What is the least helpful feedback you have ever got?

There was brief and one-off CBT in my fantasy series which is very much plot and character driven, and the comment I got was:
"CBT? You are losing the grip on the story..."
CBT? That sounds like "baloney" to me, sweetheart. 😂

It's gonna be my new catchphrase.
I use both. I try to be as varied as possible, and so I'll use anything I can. I used to dislike the term "snatch" but I'm getting to the point that I'm about to start using that one too. Anything to keep the repetition at bay.

The main one I can't deal with is "fanny" as an American, I just crack up whenever I read a British author use that one.

"His mum pulled down her knickers, and bent over to show him her luscious arse and smooth, moist fanny "

I'm fuckin ROLLING when I read shit like that. 🤣😂🤣

I'm with you on that. I can't help it but to me it reads like something Benny Hill would write if he wrote erotica.
Newest all time winner:

This was nothing but rape! rape! rape! I HATE RAPE! I wish they had a rating lower than 1 for this!!!

My only response was, "What part of "Nonconsensual" do you not understand?
Did you ever see the movie The Thing, from 1982? At the end of the movie the monster confronts the Kurt Russell character and is about to attack him and roars at him, and Russell's character says, "Fuck you, too," right before he throws the dynamite. Seems like the right response, figuratively at least, in this case, too.
The Thing reference! 👏👏👏👏👏👏