Wrong Address -- Serial R@p!st Meets Psychopath "Victim"


Former Stud
Oct 6, 2022
Hi, all. I've been a happy and active pervert over on the Fetish and Sexuality Central board for about a year and a half. I have innumerable twisted fantasies and have written dozens of short stories for myself only. But I have one story idea that I'm not sure what to do with; I haven't written it yet. I don't exactly know what I hope to accomplish with this post. Encouragement to go ahead and write the story? Or a volunteer to flesh it out for me?

Anyway, my premise is this: A serial rapist has been stalking an attractive young woman and targeted her for his next sexual assault. He knocks on her door with the ruse that he is a (electric company employee, carbon monoxide tester, random door-to-door salesman, etc.) and that he has an appointment with Miss So and So at such and such address. The woman, who has opened the door for him, tells him he's got the wrong address, that it must be on the next block. But he sees us the opportunity to force her back inside her house, intent on raping her.

Unbeknownst to him, or anyone else in the neighborhood, the woman is actually an escaped and violent psychopath who quickly turns the tables on him. She proceeds to incapacitate him and take him as a prisoner, performing more and more horrific sexual acts on him as he fights to escape. I guess somewhat of an X-rated take on Misery. Except Annie is a hot mid-30s woman, and she is NOT a fan of her prisoner.

Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated. Just be gentle...

I'm a virgin here.

Oh, and I hope this post doesn't violate any Lit terms or conditions. My apologies in advance if it does.
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It has potential, and the idea of a sexual aggressor meeting his match is interesting.

What you are going to need to be cautious of is violence. Physically hurting someone (outside of normal BDSM) isn't going to fly on the site. Just as non-consensual physical rape doesn't. I would go less with 'violent psychopath' and more 'crazy girl with outlandish kinks.' That might be way off from what you are thinking.

The other possibility is that this story is erotica, but maybe straight horror with sexual undertones.

Overall just make sure you are familiar with what is and isn't allowed on site.
It has potential, and the idea of a sexual aggressor meeting his match is interesting.

What you are going to need to be cautious of is violence. Physically hurting someone (outside of normal BDSM) isn't going to fly on the site. Just as non-consensual physical rape doesn't. I would go less with 'violent psychopath' and more 'crazy girl with outlandish kinks.' That might be way off from what you are thinking.

The other possibility is that this story is erotica, but maybe straight horror with sexual undertones.

Overall just make sure you are familiar with what is and isn't allowed on site.
The idea originated as a straight horror script. I might just leave it alone on here. Not familiar with all the rules regarding violence. But thank you for advice and insight.
I think it has great potential.

The FMC doesn't have to be a psychopath, though, unless that's part of your fun. She could be, say, a covert operative trained in all manner of subduing a man and torturing him. Or she could be a skilled dominatrix who is an expert at restraint, teasing, and denial.

For the non-consensual angle, the would-be rapist could find that his initial horror gradually turns to acceptance, enjoyment, and eventually to craving and need for the ministrations he receives at the hand of the would-be victim. That would follow the accepted Lit pattern for non-con stories.
Reminds me of a scene from one of my erotic horror novels, guy with a long history of violence against women goes upstairs with who he thinks is a stripper and plans on getting rough with her and turns out she's a schizophrenic serial killer and him hitting her triggers the psychotic personality to come out and ruin him.

Great fun was had by...me.
I think it has great potential.

The FMC doesn't have to be a psychopath, though, unless that's part of your fun. She could be, say, a covert operative trained in all manner of subduing a man and torturing him. Or she could be a skilled dominatrix who is an expert at restraint, teasing, and denial.

For the non-consensual angle, the would-be rapist could find that his initial horror gradually turns to acceptance, enjoyment, and eventually to craving and need for the ministrations he receives at the hand of the would-be victim. That would follow the accepted Lit pattern for non-con stories.
Thanks for the heads-up on the rules!
This kind of reminds me of the 1986 movie Little Shop of Horrors where a sadistic dentist has a masochist patient and it freaks him out. I think this overall scenario could be turned into an interesting story idea.
The idea originated as a straight horror script. I might just leave it alone on here. Not familiar with all the rules regarding violence. But thank you for advice and insight.
So horror does not have to be an endless variation of Saw or Hostel. The best horror is psychological. The book The Exorcist is IMHO far more frightening than the movie as Blatty provided a framework where the possession was possible, just wasn't demonic. And psychopaths do not have to always mean an ending involving blood spattered death.
Instead your psychopath could see herself as an avenging angel - who leaves gibbering madmen in her wake? A sort of Dexter type character, who leaves her 'toys' alive and physically whole, but mentally shattered. And of course the games start with a choice; prison or agree to play with her...
I'll certainly give my tick for this one. A "tables turned" situation doesn't come up all that often and it deserves more outings in erotic writing.

Having said that, it is just a plot device and, once used and the reader having realised what's happened, you're back to making it an interesting tale through your talent as a writer. How believable can you make the characters and what they do, how they react, etc. etc..?
So horror does not have to be an endless variation of Saw or Hostel. The best horror is psychological. The book The Exorcist is IMHO far more frightening than the movie as Blatty provided a framework where the possession was possible, just wasn't demonic. And psychopaths do not have to always mean an ending involving blood spattered death.
Instead your psychopath could see herself as an avenging angel - who leaves gibbering madmen in her wake? A sort of Dexter type character, who leaves her 'toys' alive and physically whole, but mentally shattered. And of course the games start with a choice; prison or agree to play with her...
Great point on the Exorcist. No doubt the movie is amazing, but you can't build the same tension in 2 hours of screen time as you can in a few hundred pages and being inside the characters heads.
I think it has great potential.

The FMC doesn't have to be a psychopath, though, unless that's part of your fun. She could be, say, a covert operative trained in all manner of subduing a man and torturing him. Or she could be a skilled dominatrix who is an expert at restraint, teasing, and denial.

For the non-consensual angle, the would-be rapist could find that his initial horror gradually turns to acceptance, enjoyment, and eventually to craving and need for the ministrations he receives at the hand of the would-be victim. That would follow the accepted Lit pattern for non-con stories.
I'm wondering if the development of just plain Stockholm syndrome would satisfy Lit's guidelines. Where the rapist-cum-victim only comes to accept his fate when it becomes evident that he'll never escape. No falling in love with the woman. My vision doesn't necessarily have a happy ending. Although it may have a few of those on the way to its conclusion.
I think your angle will fly here. I've written a few non-happy endings myself. Not everyone loves them, but there is always a niche audience, at the least.

I hope you write it. If you do, let us know, as I will surely read it.
I think your angle will fly here. I've written a few non-happy endings myself. Not everyone loves them, but there is always a niche audience, at the least.

I hope you write it. If you do, let us know, as I will surely read it.
Thanks, Carn. Mr. Evil, sir. If I ever get around to fleshing it out, I would certainly run it by some of you folks before I even bother trying to get it put up by Lit. Frankly, most of the dozens of stories I've written over the years, I just wrote for myself. And that's what I would do with this one. If it wasn't popular on here, or was rejected for one reason or another, I really wouldn't care.

Now, if it got picked up by a major studio and turned into a $400 million blockbuster, I would certainly care then.
As he forces his way into her home, he's met with the chilling sight of Isabella, a woman of exquisite beauty, standing calmly in the center of the room. Her icy stare sends a chill down his spine, and he's taken aback by her demeanor.

"Who are you?" Richard demands, trying to assert his dominance.

Isabella raises an eyebrow, her eyes never leaving his face. "I'm Isabella," she replies coolly, her voice as smooth as silk. "And you are?"

"That doesn't matter," Richard growls, taking a step towards her. "You know why I'm here."

Isabella tilts her head, studying him with a curious expression. "Do I?" she asks, her tone mocking. "Enlighten me."

Richard hesitates for a moment, thrown off by her calm demeanor. He's used to women cowering in fear, begging for mercy, but Isabella seems almost... bored. "I'm here to take what I want," he says finally, his voice low and menacing.

Isabella's lips curl into a cold smile. "And what is it that you want, exactly?" she asks, taking a step towards him.

Richard's heart races as she approaches him, her confidence unnerving. "I want to rape you," he says, his voice trembling slightly.

Isabella's smile widens, and she lets out a soft laugh. "How quaint," she says, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "And here I thought you were going to say something interesting."

Richard's face contorts with anger, and he takes a step towards her, ready to assert his dominance. But Isabella holds up a hand, stopping him in his tracks.

"Wait," she says, her voice still calm and measured. "I have a proposal for you."

Richard hesitates, his curiosity piqued. "What kind of proposal?" he asks warily.

Isabella's eyes glint with amusement. "I'll offer myself to you," she says, her voice cold and calculating. "But with a twisted condition."

Richard's heart races as he listens to her words, his mind racing with possibilities. "What condition?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper.

Isabella's smile widens, and she takes a step closer to him, her eyes locked on his. "If you can satisfy me with several strong orgasms, you may leave in the end," she says, her voice low and seductive. "But if you fail, I will castrate you."

Richard's eyes widen in shock, and he takes a step back, his heart racing with fear. But at the same time, he's intrigued by her proposal, drawn in by her confidence and coldness.

"Do we have a deal?" Isabella asks, her voice cold and calculating.

Richard hesitates for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts of what could happen. But in the end, his curiosity and twisted desires win out, and he finds himself agreeing to her chilling proposal.

"We have a deal," he says, his voice low and menacing.

Isabella's smile widens, and she takes a step towards him, her eyes locked on his. "Very well," she says, her voice cold and calculating. "Let the game begin."

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For those who don't necessarily want a "horror take" on this, I'd suggest that the rape proceeds followed by the aforementioned "turning of the tables". In both cases it transpires that the victim ends up enjoying what happens, perhaps greatly to their surprise, having had epiphanies as to his/her true desires and wants.

Providing neither dies, Lit. rules appear to be happy with that sort of scenario.
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A serial rapist who specializes in wish fulfillment.

As he’s raping his first victim he notices that she starts to respond to him. She enjoying the actbas it’s been a long time fantasy of hers. He does a little research. Finds that a lot women have this fantasy. He puts out ads on the internet for his services. A lot of housewives and even couples. They make arrangements with them working out a round about day and time. Not to precise. The women are home alone. Doors left unlocked. Then he strikes when they least expect it.
This sounds a bit like the episode of the British cop show No Offence in which a guy breaks into a house as a member of a rape club where strangers either want to rape or be raped, so when your number comes up, you go to the address given and rape the occupant. In the show the occupant has been unknowingly enrolled in the club by an enemy seeking revenge. It turns out she is a martial arts specialist, overcomes the rapist and calls the police. He has to explain he's there because he thought she had consented to it by putting her name down.