White Supremacists Built a Website to Doxx Interracial Couples


Literotica Guru
Mar 22, 2020
White Supremacists Built a Website to Doxx Interracial Couples — and It's Going to Be Hard to Take Down

Racists have published a hate-filled database targeting white women dating black and brown men as “traitors” — and some are being harassed online.

by Tess Owen
May 13 2020, 2:23pm

Allison and her fiancé have a shared public Instagram account that they use to give their followers a glimpse into their life together in Chicago, often alongside the hashtags #love and #interracialcouple.

They’d grown accustomed to the occasional racist comment under their photos every now and then. But in early May, those comments started happening with more frequency, and took on a more sinister, even threatening tone — often containing references to obscure white supremacist or incel memes.

On May 5, Allison, whose real name is being withheld for her safety, received a strange DM. It was from a woman she didn’t know, who informed her that she was on a disturbing website that was compiling information about white women in interracial relationships.

When she went to the website, she found her name, photos, and social media handles under the label “traitors.”



if this website targets, LGBT, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, etc this site would be should down but the targets are black men nobody is in rush to shut it down.
White Supremacists Built a Website to Doxx Interracial Couples — and It's Going to Be Hard to Take Down

Racists have published a hate-filled database targeting white women dating black and brown men as “traitors” — and some are being harassed online.

by Tess Owen
May 13 2020, 2:23pm

Allison and her fiancé have a shared public Instagram account that they use to give their followers a glimpse into their life together in Chicago, often alongside the hashtags #love and #interracialcouple.

They’d grown accustomed to the occasional racist comment under their photos every now and then. But in early May, those comments started happening with more frequency, and took on a more sinister, even threatening tone — often containing references to obscure white supremacist or incel memes.

On May 5, Allison, whose real name is being withheld for her safety, received a strange DM. It was from a woman she didn’t know, who informed her that she was on a disturbing website that was compiling information about white women in interracial relationships.

When she went to the website, she found her name, photos, and social media handles under the label “traitors.”



if this website targets, LGBT, Jews, Muslims, immigrants, etc this site would be should down but the targets are black men nobody is in rush to shut it down.

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And look, notice they pretty much left the white men dating interracially alone.

Of course!
The site is boring. A lot of the bitches are cute tho.
There's an attempt at humor on there that isn't a total fail but it's close. I sorta get the feeling that it's someone who got burned and is getting some revenge. Not proper but I can understand the motivation.
The very first thing in the FAQ:

Why are you doing this?
Because we want to. This is a public service to prevent men from unknowingly entering into relationships with whores.

That made me laugh. It was worth the visit.
This is the first I've heard of it.

That's a point.


Another point is that might be why you are "advertising" for it.

Just saying...
This is the first I've heard of it.

That's a point.


Another point is that might be why you are "advertising" for it.

Just saying...

if they were targetting gays and other groups and they were being harassed would you still ask why am i advertising?
the racist website is hacked and replace with pictures of white girls saying they like black men
... replace with pictures of white girls saying they like black men

So, another BBC worship site.

There are dozens of them. Not that I've been looking through my mom's web search history or anything.
Racists hate interracial couples, yet love to fantasize about the products of such unions. Lol.

The Bible never said anything wrong about interracial coupling, only that both are "believers". God gave the sister of Moses leprosy for being a racist bitch because he took up a Cushite (East African) wife.

These guys are just jealous because "their women" :rolleyes: dared to choose a nonwhite man over them.
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they only attack black men. many of these racists also have asian wives, girlfriends and 1/2 asian kids who are dysfunctional like elliot rogers

somebody took a screen shot of the website when it as hacked. the website is now down
