You Know You're Sexually Frustrated When ....

When you see two awesome women in a row mention your name on a thread and your heart skips a beat knowing that, somewhere out there, they care.
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When I get random boners on my commute to work on the train or the tube (underground train in London)
You know you are sexually frustrated when ...

... Valentine's Day approaches and you are reconsidering that date request from the guy who leaves you lukewarm.
When you stubbornly try to tie some kind of 'love' into it when it's not there.

Fucking is fucking. Love is love. That twain doesn't always meet.
You know you are sexually frustrated when ...
... when your attempt at self-satisfaction is successful, but you're still in a bad mood because it wasn't enough. :mad:
YKYSFW ... when you hear those biblical phrases that: "A begat B, and B begat C" and think, "I need more begatting."
YKYSFW you have a regular monthly delivery of AA batteries.
YKYSFW the EPA declares your home a superfund toxic site because of all the old discarded batteries piling up
You know you're sexually frustrated when you have three of the same recharging cords for your toys, and you need to plug them all in.
You fake an orgasm so you can watch a TV show that's coming on... and you're alone.