Variations on a theme...


Thanks as usual to @Saltfountain for turning me into an awesome cartoon 😘
I hope it's ok to post two... not sure what the rules are about posting twice.

Not my best work, but I enjoyed doing it. Hands are super hard...

"Take my Hand Starbright" (in watercolor and pencil by me 2015)

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That's just charming 😊
And I think the only rule about pics that I know of is that they need to be on theme.
I hope it's ok to post two... not sure what the rules are about posting twice.

Not my best work, but I enjoyed doing it. Hands are super hard...

"Take my Hand Starbright" (in watercolor and pencil by me 2015)
The rules are you can post as many as you want!
Some people are really inspired by a particular prompt, but struggle with others. Feel free to keep posting!
I don't live near palm trees, my church doesn't pass out palm fronds and my hands are not particularly pretty, so I present to you, bubble palm!
And you can pipe down too!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just like there's someone out there for every body shape, there's someone out there who will like your hands.

Hands are one of the first things I look at on someone. They're the part of that person that you'll have most contact with. They're the bit that will touch you wherever they're allowed and encouraged. You have lovely hands 😘