What a disappointment this forum is


Loves Spam
Dec 18, 2023
Is there anyone here that can discuss issues without personal attacks? Without calling each other names? Without calling all links misinformation?

So many potentially interesting and serious topics just die in the fire of abuse
Is there anyone here that can discuss issues without personal attacks? Without calling each other names? Without calling all links misinformation?

So many potentially interesting and serious topics just die in the fire of abuse
I think the top tax rate should be raised to 95% and the money spent to rebuild America’s rail network. Discuss!
Is there anyone here that can discuss issues without personal attacks? Without calling each other names? Without calling all links misinformation?

So many potentially interesting and serious topics just die in the fire of abuse
Be strong and post your opinions. Take on all comers without fear and ignore those you think stink up your threads.
Is there anyone here that can discuss issues without personal attacks? Without calling each other names? Without calling all links misinformation?

So many potentially interesting and serious topics just die in the fire of abuse
Yes, some can and some do. And then there are the Russian BOT Trumper despicables. Which are you going to be?
How so? Right now the wealthy just squander their excess on big yachts, private jets, and fancy houses. Soaking the rich gives them a strong incentive to support charity, or plow their money back into industry.
If you took all they have and turned it into cash you couldn't run this government for more than 6 months, and you could only do this once.
If you took all they have and turned it into cash you couldn't run this government for more than 6 months, and you could only do this once.
I don't want to run the whole government, just build some trains. If soaking the rich isn't enough, we can take the rest from the highway budget.
I don't want to run the whole government, just build some trains. If soaking the rich isn't enough, we can take the rest from the highway budget.
People who think like you don't belong in America, you belong in China or North Korea. I'd buy you a one way ticket to either if I believed for a minute you wouldn't return. Collectivism, Communism, Socialism, isn't in our DNA. You'd be much happier in China or North Korea where the governments seize everything to fund their grandiose ideas about how life for all should fit into a common plan.
How so? Right now the wealthy just squander their excess on big yachts, private jets, and fancy houses. Soaking the rich gives them a strong incentive to support charity, or plow their money back into industry.
The toys you disparage are made by tens of thousands of workers who make a living off the toys. Check out the billions they also give to charity. I sense you are bitter and dislodged from what makes an economy work for all, not some
Yes, some can and some do. And then there are the Russian BOT Trumper despicables. Which are you going to be?
Silly. It possible for some to have leanings to one side or another without the Russia accusation, To call 50% of Americans Trumper despicables is despicable
The toys you disparage are made by tens of thousands of workers who make a living off the toys. Check out the billions they also give to charity. I sense you are bitter and dislodged from what makes an economy work for all, not some
If they can afford to donate billions to charity they can afford to pay billions in taxes. That way how the money is used will be determined by the will of the people instead of the whims of one random rich dude.
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Silly. It possible for some to have leanings to one side or another without the Russia accusation, To call 50% of Americans Trumper despicables is despicable
You over-estimate how popular Trump is, Only about 20% of Americans support him strongly.