Wat's Guns-N-Stuff Thread

Why are you shit-scared of firearms? Only pussies are shit-scared of firearms. Jesus hates a pussy.

It's in the Bible . . . .
You got it wrong, tubby.

Pussies need guns because they are shit-scared of everything.

Jesus was a homo.
Missed the reference, did we?
Hmmm? Why don’t you quote us some about guns? Teach us oh Wise Man!

Turn you other cheek to aim your AR?

How about swords? You want to quote Jesus on swords??

You wouldn’t bother with any other religious figure would you??

Or? Do you trust in the Lord? You just need a sling and one stone.

Which Commandment said “kill before he kills you?” Hell why follow the Commandments? Some want them displayed publicly, but two major religions changed the Sabbath to suit their needs, “killing” that’s no biggee to ensure a great civilization !

The best thing? Probabilities say someone in your own house will be amongst the dead. Yeah, I’m sure all those with tragedies thought it would be the other guy.
Hmmm? Why don’t you quote us some about guns? Teach us oh Wise Man!

Turn you other cheek to aim your AR?

How about swords? You want to quote Jesus on swords??

You wouldn’t bother with any other religious figure would you??

Or? Do you trust in the Lord? You just need a sling and one stone.

Which Commandment said “kill before he kills you?” Hell why follow the Commandments? Some want them displayed publicly, but two major religions changed the Sabbath to suit their needs, “killing” that’s no biggee to ensure a great civilization !

The best thing? Probabilities say someone in your own house will be amongst the dead. Yeah, I’m sure all those with tragedies thought it would be the other guy.
Dude, your off the chain😬 wtf are ranting about?
Luke 22:36 and Timothy 5:8 should explain the Biblical reference to the "Jesus " portion...
The first is Jesus claiming he’s the son of God. The second is him saying you should provide for the people in your household.

I don’t understand how you could construe either passage to mean “Jesus hates a pussy”.
Yup. They say that a gun is little moar than a "tool", but they fail to mention teh primary use of said tool is killing people, specifically black people.
Actually mine kill paper targets out behind my house. And the occasional pest wild animal. I have never even pointed any of my guns at a person. Target shooting to me is very relaxing because you must be 100% involved with only that to do it safely.
Guns are bulky, heavy, and awkward to carry. I wonder how many gun carriers develop posture imbalances, joint damage, heel spurs, etc. I have read of high rates of hearing loss and accidental discharge.
08:12 – 08/12/23 – PM response to proposed OP

It's a start. Maybe not startling enough to trigger panty-wadded balls in a smooth bore...

They need to learn that a good trans keeps its powder dry.

Then it can blow its ball and wad.
Guns are bulky, heavy, and awkward to carry. I wonder how many gun carriers develop posture imbalances, joint damage, heel spurs, etc. I have read of high rates of hearing loss and accidental discharge.
Yeah, I'm mostly crippled from carrying 23 ounces on my hip. As if. I would bet your murse weighs more. No hearing loss because I wear hearing protection, and I have never had an accidental discharge.

Let's get serious, this kind of ridiculous Bull Shit is why nothing serious ever gets done. Talk facts, not emotional claptrap and you may get some of what you want.
Yeah, I'm mostly crippled from carrying 23 ounces on my hip. As if. I would bet your murse weighs more. No hearing loss because I wear hearing protection, and I have never had an accidental discharge.

Let's get serious, this kind of ridiculous Bull Shit is why nothing serious ever gets done. Talk facts, not emotional claptrap and you may get some of what you want.

The fact is that not all gun owners are responsible. In fact there are more and more irresponsible ones making themselves known every day. It's getting harder to point to responsible gun owners as the norm when obviously that is seriously up for debate.

Otherwise we wouldn't be having multiple shootings and mass shootings every single day.
The first is Jesus claiming he’s the son of God. The second is him saying you should provide for the people in your household.

I don’t understand how you could construe either passage to mean “Jesus hates a pussy”.
I'm not the one who wrote "Jesus hates a p#$sy" I was responding to someone asking about a Bible passage...
So you agree that a loaded gun is inherently dangerous. Several others on this forum don't see it like that.
I'll answer your question this way, the most dangerous firearm is the is the firearm that is assumed to be unloaded and ad insult to injury pointed in a unsafe direction....(ask Alec Baldwin) all firearms have the capability to maim or kill. It is up to the handler/operator to insure its safe and intended use. This requires a level of responsibility and respect
All of that said, I have two machines in my shop that without affording the respect they require they will maim or kill you without an hesitation as will the 400 hp tractor I operate on a daily basis
There isn't a firearm made available to the general public that can cause a mass shooting, armed robbery or defend a home without human interaction. To date none of the gun violent ills are perpetrated by the firearm alone. it is the human that initiates the the operation......
I'm not the one who wrote "Jesus hates a p#$sy" I was responding to someone asking about a Bible passage...
Wat_Tyler wrote "Jesus hates a pussy". He was being coy about where he found that message in the Bible. Since I'm only casually acquainted with Christian beliefs, I asked him where in the Bible it said that. Your responded to me without knowing the context of my question.
Yup. They say that a gun is little moar than a "tool", but they fail to mention teh primary use of said tool is killing people, specifically black people.
No Bubba, The primary use of said tool is to sustain my life whether it's predator control, humanely dispatching an animal for the table or defense of my well-being......... no not for specifically kill black people. How the fuck can justify saying that
Wat_Tyler wrote "Jesus hates a pussy". He was being coy about where he found that message in the Bible. Since I'm only casually acquainted with Christian beliefs, I asked him where in the Bible it said that. Your responded to me without knowing the context of my question.
Oh OK.... it's all good I apologize if I over stepped
The fact is that not all gun owners are responsible. In fact there are more and more irresponsible ones making themselves known every day. It's getting harder to point to responsible gun owners as the norm when obviously that is seriously up for debate.

Otherwise we wouldn't be having multiple shootings and mass shootings every single day.
AND if you believe responsible gun owners are those mass shooters you are delusional. They are criminals or mentally ill. How many times do we have to go through this. With the amount of guns and ammunition in the hands of civilians if responsible gun owners were the problem we would control most of the country.
AND if you believe responsible gun owners are those mass shooters you are delusional. They are criminals or mentally ill. How many times do we have to go through this. With the amount of guns and ammunition in the hands of civilians if responsible gun owners were the problem we would control most of the country.

I didn't say just mass shootings. However this is one of your problems with perception. You zone in on the one word you have a problem with and ignore everything else. We have people getting shot in driveways, we have children getting shot by angry men, we have shootings in the streets, we have shootings in schools, we have shootings in malls, we have random shootings every single day. Multiple times per day.

And most of them got their guns legally and were, until the shooting happened, classified as "responsible gun owners". 🙄