
Sure, ok. I won't point out where I saw you do it to others.

I asked you not to pm me after your first pm.

I furthered that request on a thread.

You ignored this, responded and when I let this me known ( and made sure your content was not interpreted as sexual) you neith applised for the combative action of riding rough shod over my twice made and at least once seen request nor did you have grace to acknowledge I had made clear your rude and combative contact was only that and not sexual.

Three times in this thread I offered you the opportunity to examine this. Three times a rejection of what Jesus might have asked of you to consider in your self in one small incident.

If that is a tiny micro scale consideration of an interaction of your life do you REALLY think visiting lit is how you are most failing to be a good Christian? Our interaction is infinitely tiny. I wonder how this translates into your real life?

Please understand, your apology is not required. This is raised only because I hope it might explain a small part what some of us are trying to make clear to you.

If Jesus visited us here now, I think he'd chat to us :) he had no real problem with sinners and Thoms. He did like people to be mindful of how they acted though. I think he guy was a decent geezer. I also think he probably would have said much the same about the bible as he did about roman coins and taxes and ask people to actually think about their actions and behaviour.

But, of course....I dunno, it's just how my gut guides me.

Okay, now, my mindset on that one is you sent me a very lengthy reply to my initial PM. Even though you say don't PM me in reply, how am I to just let that go (and nothing you said was offensive) but I HAD to reply. I didnt want to air my response in front of the entire forum and so I did in fact send another PM. I suppose if YOU view that as combative, then it is. I may say it's...rebellious...in not honoring a reply, but especially as the response was on the up and up, I made the decision to send it.

So if you view that as combative, I will own it...

There is a verse that says, I can speak with the tongue of angels, but if I have not love, I am but a clanging cymbol. I suppose in your instance, because I sent another PM, all you heard was clang clang clang...

It is a particularly...annoying...concept for me. Much like those who post something controversial on FB but then say they dont want to read any replies...

Thanks for your insight...
People don't dislike you because you come on an adult erotic website and talk about being a Christian. They dislike you because you're an insufferable twat.
Everyone has to have an absolute that they believe in. For me, it is the KJ bible or some derivative of the 66 book bible, I personally like the NASB, New American Standard Bible translation.

Some doctrines in the bible are left open for interpretation but there is one that is hard and fast and true, The only way to God the Father is through Jesus Christ the son...

Jesus said, No man comes to the father but by me...

You do know that the King James Bible was written by a committee of Englishmen?

Probably not.

You do realise that your views would be regarded as heretical by large parts of the Christian community in the world?

Probably not.

You do realise that your posts are annoying?

Probably not.

But you are showing yourself to be an asshole. Whether you are a Christian asshole is irrelevant.
Why do any of us post on this board? - For fun

The odds of changing anyone's mind who has a different political, religious, sex, you name it, "stance" than YOU is slim to none...

Are we egomaniacs that just love to see our own words in print? - Yes

Are we people who just love to argue? - Yes

Are we people always looking for SOMETHING to be unhappy/offended about? - Yes

Are we people that love to give smart ass answers cause something inside us is afraid to be serious about ANYTHING? - Yes

Are we people who have to put others down to feel good about ourselves? - No

Online we can be as loud as we want and we don't have to answer for those words most of the time. Unhappy news tends to be more widely talked about rather than happy things. Who doesn't love being a smart ass? Not to put others down but behind a user name and clever picture on a forum none or us are ever wrong, right?
Why do any of us post on this board? - For fun

The odds of changing anyone's mind who has a different political, religious, sex, you name it, "stance" than YOU is slim to none...

Are we egomaniacs that just love to see our own words in print? - Yes

Are we people who just love to argue? - Yes

Are we people always looking for SOMETHING to be unhappy/offended about? - Yes

Are we people that love to give smart ass answers cause something inside us is afraid to be serious about ANYTHING? - Yes

Are we people who have to put others down to feel good about ourselves? - No

Online we can be as loud as we want and we don't have to answer for those words most of the time. Unhappy news tends to be more widely talked about rather than happy things. Who doesn't love being a smart ass? Not to put others down but behind a user name and clever picture on a forum none or us are ever wrong, right?

Also known across the interweb as trolling. lol
Iirc ( I might not)
you asked a question , to which I gave a full reply as you had bemoaned that I had cut a response on the forum which I decided was not worth it.

So I was actually just showing acquiescence to your desire then asked you not to contact me privately again.

This WAS offensive. I was very clear in my request, it is s request made not just to you but to other posters, often male ones Whom I do not know well from the boards or for other personal reasons.

You let it go because no means no. ;) If someone in an environment of social contact says no more contact in my personal space...then it's no more. Because we ARE in the Speer we are in and if someone asks no contact and you do not respect that in this sphere what does that say about you?

It is not at all the same as saying I am not reading, I was saying I am uncomfortable with you in my personal zone: I do nog wish to have private communication with you. I do not have to defend my reasons why. You failed to respect that.

And even when highlighted you cannot show grace about it but point the blame away. Tell me, do you ever notice that women who were raped were dressed inappropriately?

Wow, if you get that offended by someone sending you a PM, real life must be really difficult...

And no woman EVER deserves to be raped...

...however, certain outfits garner attention you might not get otherwise.

If you don't see the truth in that, you are just being naive...
Is the idiot OP worth this much attention? (I know, I know - I see the irony. In my defence, I have backed off the level of attention I give to the village idiot).