What is one thing you still want to try?

This isn't sex related but could possibly lead to it - try drugs. At 68 the only drug I've had is alcohol - never seen any other drug up close nor anyone taking them.
This isn't sex related but could possibly lead to it - try drugs. At 68 the only drug I've had is alcohol - never seen any other drug up close nor anyone taking them.

Pot/weed/hash whatever you want to call it is overrated. I also wouldn't touch anything I had to inject or blow up my nose with a bargepole.

The only one I'd unreservedly recommend to anyone is magic mushrooms. Not a shit load all at once. The beauty of them is you can easily start small, maybe 10 or 20 in some tea or something edible and just get the emotional connection with something like music or TV without having a mind-blowing trip. It can be life-changing, it did mine, and the potential positives for mental health are well known but still somehow not quite over the line on legality and widespread medical usage.
Wonder if I already posted?

69doggie is what I like to refer to it as.
I've found it on the porn sites as fucklicking.


I am open....
I want my female partner, to bring me to a party of all women, and have her expose me, and then tell everyone that they cam look and touch, while telling me not to interfere with any of them doing what they wish to me.
A threesome with two women.
Had that awesome experience in the mid-80's, when I was in college. It was me, my g/f, and her bff. As an added bonus, they were both bi. One of my entire life's fondest memories !! 👍😉