What's your mood today?

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Aurora Black said:
Still worried about the BF, but because of the distance I can't do anything for him other than phone him and hope for the best. I just took care of some of my paperwork for renewing my residence visa, and I'm steadily scratching stuff off my mental checklist.

I haven't touched my new story in two days. That's the only problem I have at the moment, but luckily that can be easily fixed...

*waves, shuts down IE* ;)

IE is the devil.
Mozilla all the way, baby. :cool:
Morning luxurious litzens!

Today, I hope is a much calmer, easy going, baking and cleaning kind of day.
Have to make hubby's birthday cake today for Sunday, thank goodness for freezers. As well as get the house and yard ready for family to come over for dinner.
We decided something different this year, no more hotdogs and hamburgers. Three flavours of chicken breast, slovaki, herb and garlic, and plain for his folks.
Roasted mini red and white potato salad and Custom Coleslaw.
His birthday cake was already approved, lemon with lemon curd filling and a Keylime Pie on the side.
We will do hotdogs for the smaller creatures that will be attending, a niece and two of our nephews.

Yesterday, well to say the least, I dropped more money than I really wanted to, but I got a ton of clothes for my daughter for camp. A kid that WILL NOT wear shorts got two pair of convertable pants/capris , tanks, cropped hoodies and enough bug spray to kill the entire black fly and mosquito civilization.
I got shorts for the Man child for when he goes off to camp and 5 pair of socks with GREY bottoms, cause I just know they will be grey when they come home anyway.
I even found a cool pair of capris for me for the time I can get back into that size. I just hope its this summer! lol

Cats are fine, been to the vets $202 later. Then I had to go to the pet store to get shampoo and a new comb, dd lost the other one. Oh and dont let me forget the tarter control snacks and tooth brushes! Ya thats right Toothbrushes! One for each of them, seems the male has a tartar problem that needs looking after!
They suggest having him in to have his teeth cleaned and polished- Ya right! We will have to wait on that one.

Hope all is well and life is good to everyone this weekend , take care and sexy smiles to all!
SensualCealy said:
Hope all is well and life is good to everyone this weekend , take care and sexy smiles to all!

Hey, Cealy. Good luck with the party. :)

I'm off.
arienette said:
Well then you must be the devil. ;)
I thought you were shutting down IE, little missy. Tsk tsk.

If only you knew... :devil:

And I'm going now. Seriously. Right this second... :D
I am dreading the next week, but I'm calmer and more purposeful now. I had a long talk with my best friend Miss Scarlett last night and we're both so excited that we're going to be living near each other again after 12 years. 12 YEARS! wow. We've already got plans. :)
Glad to see you have a chipper tone to your post, you deserve all the happiness in the world!

Glad you finally got a place, and you know, if I were not across the sea, Id be there every darn day till the last box was packed! Now what to get you for a house warming gift?

scheherazade_79, is your department not unionized? I can not believe that this beotch is calling you demanding you do work from home when you are off work with a doctors note. Maybe thats something you should bring up with the Doctor. If he feels you are being intimidated into doing this extra work from home he may feel inclined to put a harsher type statement in the work letter for the last two days. Id love to be the one to record and report this bitch to the superiors of superiors! Good luck sweets!

Just read all the posts since my last, lots going on but mostly good stuff, so Im glad to read it. Everyone take care and make sure you do something this weekend that you would never normally do!
Good morning, friends! :kiss:

I am in a peaceful place this morning thanks to a beautiful woman and her beautiful woman. :rose:
impressive said:
Good morning, friends! :kiss:

I am in a peaceful place this morning thanks to a beautiful woman and her beautiful woman. :rose:
scheherazade_79 said:
I don't know if I can sit still long enough :heart: I'm busy hopping from one foot to the other right now :(

Hmmm ... then stand and I'll pin you to the wall. ;)
Far too late a night, got up to make phone call back to uk to the letting agency of our cottage, that done, I'm off back to bed.

Time zones suck big time when it comes to business. 8 freakin' hours is a huge chunk out of a day.
matriarch said:
Far too late a night, got up to make phone call back to uk to the letting agency of our cottage, that done, I'm off back to bed.

Time zones suck big time when it comes to business. 8 freakin' hours is a huge chunk out of a day.

Naps are always a good thing ...

Mood: not looking forward to monday ... but making the most of the early start on the weekend. :)
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