Why isn't there a blow job category?


Really Experienced
Sep 13, 2022
I've recently submitted a short story (awaiting approval) where a journalist follows an 18 year old as she prepares to undergo the village blow job ceremony.

Ideally I would have liked to put it in a blowjob category but ended up sticking it in first time. So any idea why there isn't a BJ category?
I've recently submitted a short story (awaiting approval) where a journalist follows an 18 year old as she prepares to undergo the village blow job ceremony.

Ideally I would have liked to put it in a blowjob category but ended up sticking it in first time. So any idea why there isn't a BJ category?
Because pretty much every category with the possible exceptions of Lesbian and Non-erotic is likely to include them? I suppose a similar argument could be made for not having a special anal category, but I guess at this point it's a legacy, perhaps.
The category structure has been as it is for many years, and is unlikely to change.


That's worth a read on how to navigate placing your work. Before you consider placing anything in the Loving Wives category, find stories that have a lot of comments and check things out so you understand what kind of meat grinder you're potentially wading into. LOL
Why? It's a blowjob, it's not that significant, any story can have one. If blowjobs are your fetish, then, well- fetish! There ya go, the fetish section.
But I go to the fetish section for my doctor fix! Damn it, now I need to put the eventual star vehicle for my omni-disciplinary medical slash erotic hot doctor character in a different category, should I ever actually write it. [dials phone] Hey Tess, can we work a few blowjobs into your story while keeping it you and one patient or nurse at a time to stay out of Group Sex on a technicality? Phew, we’re good! :)
But I go to the fetish section for my doctor fix! Damn it, now I need to put the eventual star vehicle for my omni-disciplinary medical slash erotic hot doctor character in a different category, should I ever actually write it. [dials phone] Hey Tess, can we work a few blowjobs into your story while keeping it you and one patient or nurse at a time to stay out of Group Sex on a technicality? Phew, we’re good! :)
Hmmm... now that I've been reminded; I coulda swore I wrote something here about a nurse who got off on giving men prostate exams or something. Pretty sure.
Because of the cunnilingus priority.
I thought that was oral sex. If a man is getting oral sex, it's fellatio. :geek:

So OP, why is the Navy spending all that money on ships that don't work well?* Why is anything mismanaged, poorly planned, etc.? There is a newer site that has many more categories than Lit including oral sex. (They also have, say, Steampunk. No Diesel Punk yet.) It's nice to have, but it isn't Lit. The categories here have been frozen for years. You have to work with what you got.

* Look up Littoral Combat Ships.
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But I go to the fetish section for my doctor fix! Damn it, now I need to put the eventual star vehicle for my omni-disciplinary medical slash erotic hot doctor character in a different category, should I ever actually write it. [dials phone] Hey Tess, can we work a few blowjobs into your story while keeping it you and one patient or nurse at a time to stay out of Group Sex on a technicality? Phew, we’re good! :)
In fact, Medical is one of the categories on that site. Not my kink because, among other things, hospitals are among the least erotic places I can imagine. :(
In fact, Medical is one of the categories on that site. Not my kink because, among other things, hospitals are among the least erotic places I can imagine. :(
This fan of Grey’s Anatomy and historically self-documented serial masturbation expert Florence Nightingale would disagree.

Don’t worry, this doesn’t apply to real life hospitals. I have discipline trained by a skilled multitasking specialist who was a practicing physician, rancher, father of six, and other professions into his early eighties. He couldn’t beat pancreatic cancer in himself, unfortunately. But his legend lives on in his family named Smith.
You misunderstood. I meant that blowjob can't get a category before cunnilingus gets one first. Cunnilingus is far more important than a blowjob ;)
That's a matter of opinion. But an Oral Sex category would cover everything quite well.
I always thought it was weird that there is an anal category but no oral one. Also, a blow job story is different from a story that happens to have a blow job in it. Same for cunnilingus of course. So yes, we are missing a category. :)
Ideally I would have liked to put it in a blowjob category but ended up sticking it in first time. So any idea why there isn't a BJ category?
It can go up on the "to do" shelf right next to the massage category.
I always thought it was weird that there is an anal category but no oral one. Also, a blow job story is different from a story that happens to have a blow job in it. Same for cunnilingus of course. So yes, we are missing a category. :)
You can put a whole ass blowjob story in Fetish and three or four other catagories. It's redundant and so is Anal, imo. I think the only reason Anal exist is because back in the 90s when this site was made, it was what eating the booty, like groceries, has been in the 2020s.
Blowjob feels appropriate to me as a tag, not so much a category. I'd say the same about anal. Almost all my stories have lots of blowjobs - but they're not about blowjobs, any more than they're about sex in general. I would guess that's the case with many stories given that tag - and if you want to read up on some bjs you can just filter by the tag.
I just wrote and submitted my "first" story, that's just two blow jobs. It's submitted to T/C.