Your Favorite BDSM Photos

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I have no idea why the rules are what they are, you'd have to check with Laurel. I just enforce them, despite a whole fuckload of people giving me shit for it. :(

I'm pretty sure the rules were updated to deal with the passing of 2257, and the record keeping that goes along with it. I have not heard of any real enforcement on this law other than the taking down of porn sites, but landing in the justice dept.s crosshairs could put an end to lit and all the works stored on their servers real fuckin quick.
E I know your job is thankless, but be assured that you are respected and your insight is appreciated.
I have no idea why the rules are what they are, you'd have to check with Laurel. I just enforce them, despite a whole fuckload of people giving me shit for it. :(

Love you, love you, love you!:rose::kiss::heart:

Hope that brightens your day just a bit!
Now I'm curious about how the Oral Servitude thread can pass muster. Because if the presence of pictures depicting oral-genital contact break the terms of service here, that thread has almost no legitimate claim to existence in the forum. And it's one of my favorites, too.

Don't go dragging my favorite thread into this!:mad:
I thought the same thing about the oral servitude thread.

I thought that the rules did change when 2257 came into effect? Or maybe they just were inforced more after that? I know that was when I lost interest in posting pics. Seemed every pic I posted was a violation and deleted. I stopped trying. :rolleyes:

Dam it! Leave the OS thread alone!
You guys, she is not saying that the pictures are banned, she is just saying that they can not have anything to do with literotica's server if they violate the rules. Are you people telling me you would rather argue than just click a link?

geez, a totally hot chic and she's got common sense too! Too bad I'm already married!;)
Dam it! Leave the OS thread alone!

I feel your pain, sir. I love the photos on the OS thread, but I'd rather have an extra click than have to get off my lazy cyber ass and go looking for the pics myself because the whole thread had been sent to pixel heaven.

Av's looking hot as usual DGE's I'm sure I could get half the lit women (and lots of the men lol ) to sign a pertiton for you to start the DGE's Hot Bod Dom picture thread......what do yout think ladies?

Please give you support ...all voted needed!

You have my vote :rose:

A whole thread? :eek: I'm flattered, but... no. I'd run out of shots, and become a boredom factory within hours. Day five: DGE eating cereal (4 pics). Day seven: DGE taking out the trash (6 pics). Day ten: DGE eating cereal with frozen blueberries (interactive slideshow!).
A whole thread? :eek: I'm flattered, but... no. I'd run out of shots, and become a boredom factory within hours. Day five: DGE eating cereal (4 pics). Day seven: DGE taking out the trash (6 pics). Day ten: DGE eating cereal with frozen blueberries (interactive slideshow!).

Pretty sure I'd still enjoy that... :D As long as the clothing was right (or should I say optional... no... gone is better.. hehehe)
#1: You don't have any rights. This is a privately owned website. What Laurel says, goes.
#2: There are no do-gooders or limp dicks, there is just me, trying to enforce the rules that Laurel created.
#3: If you don't like Laurel's rules, you don't have to stay on Lit.
#4: This only applies to pictures. You can discuss whatever you want. Pictures are the ONLY issue.

Holy shit.

That's been the rule for AGES, and when something is done about it, people get their panties in a twist?

Oh Etoile. No wonder you were over in blurts the other day in a throat punchy kind of mood!
I feel your pain, sir. I love the photos on the OS thread, but I'd rather have an extra click than have to get off my lazy cyber ass and go looking for the pics myself because the whole thread had been sent to pixel heaven.

Actually, I prefer the click, I like the anticipation kind of like undressing someone...... I was just being a bit tongue in cheek, seeing as how the OS thread has meant sooo much to so many for so long!
Holy shit.

That's been the rule for AGES, and when something is done about it, people get their panties in a twist?

Oh Etoile. No wonder you were over in blurts the other day in a throat punchy kind of mood!

Yes, exactly...
Keep the lovely pictures coming, but let's all follow the lovely KitKat's example and keep them within the rules, pretty please? Makes my life much easier!
Thank you, but saying this two seconds later kind of ruins it for me:

I hope you saw my reply to DGE, I was being tongue in cheekish. I actually like the clicks... anticipation and all. So please just enjoy the love.

Sometimes email doens't do justice to my droll sense of humor.:eek:
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