What is the age difference between you and your SO? What is your limit if you're single?


Lit Class of '02
Apr 17, 2002
My wife and I have a 3 year age difference, me being older. I graduated 4 years before her, and used to see her around her neighborhood. Imagine the scandal of a senior dating an 8th grader if we had really known each other. I did meet her years later though, and we're now married.

My first wife was my age, my second wife (who used to post on Lit) was 5 years younger than me. Anything more of a difference bothered me.

So what age difference do you and your SO have? What's the greatest difference you think is ok?
first boyfriend was 19 when i was 16... married him at nearly 19, first child at 23...and we split up when i was 31.
second, i was 31, he told me he was mid 20s but he was 21. everything about him was a lie.
my husband now, H, is 8 years older than me. he embraces his inner child well at times so i don't feel he's a lot older than me.

age gaps may have their problems in relationships, but so do any differences between couples: soft or firm mattress, what kind of holidays or sports or hobbies partners like, whether or not religion rears its head, what kind of food they enjoy yadda yadda yadda.

too big an age gap? that's all about the individuals involved and honesty. A couple might fall in love with a large age gap between them, but would sooner spend what time they might have together, perhaps 10 years, maybe 30, with the person they love than be without them. I respect the individuals' choices so long as it's not about coercion, manipulation, lies and so on. Even if it's a purely financially beneficial arrangement for a couple to choose to be together, so long as they're both honest and happy about it ...no problems.

i wouldn't want to date or be with someone my kids' ages or who'd feel like a parent to me, but then you never know what the future holds and no-one chooses to fall in love.
My wife is 8 months older.

Don't know what my limit would be, honestly, but if your birth year doesn't start with 19, I'm probably not going to be interested in long term.
I was 21 when I had my first lapdance, with a 40 year old. So 19 years is my limit.
My husband is 1 year older.
My FWB is 6 years younger.

Cross your fingers, my next FWB is 20 yrs younger.

My limit is 32 yrs younger, and 5 years older.
I'm single: I'd say 35 yo - 59 yo, she would have to fall in between that range.
My limited used to be 5 yrs but as I got older I extended it to 10 yrs. I might make rare exceptions for a year or two.
Wife is 2 years younger.

I remember back in the highschool days that seemed like the absolute max age difference and if you were a senior dating a freshman you were damn near a predator. Interestingly enough; the guys that did, actually kinda were.
Wife is 2 years younger.

I remember back in the highschool days that seemed like the absolute max age difference and if you were a senior dating a freshman you were damn near a predator. Interestingly enough; the guys that did, actually kinda were.
Yep. In high school my boyfriend was 4 years older-I was 15 and he was 19. The age difference don’t go over very well with my parents. 🫤

Currently, my husband is 4 years older and it’s no big deal.

If I were single, my limit would be about 8 years.
back when i was in my early twenties, a friend i worked with was 18 and fell for (and he for her) a guy of 36. They went through a lot of being stigmatised for the age gap, but they were very happy, went on the get married and raise three beautiful children together.
My wife is a year and five months older than I am. Genius that she is, she also skipped a grade in school, so maybe there's more of a gap when it comes to reminiscing about pop culture.

My limit for attractiveness is usually around plus or minus fifteen years. More than that seems a little weird for me personally.
I think age is much less of an issue when both are past about 26 years old, and know who they are and what they want.

My Mom's second husband was 11 years younger. My brother's wife is about 15 years younger than him. I forget exactly. Both great relationships. So in my family age is less of an issue than average.
I'm not married. I think the difference in years would depend on the individual person and amount of attraction.

I'd be open to dating someone much younger than me, maybe late 20s, early 30s. Someone older than me? I'd say 70s, depends on the individual and amount of attraction.
My first husband was 7 years older than me. He was an immature a#shole.

Bigrednz was 14 years older than me. I was 27 when we met.

We married when I was 30.

For us the age difference was no biggie.

Perhaps because he never spoke down to me and I had a reasonable amount of life experience and had 2 children already?

He was worried he would get old and sick and be a burden on me but I never felt that way about him.

Young or old you dont know if you are going to become sick or disabled.

So the age difference wasnt a factor in our relationship.
I have been involved with women from 16 years older than I to 29 years younger. The last LTGF was 2 years older. Many were a bit older over the years.

These days, since I have a choice in the matter, I'd rather spend my time with cats and/or horses.
1.5 years for us.

If I was single, a lot of my age range would be dictated on social norms rather than what I’m attracted to. I could easily be with someone ten years in either direction of my age and still be very attracted to them.
My wife is 4 months younger than me.

My age limits have changed over the years. When I was in my teens, it was a 3 year gap, up or down. In my twenties and 30s, I was willing to go 10-20 years above, but younger I preferred to be at least 21. Now that I'm in my early 40s, I'm still good with the 10-20 years older ranger. Although, I feel uncomfortable with anyone who is more than 10 years younger than me because then I'm with someone young enough to be my daughter and that's not a fetish of mine.
I’m single….my FWB/Best friend is 14 years older than me. At times he seems the same age or even younger than me. 50/36.
The wife is fifteen years older than me, which used to be fine, but has presented difficulties more recently. Never dated anyone younger for long or seriously, but that is an accident of history so the 'how much younger than me?- is hypothetical. All I can say on that point is that I have an 'old' 23 year old female friend who goes rather well with my 'young' 54.
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My wife(second marriage...her first...so far) is just shy of 10 years younger than me.
My ex-husband is three years older than me. I had two partners who were about 10 years older. My current guy, the one I expect to grow old with, is just one year older.

I don’t think I would ever have dated anyone more than 10 years older.