Unintended Consequences


Literotica Guru
Aug 20, 2008
It happens on all sides, sadly. A bidness owner takes a futile stand against a Gay or Sarah Huckabee Sanders, and the unleash a completely unnecessary shitstorm. They end up ruining their bidness and their lives. I think this is ridiculous. I'm legally bound to take care of everyone in my bidness, but I would take care of everyone anyway because it makes good bidness sense, IMO. As a bidnessperson, I don't give a shit what you're into as long as your money is green.
Have there been consequences to the "bidness"?

In Lexington, Virginia, I could see that there might be, but, again, it wasn't a restaurant a Trumpian would normally go to to begin with.
Have there been consequences to the "bidness"?

In Lexington, Virginia, I could see that there might be, but, again, it wasn't a restaurant a Trumpian would normally go to to begin with.
I remember a time when stereotyping people was considered a bad thing. "It wasn't a restaurant a Trumpian would normally go to..."? Seriously? Yelp for the restaurant is a mess. Maybe any publicity is good publicity. Ms. Sanders came out of this looking like the bigger person, properly stating that she treats everyone with respect regardless of their political position. She didn't even say anything until her waiter posted it on social media. She displayed more class than the restaurant t owner.
It happens on all sides, sadly.

No, it doesn't. I can't think of a single time the gay owners of a business refused service to anyone. If it's happened, show me.

However, there are a multitude of instances where Christians, and almost exclusively Christians, hide behind their book and claim they're allowed to discriminate, hate and/or refuse service to someone.

To a lesser extent the Hasidic and Conservative Jews may refuse service to a woman, but that's rare.
No, it doesn't. I can't think of a single time the gay owners of a business refused service to anyone. If it's happened, show me.

However, there are a multitude of instances where Christians, and almost exclusively Christians, hide behind their book and claim they're allowed to discriminate, hate and/or refuse service to someone.

To a lesser extent the Hasidic and Conservative Jews may refuse service to a woman, but that's rare.
When I said "both sides", I meant conservatives and liberals. I wasn't referring to religion or sexual orientation. I also think it's misguided and counterproductive no matter what.
I remember a time when stereotyping people was considered a bad thing. "It wasn't a restaurant a Trumpian would normally go to..."? Seriously? Yelp for the restaurant is a mess. Maybe any publicity is good publicity. Ms. Sanders came out of this looking like the bigger person, properly stating that she treats everyone with respect regardless of their political position. She didn't even say anything until her waiter posted it on social media. She displayed more class than the restaurant t owner.

I've read the restaurant owner's version of what happen, and I agree that Sanders came out the best in the incident itself, but I don't agree with her claim to treat everyone with respect. I watch her White House briefings. Beyond the fact that she lies constantly (which is faithfully giving the White House position, I'll admit) she also does NOT treat the reporters with respect. The last full briefing she had included two out of line, uncalled for swipes at two reporters, and sounds of "Cheap shot, Sarah" were justifiably heard in the background. She's a lying bitch in the White House briefings.

I don't think that justifies having her thrown out of restaurants without any other cause than being part of the Trump administration doing pretty much what they all are doing.
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No, it doesn't. I can't think of a single time the gay owners of a business refused service to anyone. If it's happened, show me.

Well, in the restaurant owner's explanation of this current Sanders refusal, she says she consulted with her gay staff before asking Sanders to leave. That's pretty close to being an example.
No, it doesn't. I can't think of a single time the gay owners of a business refused service to anyone. If it's happened, show me.

However, there are a multitude of instances where Christians, and almost exclusively Christians, hide behind their book and claim they're allowed to discriminate, hate and/or refuse service to someone.

To a lesser extent the Hasidic and Conservative Jews may refuse service to a woman, but that's rare.

Muslim cab drivers are well-known to refuse service to those they believe are carrying alcoholic beverages or to somebody with a service dog. :mad:
No, it doesn't. I can't think of a single time the gay owners of a business refused service to anyone. If it's happened, show me.

However, there are a multitude of instances where Christians, and almost exclusively Christians, hide behind their book and claim they're allowed to discriminate, hate and/or refuse service to someone.

To a lesser extent the Hasidic and Conservative Jews may refuse service to a woman, but that's rare.

Here is a time. http://www.newnownext.com/christian-group-gay-coffee-shop-ben-borgman/10/2017/
FWIW, in this specific instance, I would stand up for the gay business owner.
what's the issue? sarah saunders is a cunt. melania is a cunt. trump is a cunt. if you can't decorate a cake for me, then you can't eat my gay food. fuck all of you.
Lincoln slaughtered 800,000 Americans to make niggers as free and good as Hillary and Ivanka, but it still aint happened. The libs gave up on niggers and now embrace wetbacks.
what's the issue? sarah saunders is a cunt. melania is a cunt. trump is a cunt. if you can't decorate a cake for me, then you can't eat my gay food. fuck all of you.

How would you like a nice Hawaiian cunt punch? Obama birth certificate style.
How would you like a nice Hawaiian cunt punch? Obama birth certificate style.
I spoke to a friend who is a business consultant and I told her I thought businesses should present an illusion of neutrality. I don't think your business should be a vehicle for expressing your political, religious or social positions. I'm in a slightly different circumstance, but regardless, I welcome and service everyone whose money is green. I make no comments. I display no campaign signage.
My friend says that is changing. She said it could be a viable business practice to identify with a position than may have been considered polarizing in the past.
The way I see it, I cannot afford to possibly alienate half of my potential customer base.
Here is a time. http://www.newnownext.com/christian-group-gay-coffee-shop-ben-borgman/10/2017/
FWIW, in this specific instance, I would stand up for the gay business owner.

That's the first I've heard of it and yes, the owner was well within his rights to kick them out. On multiple grounds.

I'm sure those good Christians immediately starting posting about the "hateful" gays, completely ignoring when their religion does the exact same thing.

My point still stands. The vast majority of instances where someone has been refused service is done by Christians hiding behind their religion. When they do it, it's their "right". When someone else denies them service, "You're violating my rights."
I remember a time when stereotyping people was considered a bad thing. "It wasn't a restaurant a Trumpian would normally go to..."? Seriously? Yelp for the restaurant is a mess. Maybe any publicity is good publicity. Ms. Sanders came out of this looking like the bigger person, properly stating that she treats everyone with respect regardless of their political position. She didn't even say anything until her waiter posted it on social media. She displayed more class than the restaurant t owner.

First, she doesn't treat everyone with respect; that's obvious from her behavior in her increasingly rare White House briefings.

And second, it's not proper to use your official government account to try to harass an individual business owner.

As far as the Yelp reviews for the restaurant: anybody with any common sense is going to discount anything, pro or con, posted on or after June 23, 2018. From what I've gathered about the place, it doesn't pour gravy on everything and doesn't have pictures of Dale Earnhardt all over the walls, which means it's probably not going to be of much interest to Trumpkins in Virginia anyway. I'm sure there are local Cracker Barrels that will meet their needs.
First, she doesn't treat everyone with respect; that's obvious from her behavior in her increasingly rare White House briefings.

And second, it's not proper to use your official government account to try to harass an individual business owner.

As far as the Yelp reviews for the restaurant: anybody with any common sense is going to discount anything, pro or con, posted on or after June 23, 2018. From what I've gathered about the place, it doesn't pour gravy on everything and doesn't have pictures of Dale Earnhardt all over the walls, which means it's probably not going to be of much interest to Trumpkins in Virginia anyway. I'm sure there are local Cracker Barrels that will meet their needs.

Yep, there indeed is a Cracker Barrel in Lexington. It was registering no wait time for seating when I looked it up. No mention who they might 86.

First, she doesn't treat everyone with respect; that's obvious from her behavior in her increasingly rare White House briefings.

And second, it's not proper to use your official government account to try to harass an individual business owner.

As far as the Yelp reviews for the restaurant: anybody with any common sense is going to discount anything, pro or con, posted on or after June 23, 2018. From what I've gathered about the place, it doesn't pour gravy on everything and doesn't have pictures of Dale Earnhardt all over the walls, which means it's probably not going to be of much interest to Trumpkins in Virginia anyway. I'm sure there are local Cracker Barrels that will meet their needs.

We could argue about whether the people she deals with at her briefings actually deserve respect. I think journalists are doing the modern American public a horrible disservice. Secondly, Ms. Sanders never talked about this, and probably would not have until a RESTAURANT employee did so first. She understood the restaurant owner's position, she offered to pay for the service she DID receive, and departed the establishment politely without comment or incident. She looks REALLY good in this unfortunate incident.
Mixed view on this. I agree Sanders did good right up to the comment of respecting others (and apparently an expert on government ethics thought she didn't do good at all by posting on it from a government account--but Kellyanne Conway has proved the administration doesn't care about government ethics). She disrespects the free press, she disrespects the truth on demand by a congenital liar, and she is sneery and snarky at best in her job. She's become a real bitch at the podium. So, no I don't agree with her on her displayed regard for others.

And I certainly don't agree with your assessment of the reporters of the free press. If they hadn't been digging at the truth all along, who knows what this corrupt administration would be able to pull off unchallenged. God knows the Republican Congress isn't doing it's balancing responsibility.
I think that the contrast that shows that Sanders is Trumpian disrespectful in her job is the other spokesman, Raj Shah, who seems to do be able to do his job and deliver the distasteful White House positions/messages without being nasty Trumpian. Sanders revels in being nasty Trumpian. DeNiro her when she claims otherwise. It's worse that she's a minister's daughter--although her father isn't a particularly good example of a minister (or of much of anything else).
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I think that the contrast that shows that Sanders is Trumpian disrespectful in her job is the other spokesman, Raj Shah, who seems to do be able to do his job and deliver the distasteful White House positions/messages without being nasty Trumpian. Sanders revels in being nasty Trumpian. DeNiro her when she claims otherwise. It's worse that she's a minister's daughter--although her father isn't a particularly good example of a minister (or of much of anything else).

She's also the daughter of a former governor and one-time presidential contender.