You know You've Gotten Old When...

When you tell a college student you graduated from their school, they ask what year and respond to tje year by saying "that's before I was born"
When you refuse the discount to take out a long term subscription, because you may not live to benefit from it.
YKYGOW ... Valentine's Day triggers memories of that long ago special lover.
When you're chatting with a 20 something year old and you find out their parents are younger than you.
On a date, you're thinking as much about the possible quality of the meal than the possible quality of the sex after the meal. :rolleyes:
YKYGOW your team asks what your favorite movie is and you flip through movie titles trying to find one they recognize. :rolleyes:
YKYGOW when policemen and other officials look like they are still of school age
when your doctor doesn't look old enough to shave or wear makeup, in the case of a lady doc.