You and Your Avatar


Literotica Guru
Feb 11, 2019
This is my first effort at starting a thread. I thought I'd do this with my 250 post here. I've been posting on a number of threads regarding Avatars, but there isn't a thoughtful thread that asks everyone to talk about what their Avatar means to them, or what made them choose it. So this is that thread :)

In my search for my own Avatar, I thought it would be good to hear from all of you about yours. What does it mean to you? What made you pick it? Does it have a secret meaning? Does it have the affect on others you intended? Is it part of your online personality? What is it about your Avatar that you think makes it a really good Avatar? What do others misconstrue about your Avatar? You get the idea.

..... and yes, I'll consider all your thoughtful thoughts as I work on mine! :)
There WAS a good thread like that, but damned if I can find it. So I'll just answer your question instead of searching the archives any longer. My opinion only... an avatar should reflect something of your personality or how you see yourself. Maybe how you choose to interact with others here. There are rules about photos and avatars, and as long as you stay within them, you can choose whatever avatar you like.

Mine? When I'm here I choose to be a little sexier and flirtier than real life allows, but also have a little bit of class. So none of my avatars will ever be unclothed. Only once did a profile pic have a shot of my nude torso, but that was on a dare, and it was Christmas, and egg nog had been consumed. That's all I'm saying.

Some people choose to change their avatars frequently, but stay on a theme. Some have had the same avatar since they joined. It's completely up to you. I know. That didn't help AT ALL. Sorry!
Mine are usually picked at random. I like to change mine up from time to time. I have noticed a lot of Litsters find one and keep it. I guess I find a pic that leaves something to the imagination and let the rest be found in my am pic thread or profile pic which is usually a little more racy.

When I first joined Lit (this is my second account) my AV was a google image of like raindrops or something. Some people go that route.

Good luck in finding your AV!
My avatar is the flag of Lickadick. Not really. I just made that up. It's a cute cock. People who don't/can't read assume that I'm a guy, but I am a female who likes to lick a dick.
No rhyme or reason to picking mine, really. I just choose one I like :) Good luck!
I knew what I wanted for an avatar from the get go. I only changed it once at Christmas time and a few people got upset. LOL. I love to bake, cherries are my favorite fruit and it goes with my screen name. I mean, come on, who doesn't want a piece of cherry pie, whether it be an actual pie or the other kind.

And then the song by Warrant gets stuck in your head. . .
My avatar has two fold significance.

1) Ghostbusters. My favorite movie.

2) Circuit board to represent being a nerd. I'm actually not good at electronics and technical things, but it makes for a cool design.
Mine was on a dare, and I've had a few compliments over the years, so I've stuck with it.
Mine was on a dare, and I've had a few compliments over the years, so I've stuck with it.

Only a few? C'mon now...

Mine expresses the attitude that I had a couple years ago, and at times I still do have. Plus I use it as the avatar on my Tumblr, so I've been reluctant to change it. Maybe someday...
I love cats. Have had a variety of different ones on here. Got complaints about some, perhaps jokingly. AFAIK, nobody complained about this one so I left it.
I like Calvin and Hobbes. I like this particular one because it say's a lot without using words. Someone told me how much it spoke to them so I'm leaving it up.
Funny enough I didn’t choose my AV - MissTexas from back in the day came across it and sent it to me. I think it conveys my playfulness mixed with a touch of sexy (kind of how I am in real life too!) along with playing on my screen name.

This was my first AV, and like GEV, I’ve tried to change it a time or two, but people get angry. So I leave it now and just change the profile pic instead :)
Hi, and welcome.
I miss my old AV. I was under a different name, and I love bananas.

This? Speaks for itself.

My profile is me. :heart:
I like cats, vibrant colors, abstract art, and playing the guitar is one of the great loves of my life. This is my 2nd AV, and I was kinda looking for something along those lines, and as soon as I saw this, it was undeniable.
Funny enough I didn’t choose my AV - MissTexas from back in the day came across it and sent it to me. I think it conveys my playfulness mixed with a touch of sexy (kind of how I am in real life too!) along with playing on my screen name.

This was my first AV, and like GEV, I’ve tried to change it a time or two, but people get angry. So I leave it now and just change the profile pic instead :)

It's ironic, and perfect.

I've had a few over the years but stuck with this one. It's from an old Absinthe poster. Fits my attitude too. So I keep it.
For a long time I only had cartoons of tinkerbell and then this pic got taken for a game of truyhnor dare. I liked it and a friend convinced me to post it.
It wasn’t as scary as I thought to put it up and I’ve shared a few other pics here and there.
I change it up from time to time but Tolyk really likes this one and if I can make him happy with something so simple I will every time :heart:
For a while I had a cartoon pic of a loose cannon, the name came from the description of me by an old but good friend. Now I show a little of me and my particular kink to make sure no-one gets the wrong impression... change it occasionally when I remember how to sort small files out
Only AV picture I've ever had. I think I had close to 1,000 posts to my name and still hadn't posted a picture. My best friend, here on Lit, suggested that I choose something. I mentioned that I wasn't really interested in looking for anything and she said she'd make me one. This was it and I've kept it ever since. It's fun and playful so it represents me well and it's got something to do with my job. It's also something Chica made me so it stays, for her. ;)
There WAS a good thread like that, but damned if I can find it. So I'll just answer your question instead of searching the archives any longer. My opinion only... an avatar should reflect something of your personality or how you see yourself
Mine? When I'm here I choose to be a little sexier and flirtier than real life allows, but also have a little bit of class. That didn't help AT ALL. Sorry!
BeachBaby, that was helpful, thank you. I did comb through the history and search on this before creating the thread – so if there is an old one, it’s pretty hidden. Your thought on having a little bit of class resonates with me. Love your Avatar too! :rolleyes:

I guess I find a pic that leaves something to the imagination. Good luck in finding your AV!
I appreciate your thought which do impact my thinking about this. Thank you for your post! :)

My avatar is the flag of Lickadick. Not really. I just made that up. It's a cute cock. People who don't/can't read assume that I'm a guy, but I am a female who likes to lick a dick.
Guilty of the wrong assumption! I like your sense of humor. :rose:

LOL. I love to bake, cherries are my favorite fruit and it goes with my screen name. I mean, come on, who doesn't want a piece of cherry pie, whether it be an actual pie or the other kind.
This is exactly the kind of thing that helps. I’m likely to dense to have gotten this without the help. But, yes, I would love to eat some cherry pie. Gracias! ;)

My avatar has two fold significance.
Ghostbusters. My favorite movie. 2) Circuit board to represent being a nerd. I'm actually not good at electronics and technical things, but it makes for a cool design.
That’s super meaningful in a personal sort of way. It definitely is unique to you. Like the cherry pie, I wouldn’t have gotten it right away, but I can see it clearly now. Cool Avatar! :cool:

my avatar is usually just a recent pic of me.
…. And I love it! I don’t know that I’d swap out my pics, doesn’t that get confusing for people? I have a lot of respect for your picking a beautiful photo for yours. :heart:

Mine was on a dare, and I've had a few compliments over the years, so I've stuck with it.
A dare? Intriguing. What kind of dare and what does the tat say? :cool:

I have to stop for now. I really appreciate the thoughts and I will reply to everyone. You are all having an impact on my thinking and I hope this thread has been at least a little bit fun for you. I’ll also check my messages for advice folks didn’t want to post. Lady JS, I’ll be coming back a little later!
Mine expresses the attitude that I had a couple years ago, and at times I still do have.
I like the Japanese Manga look, I’ll definitely look to inject some of my attitude into my avatar. Thanks for the reply!
I love cats. Have had a variety of different ones on here. Got complaints about some, perhaps jokingly. AFAIK, nobody complained about this one so I left it.
I have liked your avatar since the first time I saw it. I have wondered if there is a pussy cat reference to it, like the cherry pie reference above. Which all might go to prove that we can’t make absolute assumptions about what the avatar means. That does both ways – as does all communication and miscommunication.
Sorry, In a rush, be back tomorrow.

I like Calvin and Hobbes. I like this particular one because it say's a lot without using words. Someone told me how much it spoke to them so I'm leaving it up.

I like it too! It says "wonderment" to me. I'd be interested in how you feel this avatar relates to the kind of banter you bring or like on this site. I'm kinda feeling stuck between two different approaches to an avatar. Yours makes me think.