Would be a knight

The braclet burned into her wrist with extreme pain, and a aching pain in her side, Thorn watched as blood spoiled for a slash in her side. Thorn clenched her teeth. "That man who Is he? Why do I always see him?" Thorn thought, she then spoke looking at the three. "Maybe it's time we introduce ourselves? I think you may need to know what's going on. My name is Thorn Black. I'm 20. I'm a thief. Those things are what I call Shadow People. I'm hunted by them. They are thralls of vampires. I am hunted by vampire clans. My blood is important. Drinking my blood for them makes them about 100 times stronger." Recently I have been lured into that bordered house where's I was attacked by whom I have taken upon calling "The Pale Man" I was turned into a vampire today. This braclet seems to bound me to them and I cannot remove it. The longer its on the stronger they get. The more chance of them killing. I wanted to join the army to get away, to be safe. I can't leave until they get more recruits. The vampire clan that's bound me are known as the oldest and strongest, The Scarlet Shadows...ouch" She said this last word before blacking out.
Treborin, had never seen anything like it, or understood what was going on.

His day had started complicated enough, (going to sneak out of the city and join the troop, that are heading off at sun rise tomorow.) but now?!?!

Vampires, pale men, scarlet shadows? Of course he had heard the stories. His farther had told him he had hunted vampires, his sword blessed and treated by a holy order, but even so, Treborin, never thought he would meet a vampire.

The thought ran through his head he should kill the wood elf, stab her through the heart with the sword, that would work.

He looked to the others unsure what to do.
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Ella looked from one man to the other, assessing what what must be going through their minds. One thing she did know, they needed more information. Information that could only come from the unconscious girl in front of them. Putting her hands on her hips she raised her eyebrow. Clearing her throat before beginning,

"Well I'm thinking I know what is going through your minds right now, "Vampires....the only good one is a dead one". But in this case I think we should get more information, there may be a way to save or if not...maybe come to some kind of working relationship with this girl. Either way the right thing to do would be to give her a chance. So I vote we don't kill her."

Ella eyed both men and waited for their reaction, knowing she had truly hit the mark.
"If we can free her from the curse, then we do it. If not, then killing her would be a mercy to her and those around her." His sword is sheathed yet again and the shield slung across his back as well. "Honestly I'd rather just kill her and be done with it but we could use the information."
Treborin stayed quiet. Not killing the young elf would be the nice thing to do, but she was a vampire, not killing her was dangerous to everyone.

His farther had once said, you can save someone who has been turned, but only before the next full moon. He also said it would be easier to kill 100 vamps, than to cure one.

If the others weren't going to kill her, then he would, the first chance he got, but not in front of the other Elf. She seamed to want to save her kinsman.

Treborin sword twitched in his hand. He was still on high alert. He could feel that something else was watching the small group, may be this grey man, and Treborin didn't like this feeling.
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Thorn awoke a split second later, looking at the three unsure faces, she got up weakly holding her side " there going to kill me arnt they.." She thought. She spoke in a hoarse voice. "Look I know what's probably going through your heads, Vampire= kill. But I can tell that each and everyone of you is going through something hard. Maybe something expensive maybe something just to get away, I did not choose to be a monster and will not choose. I plan to look for a cure." She looked at the halfling. "That sword is holy, and it twitches in you arm, unsure to stab me in my heart." She looked back to the three, Jut remember I have not or tried not to suck your blood yet. I would be asking for help if I did not believe you had something in you. She looked once again at the halfling. You have been judged for what you are, a halfling, maybe you don't want to be a halfling, I don't want to be judged for being this, just as you don't want to, I would assume you of all people would know how it feels." And with that she jumped on a shed and onto a roof and ran out of sight.
He didn't want to admit it, but the wood elf was right. Treborin didn't like being pre-judged, and being half elf had made his life a lot harder. Still she was a vampire, or at least been bitten by one. If she turned completely she would be very dangerous, and with the elf ability to sense there surroundings and peoples emotions she would be more dangerous then any his father had told him about.

Still there was time before the full moon, so he would not try to kill the elf, not yet. But if she became a danger to any one then he would haft to act.

He just hoped that this was the right course of action. if someone died because he had not acted...

He put his sword away for the second time, and turned to face Roderick, ignoring the other elf. "If you travel with the army, maybe we could spar some time. I know my skills are a little... limited, but am willing to work hard and learn."

"My Name is Treborin Marchel. My farther was the famous knight and monster hunter Lucius Marchel."
Thorn broke into the library and started to search. After skimming through 26 pages, she found one mention a stone and a priest of the sun god. The stone was called a bloodstone. It is found in a coffin in a old place, it must collect 4 different kinds of a vampires blood, the first blood is from the leader of the weakest and newest clan, then second clan leader, third and finally... The pale man. One drop is required for each and the bloodstone will absorb it. When collected the priest must do a old ritual calling upon the sun god himself to free the vampire. Whilst holding the bloodstone to the sun. "Great... This is just great" Thorn thought glumly. "I'll leave tommarrow, with or without them" she thought.
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Ella watched in dismay as the girl vanished before their eyes. Turning to the men,

"Well looks like our vampire girl is off again, we could wait for her to come swooping back or carry on with our plans."

She looked from one to the other before glancing at the rooftop where she last saw the girl, sighing she continued,

"I for one would like to help her, but she seems so unpredictable that I will wait on that for now. The plan was to get myself enlisted which I will do now. If the wood elf comes back later, we can see if we can help her, but now really have my doubts. By the way, with all the commotion going on I never properly introduced myself. I am Donella known to my friends as Ella."

Since she already knew Rodrick's name she looked over at the half elf, waiting.
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"Honored to meet the both of you, I hadn't really come here to enlist but I'm looking for work and soldiering is what I know so it looks like that's what I'll be doing." He glanced to Treborin and nodded his head as he made his way back over to his warhorse and began unstrapping the covered gear on its back. "I could train you, wouldn't be that difficult to teach you the basics of swordplay, might want to get yourself a bit if armor as well if you don't already. You can be the best swordsman in the world but your still as vulnerable as whatever protection you have."
a big smile spread on Treborin's face, but it was short lived as he thought about what Roderick had said. Five copper coins wasn't going to buy much armour.

The army gave out bit and pieces, but they wouldn't give him any.
It might just buy an old wooden shield.

an idea then popped in to his head. there were always extra old shields in the training houses, maybe even some leather coverings. He could sneak in and get some, then sneak out of the city and meet up with the army and Roderick in the morning.

"Thank you Roderick. I will meet you at first light when the army marches for the northern territories.

Suddenly he felt Ella's eyes boring I to him, she was not happy. Not that it should bother him, She was an Elf, and an arrogant one at that.

Treborn walked away from her with out a word, knowing what he was going to do.

Vampires and Elves would wait for another day.
As the halfling rudely walked away, Ella stood for a few seconds with her hands on her hips. "Well wouldn't you know it... that's just like a lowly half breed. No wonder the ancient law of mixing races was put into effect, if that's what comes of it!"

Sniffing in disgust she turned towards the stone building once more thinking, "I should have enlisted when I first got here, instead of getting side tracked. Well I will remedy that shortly." She walked through the doorway looking for someone who looked like an officer. At the far wall was a short robust man sitting behind a aged and battered desk. He had on an old uniform that looked like it had seen better days. Without pausing she continued towards him. As she drew near she nodded her head asking,

"Sir, is this where I sign up for the military?"

The man slowly looked up from his paper work placing his quill down, his glance went to her face then he insolently looked her up and down finally he smirked,

"It could be, but it's more then a pretty elf would want to take on. I believe you are in the wrong building, go on girl this is not place for the likes of you."

He was about to up his quill again when suddenly an small knife embedded itself just before his hand touched it. In total surprise the officer looked back up at the elf woman, new respect could be seen in his eyes. He leaned back in his rickety chair grinning widely now,

"Well well missy, maybe your not in the wrong place after all, if you are as proficient with other weapons as you are with a knife, you had better fill out this form. I see you have a bow, which is an asset, here take the form and fill it out. When your done, I will look it over and decide if you need to be tested or just to be placed."

Ella nodded as she took the official looking paper and an extra quill, twenty minutes later she handed it back to the officer. She looked around the interior as she waited for him decide what her next step should be. Finally he cleared his throat bringing her attention back to him.

"I see you have left a few blanks on this form you last name being one, but that isn't unusual."

He looked down again at the form before continuing,

"OK, I am impressed with your experience, and since we are a little short of officers, I think you might fit as leader of a small group of men, this is temporary to see if your leadership qualities are up to snuff."

With a nod of his head he indicated a door to the left of is desk,

"Go through that door and pick up your regulation equipment, as for a uniform, what your wearing will do, just make sure you have your designation patch sowed onto your sleeve. There will be a large force of men leaving the grounds first thing in the morning. Your men will be introduced you to later today. Good luck to you Ma'am.
When it came to Roderick's turn to speak with the man he simply leaned in close to him and spoke a few whispered words. Eventually he produced something from a pouch at his waist and showed it to the recruiter then returned it to the pouch. At the sight of the object and the scarred man's words the officer's eyes went wide and he simply nodded as he spoke. "I don't think we'll have to see if you qualify for anything, sir. I'm placing you in command of a small contingent of men, it'll be far less than what you're used to but I'm sure you'll do just fine. You can join the elf woman that was just in here."

Roderick nodded his head to the officer as he picked up his gear and carried it out, he searched around for Donella and when he finally found her he walked up to her, "was told to join you here, looks like they're placing me in command of a small.group of officers and in typical military fashion told me to hurry up and wait out here. I never settled for that sort of inaction amongst my men before." That last part quietly muttered under his breath but still likely picked up by elven ears.
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After studying the map, Thorn saw the location of the Bloodstone, a cave a little east from were the army should be stationed, Thorn briskly walked to the army building and walked to the old man, leaning on the desk she said "You really want me to do this again?" He replied "No, your going to be leading a small group next to Ella and Roderick." He continued to write. Thorn walked out. "Damnit. Im more solo but this will do. Should I tell them of my discovering? No they don't care, not like anyone does anyway" she thought
Treborin Forced the window to the training hall, as he had done many times before, though usually under the cover of darkness. He came here most nights practising with the dummies, and targets, not that it had been enough, as he hadn't really preformed well in his first fight.

He wriggled in through the window, and looked around to make sure he was alone. One of his duties had been to clean the hall out after practise, a few days a week. He had managed to watch some of the training and had copied as much as he could remember.

Treborin went over to the chest full of leathers, helmets and armour. He didn't usually bother with these, as he didn't spar with people just the dummies, and they couldn't hit him back (though one had injured him once, which reminded him to be carful)

He found an old metal helmet, Which had, at one time, probably been used in battle, so Treborn thought it would be strong enough and put it on. It also covered his ears, so now people might not know he was part elf.

None of the chest plates fit him but he did find an arm guard, and some leather gloves (they smelled a bit, but was sure he could use them) and an empty knife strap which he placed on his leg, allowing his trousers to cover it. He would get a knife later.

There were several shields in a stack of different sizes, most wooden, but Treborin's eyes were drawn to a round metal one. He hadn't seen it before, not that he had spent a lot of time with shields.
It fit on his back perfectly and was easy to use and not as heavy as other metal shields he had picked up before.

Treborin looked at the shield, there were a couple of scratches, but was in very good condition. "Would it be missed?" He thought to him self, as he turned the shield over and looked at the back.

The smile faded from Treborin's face, there was a blood elf runes scratched on the back. He knew they were blood elf as they were the same as some of the runes on his charm. He was in two minds to chose a different shield, but decided to keep it, after all, what was the chance of someone else knowing what the marks were.

Treborin snuck back out of the window and re-secured it. He doubted any thing he had taken would be missed, but kept wandering about the shield. What were the chances it had been a blood elf's shield, and that he would find it.

"Next step get out of the city and meet up with Roderick," Treborin thought as he walked down the street smiling. He felt like a warrior now, and soon the grand adventure would start.
As they walked the stone path in the middle of the woods, Thorn felt a eerie feeling as she walked and it wasn't good. She continued to walk yet faster, she looked at the others to see if they felt the same. It would be a long trip.
Ella got her supplies including the some extra arrows and her designation patch. She hoisted the backpack over one shoulder and moved to where she had been told her men would be waiting. Once outside, she glanced around the yard. Finding different sized groups of soldiers standing about, waiting for orders. There were all kinds of men, and some women, Ella noticed some looked like veterans, others not so much.

Finally she spotted Rodrick at the same time he saw her. She waited as he made his way over to her.

"Was told to join you here, looks like they're placing me in command of a small group of officers and in typical military fashion told me to hurry up and wait out here. I never settled for that sort of inaction amongst my men before."

Nodding in agreement as she readjusted her backpack to both shoulders, Ella took a deep breath before replying,

"Yes, that does seem to be the army way, let's get our men together and be on our way. I want to have put some distance from here before dark."

In no time at all the men were moving in a orderly fashion out the northern gate. The road was broad and well maintained, but it wasn't long before they were marching into the thick forest. It was a clear cool day and the next few hours the contingent of men made very good time.

When the sun was near setting, Ella ordered the company of men to set up camp. The first thing she did was to order one of the men to set her tent up. The mess tent was next on the agenda, she knew everyone would be hungry by now. Others were told to set up their own tents.

Once orders were done Ella found a flat stone to sit on set her things down. She wanted to find the designation patch with it's accompanying sewing kit. Looking up at the soldier she waited til he had finished with her tent then called him over asking,

"What is your name soldier?

He told her it was Bill Niles. She lifted her eyebrow adding, as she handed him the patch and kit.

"OK Bill, I need you to sow this designation patch on my shoulder, can you do that without sewing it into my skin?
Before they moved out Roderick had donned his armor. Plate male that was once likely of the finest quality, now as scarred as the man that wore it though it was obviously still well and lovingly mantained, and like his shield it looked like there had once been heraldry on the breastplate that was scorched away. He rode with his full helm off and dangling by a leather strap near his thigh on the horse. Once the troops had stopped he quickly dis punted and began setting up his own large officer's tent, over the front was a large patch that was sewn on, beneath the patch was just barely visible some type of insignia.

Once the tent was set up he gathered the officer's under his command to his tent to get to know the men under his command better. When the meeting was over he went in search of Donella, he had a few questions for her, as for Treborin he figured he'd show up sooner or later for his training.
Thorn set up camp with the men, "Men get some food, rest. I'll be taking watch." Thorn say at the fire alone, whilst the men slept. "Ug I'm hungry." Feeling a unquenchable thirst, Thorn got up and and sped through the woods, with newfound night vision, she launched herself unto a unsuspecting deer, and fed, the deer letting out a shriek before Thorn sank her teeth into it. When full, Thorn thanked the deer for its sacrifice. Speeding back. To the camp, a body dropped in front of her. Thorn covered her mouth from screaming. The body was one of the men she lead. The body had writing in blood on its chest. "You passed THE SECOND TEST" two canine marks layed in his neck. Thorn silently cried. Then she hauled the body into the woods far away. She picked flowers and positioned his body neatly, holding flowers. She walked away. And sat up all night.
It was dark when Treborin decided to leave. there was three new conscripted soldiers heading through the gate, and Treborin joined the line not making a sound. As he hoped, the guards allowed him to pass not recognising him.

The man in front had a lamp so they the group could see, as they walked through the forest.

Treborin was smiling from ear to ear. He had done it. He was out of the city heading towards his first real adventure. All he had to do now was keep a low profile.

He thanked Roderick, under his breath, for suggesting the armour. It had helped him blend in more.

Suddenly he herd a short scream. It was pretty far away and quiet. None of the other men seemed to notice. It came from the left. Treborin slowed, did he check it out?

He slowly pushed through the dense jungle till he came to a camp. "Perfect" he thought, but then herd a small sob, and the noise of something being dragged through the jungle. He walked slowly, quietly trying to follow the sounds, but after a while it had gone quiet. did he go back?

There was a clearing up ahead. Treborin slowly entered it and saw a man lying on the ground holding flowers.

He was dead. Treborin looked around, he couldn't see anyone, so had a closer look at the corps. There were two bite marks on his neck. "The wood elf!" Treborin whispered, as he drew his sword, looking around.

There was no one else there, so he slowly made his way back to the camp, keeping his sword drawn. As he entered the camp he saw the elf sitting by the fire looking in to the flames. he could sneak behind her try to stab her, but he knew her elf sense would warn her, if he got to close.

He wasn't trained, he knew his sword could kill her, but the stories he had herd meant she would be stronger and faster than everyone here. He knew one mistake and it would be him lying in a clearing holding flowers.

He wasn't going to take his eyes of her, he knew could shout very loud and awaken help. If she tried anything he would call out and try to kill her, but for now he waited. he would find Roderick in the morning and tell him what he had seen.
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Thorn raised her head, She heard footsteps, and looked over, with her newfound night vision, she saw then men, I'm a flash she stood 10 feet away from a familler ma-it was the halfling. "I suggest you back the hell off. That body-" she looked at it, "Wasn't me, I came back and it dropped in front of me,want proof? I'll show you some damn proof", she ripped the flowers from the mans hand. And there showed the blood writing. "Now I don't know what the hells any of this means, but you need to get away from me far and fast. I found a cure but it doesn't matter anyway right? I mean what's really the point? Just kill me, you've been wanting to anyway." She looked away and blinked back her tears. "Either kill me now or just stay away for everyone's sake okay? Her glowing violent eyes stared at him.
Treborin stayed quiet for a second, there was something about the elf girl, something, that made him feel sorry for her plight. She was trying to resist the curse.
If she had fully turned or had embraced her fate, she would of attacked him, not protested her innocence. No matter that he had a sword that could kill her or not.

"I don't trust you, but I'm not going to kill you." he said, trying to sound serious and not to afraid. (even though he was.)

"I am still going to tell Roderick, but as you said being a Halfling has not been easy, and I don't like being judged on that fact. So for now I will stay my hand. But you get only one chance, attack or kill anyone and this sword will go through your hart," He pointed the sword at the elf. "On this I promise!"

"You said you know a cure. Well my farther said that its not easy, and he hunted Vampires and other monsters. He told me he tried to save his brother, who was bitten... but failed and was forced to kill him. I tell you this elf, the cure has to be taken before the next full moon else the change is irreversible. I believe that gives you 12 nights not counting tonight."

Treborin, walked closer, but didn't get two close. His senses kicked in, he could feel the fear, in the young elf, but could also sense the new power she had.

"I will keep watch with you this night," he said. He sat down watching the elf, but did not put his sword away.
Ella wasn't quite asleep when she heard movement in the camp, turning slightly she decided to wait and see if there was danger before sounding the alarm. Her sharp ears soon picked up a quiet but heated conversation. It was the halfling and the ...("Well well looks like our vampire elf/girl is back.") She held her breath when she heard the girl's words,

"I suggest you back the hell off. That body-" there was a pause, "Wasn't me, I came back and it dropped in front of me, want proof? I'll show you some damn proof"

Followed moments later by,

"Now I don't know what the hells any of this means, but you need to get away from me far and fast. I found a cure but it doesn't matter anyway right? I mean what's really the point? Just kill me, you've been wanting to anyway."

That was enough, Ella quickly got up, and exited her tent, walking towards the two elves. When they saw her coming she held her hand up, speaking softly so as to not wake up the rest of the men.

"You two....walk with me this way, now!"

Minutes later all three were far enough from the camp not be overheard. Glancing from one to the other she continued to speak in a low voice,

"I overheard some what Thorn said, and have a good idea what has happened. I want to have a conference with Rodrick first thing in the morning with the two of you. We are going to have to solve this problem of yours Thorn before anyone else gets killed. I suggest you two get some sleep now."

She returned to camp looking back once to see if the pair had followed, before entering her tent and bedding down for what was left of the night.
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Thorn slumped against a tree, as Ella walked away and into the tent. " I didn't ask for any of this and now I have to get the bloodstone, and kill all four leaders of each vampire clan. Or at least get a sample of their blood. In 12 days." She looked into the distance. "I had to kill a deer, it was terrible and it's gonna be 3 times worse if I get a human on accident. I wonder what's your stor-" Just then a group of five dropped in front of them. With Cathrina's night eyes she could tell who the were. The first and weakest Vampire clan. Cathrina stood pulling out her daggers, "Kust", Thorn hissed. Kusts yellow eyes glowed in the dark. A vampire hissed at the halfling. "Mmmm, tasty looking isn't he, Kust?" The vampire woman asked coolly. Thorn hissed. Kust looked at Thorn. "We can do this the easy way and come along with us or you can both die" he said ever so cold it sent small shivers up her spine. She sharply turned her head to the halfling "Your sword is light! Keep it near you!" And with that she launched herself unto Kust.
The five figures had surprized, Treborin, but only for a moment. he already had his sword drawn. he swung it wildly, catching one of the vampires on the arm. She screeched in pain. "It burns! It burns!" she cried out as she fled.
Trborin readied his shield, but was surrounded. He could no longer see Thorn, or whoever she had lunched her self towards.

He blocked a swipe with his shield, before, trying to stab a one of the figures, but they back away now, knowing the sword was blessed.

One of the vampires jumped at him, knocking him off his feet grabbing his sword arm. before the two remaining figures jumped on him. his sword arm was pinned. Treborin tried to block the second with his shield, but the vampire grab it. The third was by his neck he was going to bite him, there was nothing he could do. Treborin cried out, as the creature went to bite him.

Suddenly the Vampires were thrown of him. He thrust his sword in to one, and it screamed before turning to dust. He slammed his shield in to the face of another, before noticing the runes on the back of his shield were glowing, as were the ones on the charm which was hanging around his neck.

Treborin readied him self, as the two remaining vamps hissed, readying them selves to attack again.