The "Let's All Nag Angeline to Finish NaNoWriNo" Thread


Aug 2, 2005
I wrote 1,972 words today. On the story, not here! :D
That's a good start. Put you, oh, 272 or so up on schedule.

(Cue: Portentous music)

Big Brother: As the clock rings thirteen, you should have at least 3334 words complete. Victory is immanent! Oceania will triumph!

I mean, think of me as a coach, m'dear. Kind of like a literary Richard Simmons.

Oh. Perhaps not.
That's a good start. Put you, oh, 272 or so up on schedule.

(Cue: Portentous music)

Big Brother: As the clock rings thirteen, you should have at least 3334 words complete. Victory is immanent! Oceania will triumph!

I mean, think of me as a coach, m'dear. Kind of like a literary Richard Simmons.

Oh. Perhaps not.

You know I love you for this, right?

But please don't tell my mother that I actually want people to nag me sometimes. :D

I have 3,946 words as of today. I'm just about to start the second chapter--well tomorrow. I'm toast for working on it anymore today.

You're a good guy for this. And I just want to remind all my poet friends that I can be pushed with poems and/or music, particularly jazz.


PS I will never think of you as Richard Simmons as a personal favor and act of faith.
I will never think of you as Richard Simmons as a personal favor and act of faith.
You don't get to 50K words, Missy, I will forever haunt you like a Yūrei clad in inappropriate spandex pants.

OK. You're about 600 words up. That's good. It gets harder.

Feel the burn.

Isn't that the kind of thing I'm 'spose to say? It has a kind of Ahnold ring to it.
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There are smooth tones that spin silk
from hesitant fingers as they hover
over the tapestry. Carol King sings
blues but that will never supplant
Queen Ella but she can come close.
You don't get to 50K words, Missy, I will forever haunt you like a Yūrei clad in inappropriate spandex pants.

OK. You're about 600 words up. That's good. It gets harder.

Feel the burn.

Isn't that the kind of thing I'm 'spose to say? It has a kind of Ahnold ring to it.

I just have to put myself to work on the outline, too. It has some big gaps in the middle where I need to figure out plot details. The outline doesn't make it easy to write but it's a lot easier than it would be without one.

I'm trying not to think too much about doing this two weeks from now cause that's skeery.

And I'm assuming I will lose a few days around Thanksgiving so I need to make those up over the next week or so, I hope.

You're not Richard Simmons nor Ahnuld. For me you will always be Tristan Tzara. Otoh I don't think you are a nihilistic coach. Post-modern, yeah. Nihilistic? You're too kind for that.

I'm waiting for Charley H to come in and abuse me for not writing faster!

Ok I'm off to make meatloaf (boring but oh so good) and think about that outline.
There are smooth tones that spin silk
from hesitant fingers as they hover
over the tapestry. Carol King sings
blues but that will never supplant
Queen Ella but she can come close.

Yay, a poem (with Ella, even).

Last year I hounded Michael to write .. everyday .. anything .. beginning, ending, tangents and backstory, guess what? He wrote over 50 K words. Get on it baby... You can do it!
I just have to put myself to work on the outline, too. It has some big gaps in the middle where I need to figure out plot details. The outline doesn't make it easy to write but it's a lot easier than it would be without one.
I think an outline is probably essential. The one year I did this, I kind of went into kind of a freewrite crapfest when I'd exhausted my original ideer.
I'm trying not to think too much about doing this two weeks from now cause that's skeery.
Why I'm here poking your recalcitrant ass (sorry, ee, itza metaphor) to get to it. It's a very hard thing to do, even if you complete it writing total crap (which I did, the one year I did it).

I assume you don't want to write total crap. So hop to it, babe. :)
I think an outline is probably essential. The one year I did this, I kind of went into kind of a freewrite crapfest when I'd exhausted my original ideer.
Why I'm here poking your recalcitrant ass (sorry, ee, itza metaphor) to get to it. It's a very hard thing to do, even if you complete it writing total crap (which I did, the one year I did it).

I assume you don't want to write total crap. So hop to it, babe. :)

I have this technique I'm trying. Anytime I can use anything, I mean anything!, I can recall from my own life, as opposed to making stuff up, I am doing so. It's way easier to remember stuff than make it up. I don't think that necessarily makes it especially autobiographical, but it does make it very me.

I guess you know how good it is to have people like you and Champ pushing--really the very best thing ever about this forum that we do for each other. I am feeling very lucky at the moment to have people serve this function. I'm really trying not to put it all on ee. Two days into it and I think he is starting to glaze over already, poor man.

Yes, I know I'm going now. I need to rest up for tomorrow and the meat loaf is really almost ready.

You guys are swell. <Brady Bunch emoticon>
If you get a moment sit back, close your weary eyes and play this ...... then get writing! :):kiss:

Harry Allen is one of my favourite jazz men - he plays like the old guys - nice 'n mellow.
gets on the end of the line to shooooooove ......... you can do it! my admiration has no bounds :rose:
The idea of using things you recall from your life sounds promising.
Could probably keep that hopper full if you include stuff from school.
Any ghostwriters out there?!! I've got a murder mystery plot (with some sex!) in my head! I wonder if there are any writers who could employ me to think up the plots for them to write?
If you get a moment sit back, close your weary eyes and play this ...... then get writing! :):kiss:

Harry Allen is one of my favourite jazz men - he plays like the old guys - nice 'n mellow.

I love that. Jazz is always good, well except when it's someone like Kenny G, imo. Like you, I prefer the classic stuff. :kiss:

gets on the end of the line to shooooooove ......... you can do it! my admiration has no bounds :rose:


(It is totally a mutual admiration society and you know it.)

The idea of using things you recall from your life sounds promising.
Could probably keep that hopper full if you include stuff from school.

It's definitely helping. For example if I need to describe an apartment building, I use one I lived in. When my main character goes to college (later in her life after being in prison for a number of years), I'm sending her to Rutgers because I went there and can describe the school and town really well. Like I said, not really an autobiography at all but lots of me in there. The prison part is all fiction though so let's hope I'm having creative days when I hit that part!

Any ghostwriters out there?!! I've got a murder mystery plot (with some sex!) in my head! I wonder if there are any writers who could employ me to think up the plots for them to write?

Annie, you should check out the NaNaWriMo forums. There are tons of threads offering to help people with stuff exactly like this, and there's even a bunch of Lit people posting there. I think they're mainly writing erotica though I could be wrong: haven't really read through their threads, just seen them there. But you would definitely find people to help. And I'll be your buddy there, if you want me to.

ETA: There's a whole plot doctoring section there where you can find a plot or offer one, ask and/or answer questions and so on.

I am at 5,626 words, slightly ahead of the game (you hear that Tzara?). Might write more in a few hours but tungtied2u is coming over later and I should probably clean up a little. :D
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i hope you find yourself enjoying the whole experience immensely, angiebaby - hard work, i'm sure, but let the exhaustion at the end be rewarded by the creativity you manage to birth. :D

i have every faith in you! :cool:
Man...I knew I should have gotten some one to nag and needle me...I am, like, totally behind at this point.

Good job on over 5.5K, Ange! That's double my goal for tomorrow (playing catchup I have to have a higher daily target for a while).
Man...I knew I should have gotten some one to nag and needle me...I am, like, totally behind at this point.

Good job on over 5.5K, Ange! That's double my goal for tomorrow (playing catchup I have to have a higher daily target for a while).

Hey! you too - we'll nag-support you guys till you're sick to death of us doing it :D
Man...I knew I should have gotten some one to nag and needle me...I am, like, totally behind at this point.

Good job on over 5.5K, Ange! That's double my goal for tomorrow (playing catchup I have to have a higher daily target for a while).

You too? Good luck! Have you done this before?


Hey! you too - we'll nag-support you guys till you're sick to death of us doing it :D

This is the best place on lit, isn't it?

(And as an aside, I often edited posts instead of deleting them and, more than once, removed a thread and left the dreaded redirect hanging out for everyone to see. None of that matters. The main thing is you are a cool chicka, Ms Butty. <nods>.)
You too? Good luck! Have you done this before?

A couple times, but I have yet to finish. Something always comes up, it seems; and I'm not even talking about Thanksgiving, either. Second try was the best, I think, something like 23K that year.
I am at 5,626 words, slightly ahead of the game (you hear that Tzara?). Might write more in a few hours but tungtied2u is coming over later and I should probably clean up a little. :D
That's nice. Do that nine more times in the next 27 days and you'll be through. :rolleyes:

In all sincerity, I would suggest you try to do more earlier in the month, though. Besides that Thanksgiving holiday showing up at the end of the month, I think most people tend to fatigue as time wears on—I know I did the one year I tried it.

Good job, anyway.

So far. ;)
Man...I knew I should have gotten some one to nag and needle me...I am, like, totally behind at this point.
Oh boy! Someone else to snark at! Consider yourself needled, and go write something. :)
That's nice. Do that nine more times in the next 27 days and you'll be through. :rolleyes:

In all sincerity, I would suggest you try to do more earlier in the month, though. Besides that Thanksgiving holiday showing up at the end of the month, I think most people tend to fatigue as time wears on—I know I did the one year I tried it.

Good job, anyway.

So far. ;)

7795 and lots of reorganzing of the outline to clarify the next few chapters. I'm going to take a break and make risotto. There's snow predicted in the higher elevations tonight, but I'll just see it looking pretty from afar. That's my kinda snow!

The characters are really starting to come to life for me. It's exciting! Otoh I read some of Cider House Rules last night (to study dialogue) and thought oh what a load of crap I've written. But if I get a first draft that sets up the architecture of the plot by the end of the month, I'll be happy. I can work with that.
7795 and lots of reorganzing of the outline to clarify the next few chapters. I'm going to take a break and make risotto. There's snow predicted in the higher elevations tonight, but I'll just see it looking pretty from afar. That's my kinda snow!

The characters are really starting to come to life for me. It's exciting! Otoh I read some of Cider House Rules last night (to study dialogue) and thought oh what a load of crap I've written. But if I get a first draft that sets up the architecture of the plot by the end of the month, I'll be happy. I can work with that.

word risotto - my fayyvourite :kiss: