What do you view as your best achievement as a writer?


Good men did nothing
Aug 13, 2022
Something like this must have been asked before, but I’m a lazy bitch, OK?

This doesn’t necessarily mean your favorite story, it doesn’t necessarily mean your longest story, it doesn’t necessarily mean your most viewed or highest rated story. I suppose it could be any of:

  1. The first story that convinced you that you could actually write
  2. Something where you felt you were technically spot on (even if other aspects were less strong)
  3. Conversely, something where you really nailed an emotion - or even a sex scene (I mean really nailed 🤣)
  4. If you are in to world building, a story where you felt this was self-consistent and compelling
  5. A character you fell in love with (and maybe others did too)
  6. It might even be some external factor, like you won or placed in a comp - or some author you really rate commented favorably on your story
I suppose it’s totally up to you how you interpret this.

I won’t jump in with my ideas, will do that later.

My second story, In The Hallway, published in December 2016, convinced me, "I can do this." My first story, The Holiday Story, was more of a throwaway story I conceived, wrote, and published in 24 hours to get it in under the Holiday story deadline. In The Hallway was a light dom-sub story I had conceived and worked on over a long time. To this day I think it's one of my best and most original concepts for a story, and I'm happy with how I pulled it off, except for the ending, which I think I could have drawn out a bit more. In the Hallway didn't receive a lot of views at first, but the views picked up a lot 7 months after publication when it got nominated for the top story of the year contest for 2016 in the BDSM category (it placed second). As of today it has over 110,000 views, which is a lot for that category, and it's one of my highest rated stories.

I guess I would say my "best achievement" as a writer so far was convincing myself, after publishing that story and seeing its reception, that I had the chops to write a story that satisfied my standards, more or less, and also found an appreciative audience.

Someday I hope to write a story that I feel fully achieves my artistic vision for an erotic story. I don't feel like I'm quite there yet, but I'm still working on it.
Honestly, even with over 50 stories published over two years, I'm not sure I can point to any of them specifically as a 'greatest achievement'. I write to entertain (and possibly arouse) and hopefully there's a whole bunch of my stories that do that - but I'm not sure I can point to one and say, if you read nothing else of mine, read that.

I have a whole bunch of works in progress which could my best achievement if I get them finished - novels and works with a bit more emotional kick to them. If...
The first story that convinced you that you could actually write
Maybe not the first story that convinced me I could write, but I completely pantsed the Aces series. I published the first chapter having no idea where the next would go, and wrote the chapter without knowing where it would go. And so on through six chapters.

While there were some weaknesses - a few continuity errors, and a weak second chapter that focused on a really interesting character that was never heard from again - I surprised myself on how coherent it came out. Each chapter (aside from that second one) built on the previous ones, with what I think was good character development (both the MC and an important secondary) and a plot device that drove future chapters. All without the slightest hint of planning ahead.

On the downside, the story didn't quite end (though one of the main conflicts was tentatively resolved). Figuring out where to take it from there has been a bitch.

It was not only the first time I'd actualy "finished" a long form work, but the first time I had tried it that way. All of my attempts at plotting and outlining before writing have ended with a bunch of plot notes and outlines, with barely any writing.
My first story, Twelve Maxbridge Street, was my longest, most complex and best written. A whole bunch of things. As time wore on my stories got steadily shorter and simpler, and, therefore, didn't stand out so much as good writing. The last was too short to post here.
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To have developed a small following of peeps who can enjoy my twisted brain.

Plus not to insult @EmilyMiller by taking one of her characters and ruining their health 🤣.

Ultimately for a dyslexic engineer who effectively failed English to have people reading my words is a good feeling!
Something like this must have been asked before, but I’m a lazy bitch, OK?

This doesn’t necessarily mean your favorite story, it doesn’t necessarily mean your longest story, it doesn’t necessarily mean your most viewed or highest rated story. I suppose it could be any of:

  1. The first story that convinced you that you could actually write
  2. Something where you felt you were technically spot on (even if other aspects were less strong)
  3. Conversely, something where you really nailed an emotion - or even a sex scene (I mean really nailed 🤣)
  4. If you are in to world building, a story where you felt this was self-consistent and compelling
  5. A character you fell in love with (and maybe others did too)
  6. It might even be some external factor, like you won or placed in a comp - or some author you really rate commented favorably on your story
I suppose it’s totally up to you how you interpret this.

I won’t jump in with my ideas, will do that later.

It was a comment that made me change my style of writing. I wrote reports for work, and never thought about writing stories with dialogue. But, I found my stories had:

"blah blah." She said
"Rattle rattle." She replied.

I realized that I did not need those in and speech could carry on naturally as part of a paragraph.

I'm glad for that comment.
There are several stories I'm pleased with. Pleased with how I felt writing them. Happy with the responses from people who read them. Overjoyed when they earned me a new dress and shoes. I can't pin things down to one. But for the purposes of Lit, Just a Friendly Drink has the highest scores; I've received more emails from here and other websites about this story than any other. It's GM with a twist of the bottom becoming Trans by the end.
I remember when my ideas for my second novel (nothing in any way like anything I've published here) fell together and I found myself in possession of a story so good that it humbled me. I don't think I deserve a story like this, so I have to treat it with the greatest respect. I've written two complete drafts but it's not ready yet. There are so many nuances to think through and I need to do quite a bit more research to make sure I've got all the details right. For now it's on hold until I can travel to the places I need to go, but when it's ready it's gonna blow people's minds. Watch out Hollywood. But don't expect a sequel because I am not going to have another idea this good!
In terms of literotica stories, I think my favorite so far is my All Black series (chapter 1). It's a non-erotic interracial cis-het romance and satire of (not telling).... I was going to keep going but now I feel it is basically a complete work of art and I'd best leave it alone. In a very small number of ways it's a draft of my third novel which I'm working on now!

BTW if anyone remembers me from the "realistic women" thread that is one of my better attempts to pull that off IMO although the character is a satire of a trope so that portrayal is probably not going to impress everyone....

In another story I was trying to understand the psychology of women who accept adulterous husbands (Miranda and Major Hardman).... Close in some ways (IMO) but not quite a cigar. Still, I feel it's a pretty well-constructed story. The kernel of inspriation was the "made all men equal" quote....
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My second story, not my first...

I got this comment: "As someone currently going through transistion I know this is way too picturesque to be real but it still put a huge smile on my face a few times and made me cry a few more. Thank you."

Not so much that I could write, but that what I wrote mattered.
To have developed a small following of peeps who can enjoy my twisted brain.

Plus not to insult @EmilyMiller by taking one of her characters and ruining their health 🤣.

Ultimately for a dyslexic engineer who effectively failed English to have people reading my words is a good feeling!

Bouncing Back Ch. 02 is pretty much done, want a sneak preview? Warning, it’s a lesbian sex story with only hetero sex in it (only me, right?)

I'll try this...
1) my first story here, I wrote it as some people said I might be good at it, the idea came to me and suddenly, Suburban Sweetheart was born
2) nothing really, I sometimes read my stuff and shake my head. I once started reading a story and thought it was good and realised it was one of mine!
3) a comment once praised me for an oral sex scene
4) no idea
5) Emma in Suburban Sweetheart - I stopped the series early on as I didn't know how to finish it, the original plan didn't fit who she had become by Ch 4 The other one is Lisa in why'd you ever have to say goodbye the story started with her, her undying love for John and she became the focus as the story meandered and sprawled along. A comment suggested I write a sequel, with her views, but they were covered enough in the story, let her have her peace. I actually felt bad at what I did to her by the end and I will admit to being teary as I wrote the end.
6) i haven't entered any comps. It's nice to get good comments, the ones on W'dYEHTSG were welcome as it's a massive story and people managed to get through it.
I guess placing in a mainstream short story contest judged by John Grisham. A close second was going to a semiprofessional drama troupe's opening of a new theater constructed especially for them. I had no idea why I was invited to the opening, which was a series of single scenes from separate plays, until they started acting out a play I'd written (and forgotten that I'd give them the copyright to a few years earlier).
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What do you view as your best achievement as a writer?​

Increased empathy for my FCs, and for Fs in real life. I now find myself totally comfortable browsing the feminine hygiene aisle looking for the exact product my wife needs at the moment, without a lick of embarrassment or insecurity. That's quite a thing for a Boomer male. I also find myself throwing virtual bricks at the TV on each report of the recent rampant stupidity re. women's health care. How dare they.