of the night.

Watching and listening, to the gentle slapping waves on the shore,
I bring my feet close to me more.
As I hug myself and think of days and years ahead of me,
Of how things will be, when people just won’t let nature be.

Oh how I cried for you mother nature,
As I think of our own behaviour,
Civilised people seem to have forgotten,
What beauty of nature is, once long gone,
As I sit here, listening and watching, sitting by the sea, the full moonlight,
Shining over the dark, calm sea, in the middle of the night.

Note: May I point out that this was written a long time ago about what I used to do as a child when I was growing up in my home country. This was my very first poem I wrote for class back in Elementary School. :eek:
I'm wrestling with the idea of posting my more explicit work. What safest the patrons? Is it sexy time? Till you say so, more sweet it us...


I've seen you before, but I never saw you until i really looked.
I marvelled, but not like i marvel
Starry eyed and focused,
Afraid look away for fear that my eyes might deceive me
And then you'd be gone.
I've seen beauty, but not unique beauty
Staring at me clearly through human eyes.
Though I'm surprised to find your disguise so pleasant
The heart of the matter makes my own pitter patter.
Beyond the flash of your flesh
And the desire for your fire
What I find beneath
Lends itself favorably to what lies beneath me.
I've seen smiling, but your smile
Is like the key to a dark cell...
It frees.
So I've seen you, but not like I see you.
And I do enjoy the view.
*Steps up to the mic and clears throat* (Please be gentle, I am shy!)

Reminiscing of days gone by, back when I was a child,
I used to sit under the full moonlight, as it shines over the dark, calm sea, in the middle of the night.

Watching and listening, to the gentle slapping waves on the shore,
I bring my feet close to me more.
As I hug myself and think of days and years ahead of me,
Of how things will be, when people just won’t let nature be.

Oh how I cried for you mother nature,
As I think of our own behaviour,
Civilised people seem to have forgotten,
What beauty of nature is, once long gone,
As I sit here, listening and watching, sitting by the sea, the full moonlight,
Shining over the dark, calm sea, in the middle of the night.

Note: May I point out that this was written a long time ago about what I used to do as a child when I was growing up in my home country. This was my very first poem I wrote for class back in Elementary School. :eek:

Very nice, BB. If you could do that as a child...I wonder what the grown up can do? Hmmm? You rocked!
You all amaze mind doesn't want to stay focused long enough to gather thoughts in such a manner.

* adjusts cleavage and straightens garters*

I'll just serve drinks with a smile tonight:heart:

Don't tip the waitress. He gets paid well already! Although, lap dances are extra. was a good poem. Now...get to writing more! Oh...and wear the red outfit next time as a personal favor to me. Lol!

:D I'll think about the red outfit for next time! ;)

You all amaze mind doesn't want to stay focused long enough to gather thoughts in such a manner.

* adjusts cleavage and straightens garters*

I'll just serve drinks with a smile tonight:heart:

It takes time for me too Blade.
Nonsense! Lap dances on the house for any lady who submits a poem!:D

Found this one called "Wolves"
The sun is gone
The moon is out
The wolves howling
Running for their lives
Running through the trees
Running like the wind
With the wind at their tails
Running from the hunter
The one that is near
To not hear that shot
Would be a great day
If you were a wolf
I've not written as much poetry as I use to - but when I do I find it therapeutic. I view it as a way to release the emotions that I often try to disengage myself from, the emotions that I bury beneath smiles, and this is a poem I wrote for the 1st guy I ever knew I loved, and we're still friends...but it's not the same. I'm having to edit it b/c it had his name at the end...

I agree whole heartedly with that. Hell I know by going back and reading my old poetry some of it is really dark. Some of it a lot lighter. You can tell a lot about how someone was feeling by the poetry they write.
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